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What’s Yours is Mine Critical Reflection

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1 What’s Yours is Mine Critical Reflection
By: Hunter Hall

2 How does your product use or challenge convention and how does it represent social groups or issues?
Our product uses the standard conventions of an action movie by having our villain be unknown. What I mean by this is that our protagonist, Bill Hudson, has no information on the villain at all. This is similar to the film that we researched titled Non-Stop. In Non-Stop, Bill Marks receives texts threatening the lives of plane passengers. He has no idea of who could be sending the texts, and that's what we were going for. Our product represents the social group that is the top 1%. We do this to establish that Hudson is a hardworking man that will push the limits to get his money back. Villain being shown without revealing a large amount of information about the victim. Hudson in the sports car to establish his wealth.

3 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed?
Our product engages with the audience by keeping them guessing and discreetly encouraging the audience to make inferences as to who the "caller" may be. Also, we create an atmosphere of suspense and thrill, which will keep the audience intrigued throughout it all. We got these ideas from Non- Stop. Our product would be released in regular theaters and in 3D to get the movie to a mass amount of people and to enhance the action that will take place in our movie. Phone after Hudson is hung up on by villain. This further established that the villain is unknown

4 How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
My production skills immensely developed throughout this whole project. I learned how to use a lot of new editing techniques, how to use Adobe Photoshop to make a production company logo, how to keep the camera steadier throughout filming, and how to take framing into consideration while filming so we can decide where text will be before the editing room. Also, I learned how to extract more ideas from films that we research, such as the unknown villain from Non-Stop. We saw this wall while filming and noted that we should implant text here when we get to the editing room.

5 How did you integrate technologies with this product?
We integrated technology into our product through multiple platforms, such as software, hardware, and the Internet. In terms of software, our group used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit our product and I am using Windows Movie Maker and Premiere Pro to make this critical reflection. In terms of hardware, we used a Nikon D90 camera for a high quality picture for our film, and a Lotus Evora(sports car) to emphasize the wealth of Hudson. On the Internet, we used Vimeo to upload our video because the copyrights for the music wouldn't allow us to use YouTube, and we also found an MP3 downloader site for the birds chirping in the beginning. The Lotus Evora we used to establish the wealth and class of our protagonist, Bill Hudson.

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