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HR Shared Services NHS Fife 4 September 2017

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1 HR Shared Services NHS Fife 4 September 2017

2 HR Shared Services Update
Part of the Efficiency and Productivity Framework across NHS Scotland Underpinning ethos of the Shared Services agenda is: Simplify: processes and procedures are as “lean” as possible, minimising inappropriate waste Standardise: variation between health boards and individual users is removed Share: where there are benefits in doing so processes are delivered from a single (or limited number of) locations 3 HR workstreams – Recruitment, Doctors and Dentists in Training and Employee Services

3 Recruitment Shared Services

4 Recruitment Shared Services Work to date
Definition of in-scope activities and recruitment process maps Data collection, benchmarking and analysis IT and Customer Service Systems Options Appraisal and Refinement Stakeholder engagement events in February and March 2017 to input to the development of potential service delivery models Developing a Business Case for Chief Executives

5 Recruitment Shared Services Options Appraisal and Refinement
Workshop 2: 23 March 2017 Appraisal of Six options – National / Regional with or without local presence, assessed and scored against benefits and risks identified by stakeholders and Shared Services Development Group. Three options shortlisted. Option 1 One national recruitment service, primarily delivered from one main location, with some local presence in NHS Scotland Boards (e.g. Customer engagement between the national recruitment service and understanding the of local needs but not involved in the day to day recruitment process). Option 2 One national recruitment service, delivered solely from regional hubs. No local presence in NHS Scotland Boards. Option 3 One national recruitment service primarily delivered from regional hubs with some local presence in NHS Scotland Boards (e.g. Customer engagement between the national recruitment service and understanding the of local needs but not involved in the day to day recruitment process).

6 Recruitment Shared Services Options Appraisal and Refinement
Overall Conclusion Local management and accountability of vacancies remains a key component of the model Recognition that while Boards face different challenges in terms of geography and sustainability, transactional processes and quality should be the same across Scotland Activities in scope for a recruitment shared service would be standardised and delivered away from a local model Optimum solution in terms of efficiency and effectiveness is that these activities should be carried out in regional hubs

7 Recruitment Shared Services Options Appraisal and Refinement
Proposal: One option should be developed further for the business case i.e. “Allowing for a period of transition, ultimately one national* recruitment service delivered from regional hubs.” A proposal not a decision – which will be subject to further discussion *In this case national means a national governance structure to ensure collaboration between, and consistency across, regional hubs, not a national organisation

8 Recruitment Shared Services Transition Process
Timescale for transition a matter for discussion and further engagement – but will be phased with the service provided on a virtual basis over a transition period. Evolution – not revolution. Under the current proposal recruitment service delivery will remain in local boards until at least 2019. Planning for structural change will be co-ordinated with planning for eESS and I-Rec replacement.

9 Recruitment Shared Services Transition Process
Phase 1 – Quick Wins – Standardisation and Simplification/ National Metrics/ IT System Procurement and Development (2017/18) Phase 2 – Shadow Regional Hubs operating Virtually (2018/19) Phase 3 - Regional Hubs fully operational (2019)

10 Recruitment Shared Services Transition Process
What does a “Virtual” recruitment service look like? Recruitment service delivery still provided by, and managed from Boards locally Transition process for both recruitment staff and service users Implementation of “Once for Scotland” approach with national policies, processes, SOPs, and one national IT system for recruitment Work to reconfigure the service from a virtual shared service towards full implementation Over what period would service be provided on a virtual / transitional basis? Suggestion is one year (2018/19) – but not decided yet

11 Recruitment Shared Services Next Steps
Stakeholder feedback from engagement at local Board level on proposed service delivery model, transition process and timescales Develop and discuss Governance options for a shared service Explore and agree final number of hubs Economic / Financial analysis of options Broader stakeholder workshop in mid/end August

12 Recruitment Shared Services Stakeholder Feedback
What is your Boards view of the potential option being developed? Do you have enough information on the process so far? What further information would be useful to you? What further engagement opportunities do you think would be helpful?

13 Doctors and Dentists in Training (DDiT) Shared Services

14 Doctors and Dentists in Training Shared Services
Key objectives for a shared service: Provide optimum continuity of employment and positive employment experience across NHSS; Ensure consistent application of employment policies across NHS Scotland; Minimise duplication or unnecessary processes in “on-boarding” throughout rotations for clinical placements; Promote continuity and consistency in Payroll arrangements; Ensure access to appropriate and high quality training experiences; Effective information sharing and engagement between NHS Boards and NES in the management of performance and training of DDiT. National Stakeholder Event on 13th December 2016 Agreement that shared service would be implemented regionally but smaller specialty groups continuing to be employed nationally.

