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Infotype Overview.

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1 Infotype Overview

2 Agenda Welcome Introduction of facilitators
Objectives and overview of the course Logistics and expectations Trainer to open up the session going through the agenda and logistics and introducing the facilitators and having the people introduce themselves.

3 Introducing the players
Lead trainer Supporting trainers

4 Infotype Overview Map Infotype Overview Overview Infotypes

5 Infotype Overview Objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to: Explain the critical infotypes Maintain infotypes Define the new terms and concepts associated with infotypes in Personnel Administration Describe the integration points with other SAP modules Explain the difference between transaction codes PA20 and PA30

6 Logistics and Expectations
Training facility information (breaks, lunch, etc.) Cell phones / Blackberrys on silent mode No during training Participate in group activities Respect time frames

7 Overview Infotype Overview Overview Infotypes

8 Overview At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Define the concept of infotype Describe the new terms and concepts related to infotypes

9 The SAP R/3 Integration Model
SD Sales & Distribution FI Financial Accounting MM Materials Mgmt CO Controlling PP Production Planning AA Asset Accounting R/3 Client / Server ABAP QM Quality Mgmt PS Project System PM Plant Main- tenance WF Workflow HR Human Resources IS Industry Solutions This integration model shows the broad range of the SAP system; with Human Resources (HR) as just a small portion of it The overall suite of SAP products is displayed but the specific focus of Project JEM and our training is the Human Resources (HR) module The school boards have previously implemented Financial Accounting and Controlling (FICO),

10 SAP HR Applications In Scope
Human Resources Personnel Administration Time Management Organizational Management Benefits Administration Payroll The overall SAP HR module has many components, or individual applications However, for project JEM and the functional scope being implemented the following applications are relevant: Organizational Management Personnel Administration Benefits Administration Time Management Payroll

11 Employee Life-Cycle Employee Life Cycle Life changes Hiring Separation
Benefits Employee Life Cycle When discussing SAP HR and the functions the school boards will use, it is important to think in terms of an employee life-cycle approach This life-cycle is not just SAP-centric but is a good representation of a general HR lifecycle, from the initial hiring of an employee all the way through to some type of separation (i.e. resignation, termination, retirement, etc.) Additionally, the life-cycle depicts everything in between the hiring and eventual separation Org. Management Compensation / Cost Planning Payroll Time Reporting N S E W Travel

12 What is Personnel Administration?
The Personnel Administration component of the Human Resources Module is used to record, store and maintain HR Master Data. This data ultimately forms the on-line personnel file The purpose of the Personnel Administration process is to ensure that relevant and accurate data about employees is collected, maintained and available for reference Personnel Administration essentially records all changes that happen throughout the employee’s life-cycle: Hiring Org Change Pay Change Termination

13 What is Master Data? Employee master data is the central component of Human Resources and supplies information used by all SAP modules. Master data is a centralized record - created once and then reused and changed throughout the entire system. Master data can be viewed and changed by authorized end users only. Master Data is used to describe the information stored on employees collectively. Each employee’s personnel information is a record within the Master Data.

14 What is an Infotype? All employee master data is stored in electronic records called infotypes. An infotype can be thought of as a piece of paper in an employee’s personnel file. An “information type” or “Infotype” is a grouping of data fields that contain specific employee data Each infotype is viewed as a separate screen in SAP, similar to a page from the employee’s file. An infotype = a screen in SAP = a page in the employee’s file

15 What is an Infotype? Infotypes are identified with 4-digit numbers
(i.e. 0002) is the Infotype number for the Infotype name “Personal Data”. Infotypes have a logical structure: 0000 series contain the infotypes for Personnel Administration Some examples of infotypes: IT0002 – Personal Data IT0006 – Addresses IT0008 – Basic Pay IT0009 – Bank Details

