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Cold War 1945 to 1991.

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1 Cold War 1945 to 1991

2 Q. List the following presidents in order from the earliest to the most recent.
a. Kennedy b. Truman c. Johnson d. Eisenhower

3 Q. Who replaced Joseph Stalin as the Soviet leader?
a. Vladimir Lenin b. Nikita Khruschev c. Mikhail Gorbachev d. Leonid Brezhnev

4 Cold War Policies and Events
Definition and Background Ideological Differences Iron Curtain Berlin Airlift Truman Doctrine The Marshall Plan and COMECON Containment NATO and Warsaw Pact

5 Cold War Policies and Events
McCarthyism in US Hungary, 1956 Berlin Wall, 1961 Czechoslovakia, 1968: Prague Spring Brezhnev Doctrine

6 Cold War around the world
China goes Red 1949 Revolution led by Mao Zedong Nationalists (Jiang Jieshi) to Taiwan Great Leap Forward: goals, results Cultural Revolution Chinese get bomb, 1964 Split with Soviets by 1968 UN and US recognition Mao’s death 1976

7 Korean War 1950-53 Division North Korea attacks
UN resolution, intervention Chinese intervention Stalemates, stalled negotiations 54,000 US dead, 2 million Koreans

8 Cold War in Latin America
Many right-wing dictatorships Attractions to revolution by impoverished masses Cuba: Fidel Castro Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis

9 What country was at war with Vietnam from 1946 to 1954?
a. France b. China c. The United States d. Cambodia

10 Vietnam Background French colonial background Japanese in WWII
Ho Chi Minh and Viet Minh fight Japanese returning French US aids Minh vs. Japan, French vs.Minh French Withdraw

11 Vietnam War Geneva Accord 1954 South Vietnam:
Ngo Dinh Diem is PM North Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh Growing Civil war: In South: NLF/Viet Cong Ngo’s popularity declines Coup

12 Vietnam War Growing US involvement in 1960s: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1962: 11,000 1963: 16,000 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Escalation: 1964: 23,000 1965: 200,000 1967: 485,000

13 The defoliant used to clear jungles in Vietnam was called:
a. Purple Haze b. Agent Orange c. Fallout d. Acid Rain

14 Vietnam War Nature of Guerilla Warfare Tet Offensive 1968: Impacts
My Lai Recommended Film: Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam

15 Where is Kent State? a. Illinois b. Florida c. Maryland d. Ohio

16 Ending the War Vietnamization: Bombing of Cambodia and Invasion
1969: 541,000 1970: 335,000 1972: 24,000 Bombing of Cambodia and Invasion Kent State 1973: US out End of War 1975

17 Legacies/Results/Changes/ Impacts of Vietnam War
Deaths and Casualties Immigration to US Disillusionment with gov’t, politics Impact on Foreign Policy Others?

18 Afghanistan 1978 Communists seized power Soviet Union backs it up
100,000 troops deployed Mujahadin guerillas fight for Islam indep of Afghanistan US aid for guerillas Soviets withdraw after 10 years

19 Détente SALT UN Nonproliferation Agreement, 1970
(useful fact sheet, summary) nuclear test ban agreements

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