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Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise

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1 Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise

2 556,000 years of labour per annum
About NHO NHO is Norway's largest business confederation and advocates for stable and competitive business conditions member companies 556,000 years of labour per annum NHO is the mouthpiece for a large community of interest. When a wide range of enterprises stand together, they find it easier to be heard and understood by politicians and the general population. In all parts of the confederation, representatives from the member companies determine the direction of NHO's work. Business leaders sit on boards, councils and committees and ensure that the confederation engages with matters that concern the companies. NHO advocates for stable and competitive business conditions for the companies, and lobbies for the companies' interests in various areas of society.

3 The members in focus As an NHO member, you are part of a large community with extensive experience and huge expertise. NHO central office 13 regional offices 16 sectoral federations NHO – Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise – is an umbrella organisation comprising 16 sectoral federations, 13 regional offices and an office in Brussels. The sectoral federations are sub-divided in turn into various branch associations. NHO, NHO's regional offices and sectoral federations cooperate locally, nationally and internationally to secure good framework conditions and membership benefits for member companies. The NHO confederation makes it possible for business and industry to present a unified and powerful voice across sectors, locally, regionally and nationally. All NHO members are also members of a sectoral federation, which safeguards, in particular, their sectoral interests, and of a regional association, which promotes key business policy matters. NHO central office maintains close dialogue with the political authorities, and works for stable and competitive framework conditions. It is the sectoral federations that mostly provide direct services to member companies. NHO's regional network is in direct contact with local authorities and provides services to the businesses at local level.

4 NHO’s 13 regional offices assist members throughout Norway A unique membership benefit that NHO provides locally. Finnmark Arctic – Finnmark, Troms and Svalbard Nordland Trøndelag Møre and Romsdal Vestlandet – Hordaland, Sogn and Fjordane Innlandet Buskerud Oslo og Akershus Rogaland Vestfold Østfold Telemark Agder NHO’s 13 regional offices assist NHO's members throughout Norway, from Kristiansand in the south to Vadsø in the north. We also have a separate Brussels office. The regional offices address business-policy and labour issues, and provide advice and guidance to members. A list of regional offices is available at

5 The members in focus At NHO we work to improve businesses' framework conditions. It is the member companies' that direct NHO's activities. NHO is the mouthpiece for a large community of interest. When a wide range of enterprises stand together, they find it easier to be heard and understood by politicians and the general population. In all parts of the organisation, representatives from the member companies determine the direction of NHO's work. Business leaders sit on boards, councils and committees and ensure that the organisation engages with matters that concern the companies. The photo is of Kjetil Eriksen, member of NHO and of NHO's small business forum. NHO advocates for stable and competitive business conditions for the companies, and lobbies for the companies' interests in various areas of society.

6 Labour policy Tariffs Business and industry policy and framework conditions Forums and networks Discount schemes and benefits Courses and conferences Employer services The sectoral federations, branch associations and NHO work together to provide services The sectoral federations and branch associations cater for sectoral concerns within these seven areas, and NHO looks after overarching and general interests within these same areas.

7 A sustainable society Value creation creates welfare Profitable businesses create employment. Employment generates income to finance welfare. Sound businesses provide a basis for high living standards in a economically healthy and sustainable society. Profitable businesses create jobs and generate income for society, through the taxes and duties that companies, owners and employees pay that finance our welfare. One essential task for NHO is to highlight the value-creation that takes place in companies. This is done through contact with politicians, partnership agreements between NHO enterprises and schools, cooperation with the employee organisations and a range of other activities, especially in the regional associations.

8 Member benefits As an NHO member, you receive many benefits that create value for your company and employees Expert help on labour issues: NHO assists you as a member on issues concerning the relationship between the company and its employees. NHO's lawyers provide advice and guidance on specific matters relating to tariff agreements, appointments, leave, redundancies, working hours, employment contracts, the Working Environment Act, holidays, national insurance, follow-up of sickness absence, pensions, the working environment and HSE. Competitively priced legal services Through a partnership agreement with law firm Eurojuris Norge and Onsagers, NHO members are offered the first hour of advice free and a discount on commercial law services. Eurojuris has offices in 15 Norwegian towns, and offers all types of legal services. Onsagers are experts in protecting intellectual property rights. Political framework conditions The NHO community is the largest business organisation in Norway. This gives it influence, for your benefit. NHO maintains close dialogue with the political authorities, and works for stable and competitive framework conditions. Courses and conferences As a member of NHO, you can participate in NHO's courses for employers, HR managers, HSE managers etc. Topics include wage issues, employee appraisals and follow-up of sickness absence. For many members, access to handy forums provides a welcome top-up in a busy schedule. Through our seminars and networks, you will meet individuals who share your interests.

9 Member benefits As an NHO member you also get access to services that saves your company time and money. NHO Pension NHO and Storebrand have agreed on a deal for pension provision up to "This is a very good deal for our members", says Kristin Skogen Lund. The NHO Pension costs are considerably below the going market rate. The agreement will suit most NHO member companies and extends the present agreement between NHO and Storebrand. NHO Insurance Tailor-made and excellent terms and conditions. As an NHO member, you can now quickly and easily take out personal, injury and motor insurance. Member companies save on average 20% on their insurance premiums by switching to NHO Insurance. Digital manuals These manuals are easy to set up and edit. All topics is written and automatically updates by NHOs lawers. This ensure the company statutory labor regulations and the price is highly competitive.

10 Pay settlement Defines the framework for pay trends in Norway Ensures predictable pay and working conditions Competitive trends relative to trading partners NHO implements a centralised pay settlement with the employee organisations on behalf of the member companies. We also assist with local pay negotiations. In this way, NHO helps define the framework for pay trends in Norway. Our aim is to ensure that growth in wages and prices does not outstrip the countries we trade with, more flexible working hours schemes and a competitive tax and duty policy.

11 NHO is a respected social partner
An organisation for responsible companies Works to combat corruption and undeclared labour A mark of quality for companies Close dialogue with the authorities NHO is an organisation for responsible and reliable companies. We work to ensure that companies have sound working environments and good working relations. NHO works to combat corruption and undeclared work – and for businesses to be aware of what is improper. We are in dialogue with the authorities, organisations, pressure groups, research environments and others with an interest in corporate social responsibility. In this way, we can help them understand the challenges businesses face, and help businesses understand society's expectations. Whether in relation to the environment, corruption, labour conditions or international human rights, we believe that socially responsible and committed companies are part of the solution!

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