16 Family/Related Persons
What is an Infotype? Family/Related Persons 0021 Objects on Loan 0040 Employee Birth Certificate Employee data is grouped as follows: Individual information, such as last name, first name and date of birth, is defined in data fields. Data fields are grouped into data groups or information units according to their content. In the SAP HR component, these information units are called information types or infotypes for short. The infotype is displayed to the end user in the form of a data entry screen that has data entry logic error checking Personal data is stored in logical groups. For example, place of residence, street and house number make up the employee's address and are stored (together with additional data) in the Address infotype. Infotypes are identified by a four-digit key. The Address infotype, for example, has the key 0006. Personal Data/ Addresses 0002/0006 Organizational Assignment 0001

17 Infotype Subtypes Some infotypes utilize further classifications called subtypes. A subtype is a subdivision of the infotype which stores similar data but for a different purpose For example, Permanent Address, Work Location are subtypes of the Address infotype. Some subtypes in SAP Addresses – permanent, work Family Related person – spouse, child, emergency

18 Subtypes Example Subtypes are separate categories of information that exist within an infotype. For example a subtype of an address could be a temporary address, permanent address, or accommodation provided by the employer.

19 Information Storage The data maintained in an infotype is stored as a record. Each record has a validity period (date range) associated with it, which creates a history. SAP assigns records an end date of December 31, 9999 to avoid expiration. The start date is the effective date an action/infotype begins – ( i.e. the Hire action will have a start date beginning the employee’s first day of work) SAP will automatically assign an end date of XXXX/01/01 9999/12/31 Original Record

20 Delimiting Records Delimiting assigns an end date to a record.
The delimit action preserves the data history. Changed data is stored as a new record in SAP. The new record has a new validity period For illustration: - An employee is Hired January 1, XXXX (Start Date). The employee’s record exists until December 31, 9999. - A new record is created for the employee – An Organizational Change on May 1, XXXX. This will delimit the Hire Action on April 30, XXXX, end the validity period for the Hire action and keep it in history. - The Organizational Change will now exist for the employee from May 1, XXXX until December 31, 9999 - The next action executed for the employee will delimit the Organizational Change validity period and keep it in history and a new start date will exist until “the end of time” - An Action has ended and a new one has begun XXXX/01/01 XXXX/04/30 XXXX/05/01 9999/12/31 New Record

21 Delimiting Records Explain the validity periods (start and end dates) for each action.

22 Master Data Infotypes Master data infotypes are created and maintained during SAP transactions. Some common infotypes are listed below: 0001 Organizational Assignment 0021 Family/Related Persons 0008 Basic Pay 0002 Personal Data 0171 General Benefits Information 0009 Bank Details 0006 Address 0167 Health Plans 0014 Recurring Payments/Deds. 0007 Planned Working Time 0019 Monitoring of Tasks 0015 Additional Payments Some of the Infotypes Covered in this Course Organizational Assignment: represents the corporate structure. Personal Data: represents an employee’s personal information such as name, gender and marital status. Planned Working Time: represents an employee’s work schedule, and employment percent. Recurring Payment/Deductions: is used to set up a payment or deduction from an employee’s pay, it will occur from each pay or over a period of time (example: car allowance – payment, or united way – deduction). Monitoring of Tasks: represents an electronic bring forward system. It enables you to set up a task type and task date for all HR activities and you will be reminded of tasks stored through a report. Family Related Persons: represents information on an employee’s spouse, dependants, emergency contact. Date Specifications: is where all pertinent date information is stored for an employee such as vacation service, seniority date etc. Actions: represents an employee’s history. It provides a history of all the actions and modifications made on an employee’s file (example: increment, leave of absence). 0041 Date Specifications 0016 Contract Elements 2012 Time Transfer Specifications 2002 Attendances 2013 Quota Corrections 2001 Absences

23 Module Review What is the function of the Personnel Administration component of the HR module with respect to HR master data? Explain what an infotype is and provide an example. What does Delimit mean?

