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SMOA XMPP Pidgin (Jabber/XMPP) Plugins for SMOA Notification

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Presentation on theme: "SMOA XMPP Pidgin (Jabber/XMPP) Plugins for SMOA Notification"— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOA XMPP Pidgin (Jabber/XMPP) Plugins for SMOA Notification
Bartek Bosak, Krzysztof Kurowski, Michał Witkowski, Jakub Misiorny

2 Motivation – Product for End Users
SMOA Notification is a very powerful system, unfortunetly it doesn't have any Graphical User Interface suitable for the non-technical End User. Such interface is essential if SMOA Notification is to be deployed on a large scale. Presented plugins were created to satisfy this need.

3 Problems/Compromises/Technology
Essenital feature of such GUIs is portability. Pidgin as a cross-platform, stable Jabber/XMPP Internet Messenger has been selected as development platform. Pidgin is written in Gimp Utility Toolkit+ therefore our software is naturally based on GTK+. Pidgin team developed IM library named libpurple. Our plugins conform to the standard presented in libpurple manuals, and so they will work in every IM based on libpurple (for example on mobile devices)

4 Why Jabber/XMPP? Jabber/XMPP was chosen as a communication protocol because of the following properties: - Jabber IMs are already widely present in companies/homes as a means of communication (users will just have to install the plugin in their IM) - It does not require any additional ports open or firewall rules - Easy and secure - authentication of JIDs is already handled by the XMPP server using SASL, all traffic can be encrypted using SSL or TLS

5 Configuration Files The above, default and expert subscriber window can be... ...into easier, more human readable form, by configuration files, which can be supplied by the notification system administrators.

6 Current state SMOA XMPP Plugins current features:
- highly configurable Publisher/Subscriber modules (most of the interface is described in the xml-configuration files delivered by the administrators) - XSLT processing of the incoming notification – fully customizable notification display - All the features of SMOA-Notification (ver. 1.1) implemented. - All planned features ( and more ) from January/September implemented

7 Future work Work is basically done, all is needed now is lots of testing and some minor bugfixes. Other imaginable goals could be: - testing on other platforms (while Pidgin is portable, for example to MS Windows, it involves some work to get i up and running) - ports to other Jabber/XMPP communicators (Psi, Adium,...) - integration with some social-platfrom (saving history of the notification, maybe some social-platform-specific features in the module)

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