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My Book of Spain Spain / Espana WORD SEARCH To make this book:

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1 My Book of Spain Spain / Espana 9 2 7 4 WORD SEARCH To make this book:
Cut along the dotted lines so you have three panels Fold each panel along the solid line. Place the panels inside each other so that the page numbers read from 1 to 10. Once the pages are in order, staple the outside of the book so the panels do not fall out. Write your name on the cover. Color, Read and Have Fun! My Book of Spain Name/Nombre: 9 2 WORD SEARCH Adios Atlantic Espana Europe Guitar Hola Islands Madrid Ole Peninsula Spain is located on the Southwest of the European continent called the Iberian Peninsula. Spain is surrounded by water on three sides. Spain also has islands in the Mediterranean Sea called the Balearic Islands, land in Northern Africa (Ceuta & Melilla) and Volcanic Islands in the Atlantic near the coast of Africa called Canary Islands 7 Basic Pronunciation of Castilian Spanish 4 Spain is a musical nation! Famous for dances like Flamenco, Fandango, Boleros. Most dances include guitars, castanets, violins, heel stomping, hand clapping and finger snapping. In some regions of Northern Spain they play the bagpipes and harps The bullfight is considered more of an art than a sport which embodies bravery and honor. A matador fights a pound bull and if the crowd approves of the performance they shout “OLE!” Similar to Bravo! Soccer is the National Sport and is called Futbol. Say a as in car. Say e as in egg. Say i as the vowel sound in see. Say o as in store. Say u as the vowel sound in chew. Never pronounce the letter h. Both j and x sound like the English h. Say ll as the y in you Say n as the ny sound in canyon When c or z are followed by an e or i it sounds like th.

2 The Flag of Spain 1 B P S D H L G A E O R U I T N M C 10 Red Gold The Spanish Flag consists of three stripes (red gold and red) and the coat of Arms, which includes symbols of Aragon, Castile, Leon, Navarre and Granada, five important provinces of Spain.. 3 8 Spain is smaller than Texas and a bit larger than California. 44 million people live in Spain which is twice the population in all of Texas Madrid is the capital of Spain located in the center of the country and approximately 6 million people live there. Four languages are spoken in Spain but the official language is Castilian Spanish The Spanish alphabet has 4 additional letters than our 26. They are ch, ll, n, and rr. Ole! 5 Under King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella the lberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) became known as the Kingdom of Espana and excluded Portugal. Christopher Columbus believed the world was round unlike most people who believed it was flat and wanted to reach the East by going West. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave Christopher Columbus three ships, money and a crew after his idea was rejected by Kings from Portugal, England and France. The three ships were named, Nina, Pinta and Santamaria 6 In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He took three ships with him, too, And called aboard his faithful crew. Mighty, strong and brave was he As he sailed across the open sea. Some people still thought the world was flat! Can you even imagine that?

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