24 Answers to Module Review
1. What is the function of the Personnel Administration component of the HR module with respect to HR master data? The Personnel Administration component of the Human Resources Module is used to record, store and maintain HR Master Data. 2. Explain what an infotype is and provide an example. Infotypes are screens on which data is stored. For example, Infotype Personal Data (0002) will store the employee’s name, date of birth, SIN, marital status and gender 3. What does Delimit mean? Delimit is an indication to the system that a validity period has changed. All infotype records have a validity period, which consists of a start and end date. The validity period determines the length of time data and infotype records officially exist within the system

25 Module 2: Infotypes Infotype Overview Overview Infotypes

26 Infotypes At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Define the new terms and concepts related to infotypes Differentiate between transaction codes PA20 and PA30 Describe how infotypes are maintained using create, copy, overview and display.

27 PA20 and PA30 Transaction Codes
The PA20 transaction code is used to display or view employee information. When you are in Display mode the record cannot be modified. This is a read-only view of your employee file and is recommended when the employee record does not need modifications The PA30 transaction code is used to maintain or update and employee information. When you are in Maintain mode the employee infotype record can be viewed as well as updated. PA20 = Display = Read Only PA30 = Maintain = Update

28 Maintaining Infotypes
Changing existing records New records Create Create a new record Blank entry screen Maintain required fields History Copy Full screen from previous record Adapt fields Enter start date Change (= correct) Correct errors Enter missing data in fields No history SAP is date driven. Each time you create, copy or change a record you must enter the effective start date of the change. If you do not change the date the record saves with the date that defaults in that field (usually today’s date). This may not or may not be the effective date for the change. Always think actual dates – what is the actual date this is effective?

29 Accessing HR Master Data
CREATE: Infotype record CHANGE: Correct or change infotype record data DISPLAY: Display a single infotype record Create enables you to enter new data. You create a new record and infotype history is preserved using the appropriate start and end dates for each record. Change enables you to correct an existing record without creating a new one. It is used to overwrite existing infotype records, but not to create new infotype records. Changes to infotype records are not stored in history Display enables you to view an existing record. You cannot change data when you are in a display mode. Overview allow you to display a list of all infotype records, (i.e. all of an infotype’s history) Display a list of records for each infotype OVERVIEW:

30 Accessing HR Master Data
Create a new record or Full screen from previous record COPY DELETE: Delete an infotype record DELIMIT: Delimit an infotype record Copy enables you to create new infotype records while it updates the infotype history. It is important that you enter the effective date for the change. Delete allows you to eliminate a record and no history will be preserved All infotype records have a validity period, which consists of a start and end date. The validity period determines the length of time data and infotype records officially exist within the system. Delimit is an indication to the system that a validity period has changed. Save updates the record after changes or creation. SAVE Each changed or new Infotype record must be saved

31 Effective Dates SAP is date driven. Each time you create, copy or change a record you must enter the effective start date of the change. If you do not change the date the record saves with the date that defaults in that field (usually today’s date). This may or may not be the effective date for the change. Always think actual dates – what is the actual date the change is effective? Emphasize the importance of dates. SAP will usually default “today’s” date, which may or may not be the effective date of the action. Always ask yourself what is the actual date this change is effective?

32 Actions Infotype – IT0000 Personnel Actions are represented by basic personnel procedures within master data administration, such as hiring employees, performing organizational reassignments, and placing an employee on a leave of absence When you execute a personnel action (such as a Hire), a new Action record is created for the specified personnel number Each new personnel action will have a corresponding Action infotype associated with it Examples of Actions: Hiring Org Change Pay Change Termination

33 Actions Infotype – IT0000 Each personnel action that is executed on an employee will also have a reason attached to it For example, if you execute an Organizational Change action on an employee, a new Action record (0000) will be created for your employee, and the reason attached to it may be Position Transfer The Reason for Action describes why the action is being performed on your employee. Some reasons for actions: Hiring – New Position Org Change – Position Transfer Pay Change - Increment Termination - Resignation

34 Demonstration Actions Infotype (IT0000) In this demonstration:
Log into SAP Show the participants PA20 and PA30 – ask them what the differences between the 2 transaction codes are? Select the Actions infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: action type, reason for action, position, personnel area, EE group and subgroup

35 Organizational Assignment Infotype (IT0001)
The Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype deals with the incorporation of the employee into the organizational structure and the personnel structure. This data is very important for the authorization and control of Payroll The organizational assignment determines which data can be entered in which infotypes (such as the Basic Pay infotype: Salary for salaried employees and hourly wage for hourly wage earners). The Organizational Infotype will detail where the employee sits within the corporate strucure

