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Tutorial 10 Quality Management.

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1 Tutorial 10 Quality Management

2 What aspects of Project work is subjected to quality management?
Product Scope Product Quality Project Scope WBS Scope Process Quality

3   What is Quality? PMBOK Guide V.5:
"Quality - The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements." ITIL v3 definition: Quality is the ability of a product, service, or process to provide the intended value." 

4 Product Quality = Utility + Warranty
What is Quality? ITIL v3 definition: Quality is the ability of a product, service, or process to provide the intended value." Product Quality = Utility + Warranty Utility is The set of functionalities offered by a product or service to meet a particular need What a product/service/process does Warranty is The promise or guarantee that a product or service will meet its agreed requirements Relates to non functional requirements of availability, capacity, continuity and security Functional Quality Non Functional Quality

5 Testing Outputs from Product Quality Management aka Testing Lifecycle Management
Testing(Validation) Evidence Collections Project Documents Functional & Integration Testing

6 Product Quality Management aka Testing Lifecycle Management
The Processes

7 SDLC Product Testing

8 Product Quality is assured by different testing methods
Design Functionality


10 Appraisal Cost: activity & resource costs of software testing
Cost of Quality Prevention Costs: activity & resource costs to investigate, prevent or reduce software (or any product /service /process) defects and failures Appraisal Cost: activity & resource costs of software testing Failure Cost: Cost of fixing defects / failures before (aka internal failure cost) & after software release (aka external failure cost) TOTAL COST = Cost of Quality

11 Appraisal Cost: activity & resource costs of software testing
Cost of Conformance Prevention Costs: activity & resource costs to investigate, prevent or reduce software (or any product /service /process) defects and failures Appraisal Cost: activity & resource costs of software testing Failure Cost: Cost of fixing defects / failures before (aka internal failure cost) & after software release (aka external failure cost) TOTAL COST = Cost of Conformance

12 Cost of Quality Rework

13 Fitness for Purpose & Use
A product/ service/ process value is defined by: fit for purpose (utility) fit for use (warranty)

14 Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
Are 3 system attributes that affect both the utility and the life-cycle costs of a software system Quality performance dimensions System Lifecycle Cost drivers

15 Process Quality High Level WBS Initiate Process
Performance Quality dimensions On Budget On Time Meeting stakeholders’ expectations Plan Project Monitor & Control SDLC EXECUTION Close Project

16 Example of Bugs Details Capture into a Testing Incident Reporting Database System

17 Activity 2 Use Fishbone Cause/Effect analysis to find and fix cause of bugs m

18 Fish Bone Technique – Finding the root causes of problems
Create(s) Problematic Symptoms Create more Level 2 Level 3 Become obvious Level 1 Customer Problems Each decomposing bone-Line shows the depth of problem diagnosis

19 Control Charts Analyse & chart selected bugs data  One of which is control graphs Select SDLC or PM or Testing Mgt Process for specific analysis Register Bug records in a test mgt database

20 Give 2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Control Charts How UAT process has changed in each scenario?
Earlier Testing Quality  good or bad? Why? Latest Testing Quality  good or bad? Why? Earlier Testing Quality  good or bad? Why? Latest Testing Quality  good or bad? Why?

21 Industry Practice Information
Quality Management is integrated in Risk Management, and reputed tools, such as RISKMAN is an example of such practice Risk Prevention & Mitigation Processes

22 Stand-up Meeting Complete/update your Group Assignment Schedule
Reflect how many baseline changes you made since commencing the client project planning? Review Budget & Risk Mgt plans

23 Budget Plan Development Guidelines
Your MS Project Gantt Chart will contain labour effort information of various people/project roles to carry out the SDLC, procurement and including testing work. If you enter the hourly charge-out rates of each of these SDLC project roles, MS Project will also calculate the labour costs and you can extract these labour cost-estimates by WBS levels and aggregated time periods eg by month Detail Budget Plan Format, if using Excel to construct Cost Assumptions & Data Inputs Budget Calculations Budget Conclusion eg TOTAL BUDGET figures before & after %risk contingency provision Grand Total Totals Column Include unit prices by position (Resource) type, hardware & software, etc in Assumption section Calculation Section: Usually 4 cost categories: Labour cost by chosen WBS Level or resource type – these come from your MS Project information and usually by month Hardware & Software cost – when you buy should be in alignment to your PRJECT EXECUTION procurement activities’ schedule Consumables eg printer ink, stationary, tea-room foodies, etc Other expenses eg rental, utilities, travel & accommodation, etc

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