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Student Affairs Constituent Group

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Presentation on theme: "Student Affairs Constituent Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Affairs Constituent Group
David Sweeney – Texas A&M University

2 Hot Topics This Year Big Data a la Student Affairs Common Good Services Title IX DCL Business Relationship Management

3 Big Data a la Student Affairs
HE is focusing on Big Data to assess factors that increase recruitment, retention, 4-year graduation, etc. Companies like Civitas promise to facilitate data-crunching, but they want everything How can Student Affairs data complete the picture? Are we at the table? Questions: How many of you have institutional-level data analytics initiatives going on? How many of you have been asked (or have volunteered) to integrate SA data into the effort? Factors of Interest: On-Campus Housing Organizational Engagement Discipline Recreation Orientation Learning Communities

4 Three Analytical Models
Descriptive Analytics Predictive Analytics Prescriptive Analytics Triggers Association Assessment Daniel, B. (2015). Big data and analytics in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. British Journal of Educational Technology. 46(5).

5 Common Good Services Movement of common good services to;
Central IT (insourcing) External Vendors (outsourcing) Cloud Services For those SA IT orgs that have infrastructure, what is our value proposition? What place does Domain Specific Knowledge play in our value proposition? Questions: How many of you have Central IT orgs that run ALL of your infrastructure and networking? How many have 100% centralized IT Service Desk? How many of your believe that our domain specific knowledge provides value to our supported areas?

6 Title IX Dear Colleague Letter (2015)
Designation of a Title IX Coordinator Visibility Training and Reporting Questions -Has your institution addressed requirements of the new DCL? -How many of you have technology mediated reporting systems? -How many of your are training the campus community with online systems?

7 Business Relationship Management
Providing expertise, analysis, and facilitation to supported units Building the Relationship Increasing Alignment with Business Strategy Order Taker -> Advisor -> Collaborator

8 Congruence of Factors Creating Opportunity
Value Proposition Business Relationship Focus on Analytics Domain Specific Knowledge Shift to Common Good

9 Help Us Improve and Grow
Thank you for participating in today’s session. We’re very interested in your feedback. Please take a minute to fill out the session evaluation found within the conference mobile app, or the online agenda.

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