36 Organizational Assignment Infotype (IT0001)
Important new terms associated with an employee’s Organizational Assignment Personnel Area Personnel Subarea Employee Group Employee Subgroup Position number Organizational Unit Business Area Personnel Area: The Personnel Area distinguishes groups of employees based on their union/non-union representation and school board. For example, NSGEU – HRSB; NSTU – CCRSB, CUPE - AVRSB. Personnel Subarea: The Personnel Subarea is a further breakdown of the personnel area and contains the business rules and collective agreement provisions. For example: CUPE – CBVRSB, 10 Month, NSGEU – CCRSB, 10 Month 12. Employee Group: The Employee Group is a grouping of employees based on their relationship to the organization. For example, employees, retiree/pensioner, or board members. Employee Subgroup: The Employee Subgroup is a subdivision of employee groups according to specific attributes. For example, Salary, Hourly, Part-time Salary, Part-time Hourly Position Number: This is a unique identifier number for the position. For example, the position number identifies the position that is occupied by the employee. Organizational Unit: Organizational Unit represents where the position exists within the Organizational Structure. Business Area: The Business Area represents the Organizational unit of financial accounting that represents a separate area of operations. Business areas are used in external segment reporting, over and above company codes. (i.e. Capital, Operating, Trust).

37 Demonstration Organizational Assignment Infotype (IT0001)
In this demonstration: Select the Organizational Assignment infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Personnel Area Personnel Subarea Employee Group Employee Subgroup Position number Organizational Unit Business Area

38 Personal Data Infotype (IT0002)
The Personal Data (0002) infotype stores data for identifying an employee Information stored in this infotype include the employee’s name, date of birth, social insurance number and marital status Information stored in this infotype include the employee’s name, date of birth, social insurance number and marital status

39 Personal Data Infotype (IT0002)
The employee’s marital status will drive the Family Related Persons infotype Example 1: During the Hire Action, if the employee is Single, when the Personal Data infotype is saved, the system directs you to the Family Related Person infotype to enter an Emergency Contact Example 2: During the Hire Action, if the employee is Married, when the Personal Data infotype is saved, the system directs you to the Family Related Person infotype to enter a Spouse then an Emergency Contact On the Personal Data Infotype screen the way the marital status field is filled in will drive the Family Related Person infotype Example1: During the Hire Action, if the employee is Single, when the Personal Data infotype is saved, the system directs you to the Family Related Person infotype to enter an Emergency Contact Example2: During the Hire Action, if the employee is Married, when the Personal Data infotype is saved, the system directs you to the Family Related Person infotype to enter a Spouse then an Emergency Contact

40 Demonstration Personal Data Infotype (IT0002) In this demonstration:
Select the Personal Data infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Sin, Mar. Status, Since, Dependants Change some employee information (like the marital status) using the COPY function Show them the history kept on the employee

41 Addresses Infotype (IT0006)
In the Addresses infotype (0006), you store the address data of an employee The Addresses infotype contains a number of different subtypes that can be recorded for your employee Subtypes are separate categories of information that exist within an infotype. For example a subtype of an address could be a temporary address, permanent address, mailing address or home address In this infotype show the communications field and how you can record an additional phone number like a cell phone

42 Demonstration Addresses Infotype (IT0006) In this demonstration:
Select the Addresses infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Address type, communications Change the employee’s address as if a mistake has been made using the CHANGE function Show the participants the change with no history being kept

43 Break B R E A K Objective Relax and have a coffee

44 Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007)
In this infotype, you define when and where an employee works on a daily basis This is determined by the employee’s work schedule rule Work Schedule Rule The Work Schedule Rule determines the work schedule the employee is working. For example 70.0A, 70hrs in a biweekly period, 7 hours/day, Monday to Friday

