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Event Name Here Customs Transformation 18 October 2017

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1 Event Name Here Customs Transformation 18 October 2017
8/2/2018 Customs Declaration Services Programme (CDS) Automated Customs and International Trade Association (ACITA) Customs Transformation 18 October 2017 Project Name: HMRC v1.8

2 Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Why replace CHIEF? Old technology – expensive and difficult to make changes Create a more flexible and efficient service. Better able to handle future changes and increasing volumes – even more important following EU referendum. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

3 Strategic Alignment UCC alignment – gives the trade facilitations that UK business wanted. Opportunities to align Customs systems with wider HMRC infrastructure and take advantage of economies of scale. Customs end users can take full advantage of Making Tax Digital and Business Tax Account developments to improve customer experience. Creation of component based architecture will allow UK systems to remain flexible and efficient.

4 Event Name Here 8/2/2018 CHIEF to CDS Key differences – UCC Data Changes Alignment with International Standards : EU Customs Data Model (CDM). Increased number of items per declaration (implications for SLAs). Rationalisation of Customs Procedure Codes. An audit trail of previous document IDs. Data about additional party types (eg Buyer, Seller): need to be clear on when data must be supplied, and default values when data is not available. Provision for extra commercial references / tracking numbers. Harmonised EU Customs Office List. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

5 CHIEF to CDS Key differences - UCC Data Changes
Event Name Here 8/2/2018 CHIEF to CDS Key differences - UCC Data Changes Alignment to International Standards : EU Customs Data Model (CDM). We will have harmonised: Location of Goods identification (based on UNLOCODE). Warehouse Type code list. Method of Payment codes. Unit of Quantity codes (ISO). Item Tax Lines and which data items have to be explicitly declared and which can be derived by CDS or Tariff Levelling – change for some data items between Header and Item. Project Name: HMRC v1.8


7 Trade Documentation List
Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Trade Documentation List List of documentation and specifications required created in collaboration with stakeholders. Identified and validated a list of 15 documents that are required to support software development. All documentation now released apart from the CPC/Tariff guidance which is due in early November this year. Details are hosted on Google Drive. Next steps - to check no additional specifications or schemas required. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

8 Customer Transition Transition: the period between delivery of first live CDS functionality until 100% customer take-up The transition period is expected to be around 6 months. We aim to give as much flexibility as possible as to when and how stakeholders migrate. Commercial software and/or IT service providers will manage the roll-out of their updated software and transition of their customer base. HMRC will review stakeholder plans and transition approaches to stagger take-up and manage the risk of multiple late transitions – mutually agreed entry criteria will be key to approval.

9 Transition Strategy - Key Principles
Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Transition Strategy - Key Principles Focused migration strategy with CSPs, fast parcel operators and software developers. Front-end changes to feeder systems will be managed by software developers. Software developers will manage the roll-out and migration of their own customers Timetable for take-up to be agreed across a phased transition Project Name: HMRC v1.8

10 Transition Strategy - Key Principles
Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Transition Strategy - Key Principles No migration of in flight transactions/declarations due to data conversion complexity. What starts on CHIEF ends on CHIEF. Once migrated, a customer will remain on CDS unless in a formal fall- back situation. Dual running and dual data capture are supported. Multi-channel support for industry is available from the start of cutover. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

11 Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Our Delivery Approach Completed functionality will be passed into trade test in a series of tranches of increasing scope offering stakeholders the opportunity to test their software. The content of each tranche is being shaped and will be shared with stakeholders. The first trade test environment opens in December 2017 and 5 software developers have committed to taking part. Alongside the trade test tranches we will enact a number of dry run rehearsals on the cutover and migration activities. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

12 Our Delivery Approach Following completion of trade test activity we will go live with CDS to dual run alongside CHIEF. Once dual running is operational we will begin to migrate customers. There will be a gradual ramp-up of volume on CDS to allow us to safely migrate to the new live service.

13 Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Engagement Plan We are reviewing and developing our engagement and communication plans based on feedback we have received. Our engagement includes: Engaging with trade groups like yourselves to provide regular progress updates. Updates on progress being shared at the Joint Customs Consultative Committee (JCCC). Linking into other Government engagement to join up where possible. Technical workshops with CSPs, software developers and other stakeholder groups. Providing leads where needed to support those who need to develop software solutions to support transition plans. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

14 Trade Facing Support Model
Complexity Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Trade Facing Support Model Industry Business as usual support model Importers / Exporters Freight Agents Logistics Providers Inventory Providers - GOV.UK - Virtual Assistant - Web chat - - Phone call Self-help capabilities 24x7 Multi-functional business and IT helpdesk Resolver team – technical issue Ticket (triage) Resolver team – Business issue Issue resolved Software Developers CSPs Resolver team – C&M issue Dedicated Cutover and Migration Trade Support Team SPOC for CSPs, software developers, fast parcel operators & large companies Fallback and rollback support Training and webinars Web chat Transitional Cutover and Migration enhanced support model - Provided by CDS as additional resource Project Name: HMRC v1.8

15 Accessing customs registration forms – The Current Process
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Accessing customs registration forms – The Current Process Customers who need an Economic Operator Registration Identifier can currently register from site. Processing this i-form and allocating the EORI number to a customer takes 3 days. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

16 Event Name Here 12/02/2007 The new CDS experience The new service will adopt the standard. It will be able to provide an applicant with an EORI number in around 10 minutes. Customers will also be able to carry out other activities such as register for simplifications, check the tariff and access associated customs guidance. Project Name: HMRC v1.8

17 Potential impact of Brexit on CDS
Event Name Here 8/2/2018 Potential impact of Brexit on CDS We plan to start the transition of all users from CHIEF to CDS in August 2018 to ensure everyone is moved to the new service before we leave the EU on 29 March 2019. If the CDS service is not fully available we will extend the dual running between CDS & CHIEF that we plan for transition to assist with load balancing declaration volumes as we exit the EU. Brexit will potentially increase the volume of transactions to be handled by CDS. We have already begun testing components for performance handling of the potential higher volumes.   Project Name: HMRC v1.8

18 Next steps Listen to your feedback and views
Agree with you how we engage in future

19 Any Questions? Thank you and please send any further questions to:

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