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FY14 Budget and Caseload Update Fiscal Committee May 5, 2014

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1 FY14 Budget and Caseload Update Fiscal Committee May 5, 2014

2 FY14 Caseload Review The CNS and SEIU rate increases were applied this month. The increase to the FY2014 budget has been incorporated into the caseload forecasts. The additional funding may be contributing to the surplus increase in the DTA and Income Eligible Accounts. Waitlist Remediation Initiative Status: As of April 25th the CCRRs are reporting there are 3100 children with active placements. The CCRRs have been instructed to discontinue placing additional children as we assess the backfilling policy for the FY15 impact and current surplus. The surplus increased $1.38M to $1.76M. The projection assumes that the 3,100 children will be maintained for the remainder of FY2014. Income Eligible: We project a surplus of approximately $7.1M for IE (including the Waitlist Remediation surplus of $1.7M), a increase of $1.9M compared to last month of $5.2M. Vouchers: The CCRRs have been instructed to discontinue placing additional children as we access the backfilling policy for the FY15 impact and current surplus As of April 25th, the CCRRs have placed 2,033 of the total allotment (1,866) or 108.9%. The projection assumes the caseload will remain flat (excluding late billing) for the remainder of FY2014. Contracts: The projected surplus is dependent upon the contract providers achieving maximum obligation or filling all their slots for the remainder of the year. Currently, of all contracts slots available (regular and flex), only 90.6% are filled.

3 FY14 March Caseload Review
DTA-Related Caseload: After nine months of actual numbers, EEC is forecasting a surplus of $3.8M, an increase of approximately $800K when compared to last month ($3.0M). March billed caseload reflects a net decrease (25) when compared to February. Supportive Caseload: Expenditures have increased due to the use of expansion slots; EEC is monitoring this closely. We are at 108% utilization as of the end of April. The forecast builds in the increase from 104% (March 2014) to 108% through the end of FY2014. EEC is reporting a deficit of approximately $905K. Access to expansion slots continues to allow for more children to be served in areas where there is the capacity and the need. Part Time Rate Increase : The part-time increase is effective July 1, 2014.

4 CCRR Voucher Allotment Weekly Results

5 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary As of March 2014

6 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary As of February 2014

7 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary As of December 2013 and January 2014

8 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary October and November 2013

9 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary August and September 2013

10 FY 2013 Income Eligible ( )

11 FY 2013 Waitlist Remediation (3000-4070)

12 FY 2014 DTA ( )

13 FY 2013 Supportive ( )

14 FY13/14 Caseload By Account

15 FY13/14 IE Contract Slots - Regular and Flex
As of May 1, the number of open slots has decreased by 33 (1527 vs.1494). The percentage of slots open is 10.29%. Including the flex slots used, the contract providers have a 9.36% vacancy rate. In comparison to last year the vacancies have increased by 2.23%. On average, for the past 12 months the contract providers contract slots have been 88.90% filled, with a peak occupancy of 91.87% at the end of May 2013 and the lowest occupancy at 83.08% at the end of August 2013. Data Report created on April 1, 2014 Total Awarded Slots is 14,516 and Allowable Flex Slots is 836. 315 of the 350 additional contract slots awarded have been filled. 18 Vendors representing 19 contracts are Over 5% Flex **No. of children filling slots may be greater than slots awarded. Total awarded slots for Homeless is 693 and Teen 506. - Homeless: filled 555, open 138 - Teen: filled 408.5, open 97.5

16 Caseload Waitlist: 04/2013 -05/2014
Data Report created on May 1, 2014 ** Excludes Unborn children, Children 13 or older, “0” zip codes and towns out of state .

17 Archived and Reactivated Children on Waitlist
Number of Archived and Reactivated Children on Waitlist Data Report created on April 1, 2014 Net change for number of children archived/reactivated to date in April: 1,339 April Total archived children: 1,475 representing 1,061 families. April Total reactivated children: 136 representing 97 families. ** Note: User is defined as EEC, CCR&R or Contract Provider July excludes 7/25/2013; significant auto-archiving occurred, archived children system: 12,789 and archived children user: 9896

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