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Presentation on theme: "Conditionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditionals

2 There are three types of Conditionals
Plus zero type

3 Conditional type one We use the conditional type one to tell about actions that may happen in the Future

4 Example: If it is warm enough tomorrow we will go for a walk.
If subject Vs\es, subject will V

5 We use the conditional type two when we speak about unreal present

6 If It were warm today, we would go for a walk
Example: If It were warm today, we would go for a walk If past simple, would V

7 To make your speech more vivid you can use the structures:
If only… I wish… If I were you…

8 If only It was warm enough now
I wish it was warm now If I were you, I wouldn’t complain so much, you can’t change the weather.

9 Conditional type three
We use the conditional type three when we speak about actions that were unreal in the past

10 If only It had been warm enough yesterday
I wish it had been warm yesterday If I were you, I wouldn’t have complained so much, you can’t change the weather.

11 If it had been warm yesterday, we would have gone for a walk.
Example: If it had been warm yesterday, we would have gone for a walk. If past perfect, would + have Ved\VIII

12 Zero type Conditional We use the zero type conditional when we speak about truth that is evident and impossible to ague.

13 Example: If you heat water till 100 C°, it boils.

14 If you get enough vitamins, you will stay healthy.
If I were underweight, I would it more carbohydrates. If I were you, I would see a dietician. If she hadn’t had to work late, she would have cooked dinner. If you throw the stone, it falls to the ground. If wish I hadn’t eaten so much spicy food.

15 The Happy End

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