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What we will do What we will learn 13Px 22 Mahuru 2017

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1 What we will do What we will learn 13Px 22 Mahuru 2017
Preliminaries and roll How to kick off well Examine another apparent failure of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law The word “apparent” is important Examine voltage across and current “through” an inductor AND for a resistor Examine moment-by-moment voltages and currents Extend the above to a phasor diagram How to make a simpler picture of a complex situation Use the phasor diagram to resolve the apparent failure of the Voltage Law That Kirchhoff’s Law always applies in a closed circuit HRT, HW help and HW marking PLUS a schedule for next week How to make it to the 20th of November on time AND get a backup grade via a test in case of misfortune on 20th of November

2 HW item Skills practiced Elex: Pages 198 - 201
Due Friday, the 15th of Sept 2017 Transient currents and voltages in LR DC circuits Elex: Pages Inductors in DC circuits Elex: Pages Due Thursday, the 21st of Sept 2017 A.C. and R.M.S. Elex: Pages Due Monday, the 25th of Sept 2017 Reactance for AC in capacitors Elex: Page 213 Due Friday, the 29th of Sept 2017 (last day of term III) Reactance for AC in inductors Elex: Page 215 & 216 Phase difference in CR circuits Elex: Page 218 & 219 Phase difference in LR circuits

3 Homework Marking No. of marks What for 1
Having sketches & FULL working for all Neat presentation and down-page format Answer underlined and units given Self marked and all correct – eventually In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports

4 Day & Date Plan for the lesson Monday, 25 Sept 17 Lesson cancelled because of the Haka Competition Tuesday, 26 Sept 17 Impedance and phase in an LCR circuit Wed, 27 Sept 17 No physics as it is day 6 of the cycle Thurs, 28 Sept 17 Resonance in LCR circuits with a forcing voltage Friday, 29 Sept 17 The End of Topic Test on Electrical Systems.






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