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LIMUN Masterclass How to organise a TRAINING SESSION Dijana Spasenoska.

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Presentation on theme: "LIMUN Masterclass How to organise a TRAINING SESSION Dijana Spasenoska."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIMUN Masterclass How to organise a TRAINING SESSION Dijana Spasenoska

2 Goal Prepare for MUN conferences Develop soft skills Improve rhetoric
Have fun

3 Types Mentoring Prompt Impromptu MUN Conference Simulation

4 Mentoring How it works: Pair up a more experienced delegate with a
less experienced delegate. The more experienced delegate should act as a mentor and guide the new delegate through the procedures. Be careful for the more experienced delegate to not be too dominant Pros: Gain confidence Cons: Dependence Best time to introduce it: first few sessions

5 Prompt How it works: You write the position and the goal of the country the delegate is representing. You give them the paper, but ask them to not share it with anyone. Their aim is to include their goal in their final resolution. Pros: Can improve negotiations skills Improved resolution writing Cons: Doesn't require development of research skills Best time to introduce it: First few sessions Before conferences

6 Impromptu How it works: The delegate comes in front of the room and is given a topic. The delegate has 90 seconds to write a speech and present it for 3 minutes. The topics at the beginning can be basic such as “What is your favourite letter in the alphabet?” to more complex “Is urbanisation good or bad? Why?” Pros: Improve speaking Fast thinking Cons: Might be stressful for beginners Best time to introduce it: After everyone is comfortable with speaking in public

7 MUN Conference Simulation
Chaired formal debate Pros: Real MUN experience improving different areas Cons: Requires large number of participants Good time to introduce it: After several sessions of basic training Before conferences

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