45 Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007)
Choosing the correct work schedule for your employee is critical. The work schedule is the driving force behind an employee’s basic pay, biweekly and hourly rates, quotas and the calculation of overtime. Choosing an incorrect work schedule could cause an employee’s pay to be wrong Multi-week work schedules Employment Percentage Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007) In this infotype, you define when an employee works on a daily basis. This is determined by the employee’s work schedule rule. A Daily Work Schedule identifies the duration of work. Choosing the correct work schedule for your employee is critical. The work schedule is the driving force behind an employee’s basic pay, biweekly and hourly rates, quotas, and the calculation of overtime. Choosing an incorrect work schedule could cause an employee’s pay to be wrong. The Time Management Status determines how an employee’s time is evaluated. If the planned working time is altered in any way, the Basic Pay MUST be checked to ensure that the information is synchronized with what exists in Planned Working Time. If you make any changes to an employee’s work schedule, you will receive a warning message to check basic pay.

46 Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007)
The Time Management Status determines how an employee’s time is evaluated Time Evaluation of Planned Times Time Evaluation of Actual Times No time Evaluation Time Evaluation valuates employees’ working times and absence times. Time evaluation calculates planned times and overtime, administrates time accounts and forms wage types, updates time quotas, and is used to check working time specifications Time Evaluation of Planned Times: are negative time recording employees. These employees only have exceptions recorded for them such as sick leave and vacation leave. They do not have their daily hours recorded. For example Salary Teachers. Time Evaluation of Actual Times: are positive time recording employees. These employees will have all time recorded for them. For example, a casual or Long Term Sub employee has all biweekly hours entered and Long Term Sub also has exceptions recorded (ie. Sick, if eligible). No Time Evaluation: no time is required to be entered for this group of employees as time evaluation will not be run for this group. For example a Board Member. Time Evaluation valuates employees’ working times and absence times. Time evaluation calculates planned times and overtime, administrates time accounts and forms wage types, updates time quotas, and is used to check working time specifications.

47 Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007)
If the planned working time is altered in any way, the Basic Pay MUST be checked to ensure that the information is synchronized with what exists in Planned Working Time. If you make any changes to an employee’s work schedule, you will receive a warning message to check basic pay It is very important to emphasize the synchronization of planned working time with basic pay. Changes in one will affect the other. If changes are not made to both, the employee will kick out during the running of payroll.

48 Demonstration Planned Working Time Infotype (IT0007)
In this demonstration: Select the Planned Working Time infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: work schedule rule, time mgmt status, employment % Click the Work Schedule button on the toolbar and explain this is the employee’s monthly work schedule – previous and next buttons

49 Basic Pay Infotype (IT0008)
This is where the employee´s basic pay is stored. You get an overview of the employee´s payroll history using the infotype history Important new terms associated with an employee’s Basic Pay Payscale Type Payscale Area Payscale Group Payscale Level Capacity Utilization Level Work Hours per Period Basic Pay Infotype (IT0008) This is where the employee´s basic pay is stored. You can get an overview of the employee´s payroll history using the basic pay infotype history. Some important new terms associated with an employee’s Basic Pay: Payscale Type: This will default from the position and represents the either the union or non-union affiliation. Payscale Area: This will default from the position and represents the position’s union for NSTU and school board for all other employees. Payscale Group: This is the employee’s classification. This will default from the position. For example, TC5. Payscale Level: This will default from the position. This is where the employee is ranked within their classification. For example, TC5, Level 04. The system will default to the lowest level created on the position. Capacity Utilization Level: This will default from the Planned Working Time infotype. The Capacity Utilization Level defines which percentage of standard working time an employee works. This MUST be synchronized with the employment percentage in the planned working time infotype. Work Hours per Period: This field shows how many hours the employee works in one payroll period. For NSTU this field shows how many days the teacher works in one payroll period. The default value is determined by the Planned Working Time infotype. The system will automatically propose the Pay Scale Type, Area, Group and Level based on the values inherited from the position the employee was hired into. The Level will default to the lowest step in the range specified for the position. If the employee is ranked at a higher step, the Level must be changed. It is important to note that Capacity Utilization Level and Work Hours per Period are linked to IT0007 (Planned Working Time). If an employee’s work schedule rule and employment percentage is altered, the Basic Pay infotype MUST be synchronized to match.

