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Sci 10 – Class Starter Please hand in your Plate Movement Assignment at the front of the room Collect a “What we have learned so far…” Quiz from the front.

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Presentation on theme: "Sci 10 – Class Starter Please hand in your Plate Movement Assignment at the front of the room Collect a “What we have learned so far…” Quiz from the front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sci 10 – Class Starter Please hand in your Plate Movement Assignment at the front of the room Collect a “What we have learned so far…” Quiz from the front In Pairs work your way through the 8 questions: You have 8 minutes.

2 Sci 10 – Class Starter List all pieces of evidence that supports the theory that the continents were once joined as a supercontinent. Shape, Connecting mountain ranges, Age of rocks, Glaciers, Fossils plant/animal List 2 pieces of geological evidence for Plate Tectonic Theory Magnetic Striping and Age of the Seafloor What are the three ways in which tectonic plates interact at plate boundaries. What are the symbols on a plate tectonic map? (Hint: use your Data Booklets)

3 Sci 10 – Class Starter

4 Sci 10 – Class Starter What are the three forces that provide the mechanism for plate movement? Mantle convection: Plates pushed in a similar way to a conveyer belt Ridge Push: As new magma cools it increases in density and pushes the plates to each side Slab pull: As plates are subducted convection currents and gravity pull the plate down What type of boundary (divergent, convergent or transform) and what types of plate interaction (oceanic and continental) leads to land mountain formation? Convergent + Continental-Continental Plate Boundary What type of boundaries do rifts form? Divergent plate boundaries (continental-continental) What type of boundaries do trenches form? Convergent plate boundaries (oceanic-continental or oceanic-oceanic)

5 Volcano Mini-Lab Please collect a ruler and the Lab handout from the front of the room Work with one other person in the class to complete the table and the 4 questions on the back The Mini-Lab is due at the end of class

6 Homework: Next Class: Checkpoint Chap 17 + 18.1
Read CYU 17.4 Q’s 2, 6-8, 11-13 Read CYU 18.1 Q’s 5-7, 9 Chapter 17 Review: p. 514 Q’s 1-3, 5-9, 11-14, 18,19 Next Class: Checkpoint Chap

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