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What year was the battle at granicus?

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1 What year was the battle at granicus?
After what small battle did Alexander disband his fleet? What year was the battle at Issus? What confusion happened before the battle at Issus? What did Darius do at the end of the battle at Issus? What did Darius leave behind, that Alexander kept after the battle of Issus? What year was Tyre? What did Alexander do to attack Tyre? Why did he want to attack Tyre? How long did the seige of Tyre take?

2 Answers What year was the battle at granicus? 334 BC
After what small battle did Alexander disband his fleet? Miletus What year was the battle at Issus? 333BC What confusion happened before the battle at Issus? Darius had a spot at Sochi. Alexander was camped at Mallus. Alexander went to meet Darius at his spot. Darius moved. Darius found Alexanders’ sick & wounded troops at Issus and killed them. Alexander quickly hurried back when he found out. What did Darius do at the end of the battle at Issus?ran away as he feared for his life What did Darius leave behind, that Alexander kept after the battle of Issus?his family What year was Tyre?332 What did Alexander do to attack Tyre? Built a mole Why did he want to attack Tyre? They didn’t let him sacrifice to hercules & it was another port he wanted to over take. How long did the seige of Tyre take? 7 months Answers

3 Military matters/ the battles
Gaugamela 331 BC

4 ..\..\..\..\..\MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\Alexander the Great defeats Darius at Gaugamela.flv

5 Darius III, King of Persia
Gaugamela 331 BC Darius had assembled a huge army from all the Persian nationalities (Indians, Scythians and Bactrians) Estimates range from 200,000 to a million infantry and 45,000 to 100,000 cavalry 200 scythed chariots 15 elephants Alexander had about 40,000 men Darius III, King of Persia B.C.

6 Gaugamela Darius drew his army upon a large plain near Gaugamela
The ground was carefully leveled, obstacles removed, and brush cut down to allow free movement of his chariots and horses Darius wanted to lure Alexander into a battlefield of his own choosing so Darius could employ his masses Scythed chariot

7 Gaugamela Darius feared a night attack and kept his men alert all night. Alexander let his men rest and sleep & fed them well. When Alexander did attack the next day, Darius’ men were tired ..\..\..\..\MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\Alexander the Great defeats Darius at Gaugamela.flv



10 Gaugamela The Persians lost 40,000 to 90,000 The Macedonians only 500

11 Alexander’s skills that won the battle:
The military genius of Alexander “The Persians still relied on multitudes. Alexander was introducing new tactics.” Theodore Dodge, Alexander the Great, 385. Flying column reserves The wedge to penetrate an opening Striking not merely with mass but at the right place and time All around security Discipline of troops Ability to determine the enemy weakness and seize opportunity rapidly

12 After Gaugamela Alexander chased Darius through the night but failed to capture or kill him. Darius headed for Media. Later, Alexander heard that Darius’ had been placed under arrest by Bessus. Alexander raced to try and catch them. But Darius had already been murdered by Nabarzanes and Barasaentes. (2.05) Alexander became Darius’ successor and was now King of Persia...\..\..\..\MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\alexander\(Darius Dies) 13.flv

13 Alexander catches up with the mortally wounded King Darius Illustrated Persian manuscript of the Shah-nâme (Book of Kings) ca. 1600

14 Tomb of Darius I, ca. 500 BC, at Nagsh i Rustam

15 Read Paul Artus p.62 ‘Burning of persepolis’ Summarise the information on Persepolis for your notes.

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