50 Basic Pay Infotype (IT0008)
The system automatically proposes the Pay Scale Type, Area, Group and Level based on the default values set up with the employee’s position. The Level will default to the lowest step in the range. If the employee is ranked at a higher step, the Level can be changed. Capacity Utilization Level and Work Hours per Period are linked to IT0007 (Planned Working Time). The system will automatically propose the Pay Scale Type, Area, Group and Level based on the values inherited from the position the employee was hired into. The Level will default to the lowest step in the range specified for the position. If the employee is ranked at a higher step, the Level must be changed. It is important to note that Capacity Utilization Level and Work Hours per Period are linked to IT0007 (Planned Working Time). If an employee’s work schedule rule and employment percentage is altered, the Basic Pay infotype MUST be synchronized to match.

51 Non-Teacher xxx Cap util. levl (100.00) WkHr / period
(50 hrs bi-weekly) Annualized Salary based on 26 pay periods ($24,960.00) Explain the difference between the 2 annual salaries Hourly rate amount ($19.20) Group / Level Bus DRVR / 01 Actual Annual Salary ($19,584.00)

52 Teacher Cap. util. lvl (80.00) WkHrs/Period (8.0) bi-weekly
Annualized Salary based on 26 pay periods ($45,638.00) Explain the difference between the 2 annual salaries Pay Period Amount ($1,755.32) Group/level TC5 / 09 Actual Annual Salary ($45,638.00)

53 Demonstration Basic Pay Infotype (IT0008) In this demonstration:
Select the Basic Pay infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Payscale Type Payscale Area Payscale Group Payscale Level Capacity Utilization Level Work Hours per Period Next increase date – This field is for automated increments

54 Bank Details Infotype (IT0009)
The Bank Details infotype (0009), stores the employee’s banking information. When you create a new data record, the employee´s name will be taken from the Personal Data infotype (0002) for the payee´s name. The address will be taken from the Addresses infotype (0006). The bank key holds the employee’s bank and transit numbers “T” in the Transfer field means the employee is set up for direct deposit

55 Demonstration Bank Details Infotype (IT0009) In this demonstration:
Select the Bank Details infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: bank key, payment method

56 Recurring Payments/Deductions Infotype (IT0014)
A wage type is how the system stores amounts and time units to process during the payroll run In the Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014), you can enter an amount and/or a value for a wage type that is always paid or deducted during payroll. Recurring payments/deductions are wage elements which are paid or deducted in every payroll period. Some wage types associated with Recurring Payments/Deductions are: Canada Savings Bonds United Way

57 Additional Payments Infotype (IT0015)
Like the Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014), the Additional Payments infotype (0015) uses amounts and/or a values for a wage types that are always paid or deducted during payroll. In contrast, Additional Payments are one-time lump sum payments/deductions Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014) and Additional Payments (0015) infotype are linked Where Recurring Payments are paid or deducted every pay, Additional Payments are one-time payments or deductions. Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014) and Additional Payments (0015) infotype are linked – Certain Wage Types entered in IT0014 will automatically direct you to IT0015 to enter a balance. For example, if there is a payment the employee wishes to have deducted each pay until a goal amount is reached, the wage type (deduction) is entered in IT0014 ($5.00 for United Way) and the system will automatically take you to IT0015 to enter the balance ($500). The employee will pay $5.00 each pay until the goal amount of $500 is reached.

58 Demonstration Recurring Payments/Deductions Infotype (IT0014)
In this demonstration: Select the Recurring Payments infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: wage type, amount, number/unit Select the Additional Payments infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below

59 Contract Elements Infotype (IT0016)
In the Contract Elements infotype (0016), you can store data related to the employee´s employment contract Here is where you can specify the employee’s contract type (ie. Probationary, Casual, Term) and the probationary period (ie. date) Depending on the type of contract, for example, a Term, you must specify the contract’s expiry date Depending on the type of contract, for example, a Term or casual, you can specify the contract’s expiry date. After choosing the contract type a field will appear (valid until) to enter the end date of the contract.