15 Doctors and Dentists in Training Shared Services Next Steps
Nationally GP Trainees first moving to shared service under NHS Education Scotland in August 2017, with NHS Grampian confirmed as early implementer placement Board A number of working groups progressing supporting work streams e.g. PVG and Disclosure, HR Medical Workforce system (TURAS) link to eESS, OHS Passport, Protection & Contracts, Immigration, top priority Policies & Procedures, national Medical jobs Application Form Remaining DDiTs moving to shared service in August 2018 Initial discussions on possible allocation options of trainees across Fife, Borders and Lothian being progressed

16 Doctors and Dentists in Training Shared Services Next Steps
Regionally The proposal agreed by the core steering group for Fife, Lothian and Borders is: NHS Lothian acts as employing Board on behalf of Borders and Fife, handling all FYs and the specialty allocation similar to total current levels of activity across Borders, Fife & Lothian (excluding GP trainees and the minor specialties that are to be handled once for Scotland). – further exploration underway in relation to wider impact of one employing Board within region, e.g. Line management, HR / ER, Payroll & Finance.

17 Employee Services Shared Services

18 Employee Services Shared Service Aims and Scope
The aim of the workstream is to identify what could be done to make an easier transition to a shared service which delivers: The delivery of workforce information to leaders within the organisation which is consistent, accurate and timely, and which will allow managers of people to make informed decisions. The management of HR transactions not covered by eESS self-service. The management of cases under workforce policy. The management of workforce and HR data and the provision of management information. The scope includes career grade medical and dental staff, but excludes Recruitment and all issues to do with Recruitment and the employment of Doctors and Dentists in Training. . Slide 18

19 Employee Services Shared Service Work to Date
. 2011 HR identified as a second wave Shared Service work programme. August 2016 – HR Shared Services Refresh Event September Employee Services Working Group was formed and led by Jacqui Jones, NSS Director of HR with representation from Grampian, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, NSS, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian, NES, Golden Jubilee, State Hospital, Western Isles and Employee Directors The working group have: Explored current HR delivery models in place in the boards participating in the work stream. Development of in-scope activities Outlined assumptions for a shared service Undertaken a PESTLE analysis Articulated what a great HR Service would look like Are now seeking your views and perspectives Slide 19

20 Employee Services Shared Service Scope – Tiers
Tier 0 Self Service Tier 1 HR Service Centre/Hub Tier 2 HR Specialist Services Tier 3 HR Process Owner / Business Partner Tier 2 HR Specialist Services Tier 1 HR Service Centre/Hub Tier 0 Self Service Slide 20

21 Employee Services Shared Service Tier 0 - Self Service
Guidance Documents F.A.Q.s Management information Tier 0 Self Service Process maps Job Evaluation Admin Self Service Toolkits Guidance on T&C contractual topics Dashboards Slide 21

22 Employee Services Shared Service Tier 1 – HR Service Centre or Hub
Managers and employees access services through Single phone/ Case management triage Case allocation Tier 1 HR Service Centre/Hub Case analysis results General advice on HR Policy Call logging Case Management Slide 22

23 Employee Services Shared Service Tier 2 – HR Specialist Services
Training for managers Workforce Systems Grievances/ Appeals & Tribunals Continuous Improvement Employee Relations Tier 2 HR Specialist Services Teams aligned to HR Specialisms Develop & maintain HR Connect toolkits Policy Quality assurance & case review Workflow end to end process Slide 23

24 Employee Services Shared Service Tier 3 – Process Owner
Overall responsibility for process areas Escalation process and point of escalation Tier 3 HR Process Owner / Business Partner Slide 24

25 Employee Services Shared Service Assumptions to date
Standardisation Common understanding of processes and policies. Process for converting PIN Policies into one agreed simplified business focused process using “Once For Scotland” approach. All necessary systems are in place – including case management module and eEES. Consistent understanding of the purpose of shared services, including whether it will generate a tangible cost saving. People Resources are in place. Providing Managers with the competencies and skills required. Providing HR staff working within the shared services model with the competencies and skills required. Scope Viability of proposal is achievable across all Health Boards Deliverables can realistically be implemented throughout all boards Chief Executives find the Business case acceptable. HR Business Partner work was out of scope for HR Shared Service at this stage The ability to dovetail the ‘organisational change’ in all Boards to change to a shared services model. Stakeholders Buy in/support/agreement from a range of stakeholders – users of the HR services and HR colleagues – that the shared service model provides what the service requires.

26 Employee Services Shared Service Next steps Working towards the Business Case
The planned timelines are currently: Visioning / case for change and scope by mid June 2017 Service delivery models by mid September 2017 Assessing the options by mid December 2017 Complete and sign off Business case for Chief Executives by Spring 2018 Slide 23

27 Employee Services Shared Service What further engagement do you need?
. Consider what information and engagement you might need. What do you need clarified? What do you need to know? What services need to remain delivered locally in the Board? Slide 27

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