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Know the Learners: What all educators should know

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Presentation on theme: "Know the Learners: What all educators should know"— Presentation transcript:

1 Know the Learners: What all educators should know
Druid Hills Academy February 13, 2013 Kimarcus Z. Lockhart

2 That’s the Story of My Life!
Directions Take a sheet of chart paper and fold it into quarters ( so it’s shaped like a book) Front Cover Write the title of your story Page 2 (inside of front cover) List an index of your life including: Date and place of birth Family information (siblings, pets, significant others, children) Favorite hobby, sport, or interest Favorite quote, phrase or joke Most exciting moment Most embarrassing moment Things that make you unique

3 That’s the Story of My Life!
Page 3 Draw a picture of your perfect day Back Cover Draw a picture of your future (family, where you are living, what you are doing) Support Strategies & Modifications Share an exemplar Provide a brainstorming worksheet to be completed before making the book Allow students to bring in cultural artifacts and pictures Provide other materials for students with fine motor concerns such as magazine pictures, rubber stamps, clip-art images Ideas for using this activity in your classroom…

4 WHO DO YOU SERVE? Matching Activity

5 Implications for Instruction
All students must be reached regardless of academic, social, and developmental levels All students can not receive the same instruction, for the same amount time, in the same way All students can not continue receiving all whole group instruction or only grouped homogeneously

6 Content What you teach and expect students to learn
Curriculum Compacting Varied texts and resource materials Learning Contracts Mini-lessons

7 Curriculum Compacting
Modify or “streamline” the curriculum to allow students to move at a quicker pace Allow students to pursue and alternative topic or go into greater depth in an area of study Steps: Provide an formal or informal assessment to determine readiness/mastery Skills that have not been mastered are addressed through an individualized course of action which could include additional class work, homework, or participation in whole group activities Independent Study is designed to be completed while other students are working on other skills Progress should be noted on a Student Progress Sheet

8 Student Progress Log

9 Varied Texts and Resource Materials
Use a variety of texts on multiple grade levels Increase the use of supplemental materials

10 Learning Contracts A negotiated agreement between students and teachers that provides students freedom to acquire skills


12 Mini-lessons Target readiness, interests, and learning profiles by re-teaching a portion of the content while hosting other activities to extend learning for others

13 Your turn…

14 Q & A Ticket Out

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