60 Demonstration Contract Elements Infotype (IT0016)
In this demonstration: Select the Contract Elements infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: contract type, probationary period, valid until (ie. for terms)

61 Monitoring of Tasks Infotype (IT0019)
You can create automatic monitoring of tasks for all HR activities that have follow-up activities in the Monitoring of Tasks infotype (0019) Depending on the selected task type, the SAP system proposes a date on which you will be reminded of the stored tasks Some examples of follow up activities are End of Leave, End of Contract, Increment/Merit and Next Appraisal

62 Monitoring of Tasks Infotype (IT0019)
The Monitoring of Tasks enables you to implement the follow-up activities on schedule Some examples of follow up activities are End of Leave, End of Contract, and Increment/Merit A report can be run to monitor the activities entered in this infotype

63 Demonstration Monitoring of Tasks Infotype (IT0019)
In this demonstration: Select the Monitoring of Tasks infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: task type, date of task, reminder date

64 Family Related Person Infotype (IT0021)
You store the employee´s family members as well as other related persons In the Family/Related Person infotype (0021). Some examples of the relation types or subtypes for this infotype are: Spouse Child Emergency Contact Related Person Recall that this infotype is driven by the Personal Data infotype. Depending on the information selected in the Personal Data infotype the appropriate subtype of Family Related Person will appear. For example, if the employee’s marital status = married, the Family Related Person will appear to enter a Spouse.

65 Demonstration Family Related Person Infotype (IT0021)
In this demonstration: Select the Family Related Person infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below – show the subtypes Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: show how to add notes so an employee can have more than phone # for emergency contact

66 Appraisals Infotype (IT0025)
The Appraisals infotype (0025) is used to record ratings or indicate that an appraisal has taken place It is a place to record that an appraisal or record the ratings for an employee

67 Demonstration Appraisals Infotype (IT0025) In this demonstration:
Select the Appraisals infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below – show the subtypes Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: points, appraiser, appraisal date

68 Cost Distribution Infotype (IT0027)
In the infotype Cost Distribution (0027), you can determine how costs for an employee are to be distributed to different account assignment objects or cost centers The cost assignments for an employee must = 100%. It could be 100% to the master cost center, or 50% to the master and 50% to another cost center

69 Demonstration Cost Distribution Infotype (IT0027)
In this demonstration: Select the Cost Distribution infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below – show the subtypes Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Cocd, Cost ctr, Order, Pct

70 Internal Data (IT0032) In the infotype Internal Data (IT0032) it stores the Professional Number of NSTU employees. This infotype is part of the Hire Action.

71 Demonstration Internal Data Infotype (IT0032) In this demonstration:
Select the Internal Data infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below Show the infotype using Display Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: NSTU Professional Number (Teaching License)

72 Objects on Loan Infotype (IT0040)
In the infotype Objects on Loan (0040), you can record what company assets an employee has received on loan. Subtypes are used to differentiate between the different objects on loan Keys Clothing Tools Laptop Cell Phone An employee may have more than one objects on loan created for them. Create as many as you need for your employees in PA30.

73 Demonstration Objects on Loan Infotype (IT0040) In this demonstration:
Select the Objects on Loan infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below – show the subtypes Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Object on loan

74 Date Specifications Infotype (IT0041)
The infotype Date Specifications (0041) is where all pertinent date information is stored for an employee Date types are used to specify the type of information stored Some examples of Date types are: Vacation Service Seniority Benefits Eligibility Technical Date of Entry (Hire Date) Vacation Service Date: This date is used to determine and generate the employee’s vacation entitlement or determine the % vacation pay an employee is due based on collective agreements. Whether an employees gets quota or are paid a percentage, it doesn't matter which, they must have a vacation service date otherwise time evaluation will issue an error. Vacation entitlements are generated at the beginning of the entitlement year and time of hire. If an employee has prior service the vacation service date needs to be manually adjusted. If the employee experiences a loss of vacation service the vacation service date needs to be manually adjusted. For instance, upon return from an unpaid leave resulting in a loss of service, the HR user must manually update the date by adding an appropriate number of days/months/years to the date. For example, if an employee’s vacation service date is equal to 2000/05/01 prior to going on unpaid leave and if the leave is 6 months in duration, upon the employee’s return to work, the date must be changed to 2000/11/01 resulting in a loss of service of 6 months. Seniority Date: This is the effective date of Seniority applied to a unionized employee for purpose of Layoff and/or Recall. Benefits Eligibility Date: This is the first date of eligibility for an employee’s benefits (Medical/Dental, Group Assurance, and Pension). Technical Date of Entry: This is the date the employee was hired for the last period of continuous employment.

75 Date Specifications Infotype (IT0041)
There are occasions where an employee’s date type(s) may need to be modified (ie. a leave of absence affecting vacation service) The adjustments are manually calculated and modified in the respective Date type A note can be attached to the employee’s file detailing the cause, reason and calculation for the adjustment The Notes will be especially important to detail why dates have been modified for your employees. It is a must that the HR professional keep notes for this infotype.

76 Demonstration Date Specifications Infotype (IT0041)
In this demonstration: Select the Date Specification infotype – using the button to the left and show the Infotype field below – show the date types Show the infotype using Display and Overview – explain the difference between them Explain the fields displayed in this infotype: Vacation Service Seniority Benefits Eligibility Technical Date of Entry (Hire Date) Show how to attach a note to explain changes in dates

77 Module Review 1. Explain the importance of the Organizational Assignment infotype 2. Why is it so important to choose the correct Work Schedule on the Planned Working Time infotype? 3. How are the Planned Working Time infotype and the Basic Pay infotype linked? 4. When would you use Display (PA20) over Maintain (PA30) HR Master Data? 5. Explain the difference between Create, Change and Copy. Give examples.

78 Answers to Module Review
1. Explain the importance of the Organizational Assignment infotype The Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype deals with the incorporation of the employee into the organizational structure and the personnel structure.This data is very important for the authorization and control of Payroll. The organizational assignment determines which data can be entered in which infotypes (such as the Basic Pay infotype: Salary for salaried employees and hourly wage for hourly wage earners) 2. Why is it so important to choose the correct Work Schedule on the Planned Working Time infotype? Choosing the correct work schedule for your employee is critical. The work schedule is the driving force behind an employee’s basic pay, biweekly and hourly rates, quotas and the calculation of overtime. Choosing an incorrect work schedule could cause an employee’s pay to be wrong.

79 Answers to Module Review
3. How are the Planned Working Time infotype and the Basic Pay infotype linked? If the planned working time is altered in any way, the Basic Pay MUST be checked to ensure that the information is synchronized with what exists in Planned Working Time. If you make any changes to an employee’s work schedule, you will receive a warning message to check basic pay. It is important to note that Capacity Utilization Level and Work Hours per Period are linked to IT0007 (Planned Working Time). If an employee’s work schedule rule and employment percentage is altered, the Basic Pay infotype MUST be synchronized to match 4. When would you use Display (PA20) over Maintain (PA30) HR Master Data? Display (PA20) is for viewing employee information. When you are in Display mode the record cannot be modified. Maintain (PA30) is for updating and maintaining employee information.

80 Answers to Module Review
5. Explain the difference between Create, Change and Copy. Give examples. Create enables you to enter new data. You create a new record and infotype history is preserved using the appropriate start and end dates for ach record. Change enables you to correct an existing record without creating a new one. It is used to overwrite existing infotype records, but not to create new infotype records. Changes to infotype records are not stored in history. Copy enables you to create new infotype records while it updates the infotype history. It is important that you enter the effective date for the change

81 Review of Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you should be able to: Explain the critical infotypes Maintain infotypes Define the new terms and concepts associated with infotypes in Personnel Adminstration Describe the integration points with other SAP modules Explain the difference between transaction code PA20 andPA30

82 Evaluation Please complete the course evaluation sheets.
Your input will help to shape future enhancements in the SAP R/3 Training Program for the school boards.

83 Demonstration and Practice

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