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The Crucible Pretend you live in America in the 1600’s. As a 17th Century Puritan:

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Presentation on theme: "The Crucible Pretend you live in America in the 1600’s. As a 17th Century Puritan:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crucible Pretend you live in America in the 1600’s. As a 17th Century Puritan:

2 Your life centers around the church
The church is the center of town and place to get news It is against the law to not attend church on the Sabbath Men and women face long services on hard pews - opposite sides of the church

3 Family prayer is extremely important
Families expected to read the bible out loud twice a day Everyone is expected to pray everyday Parents should teach their children the scriptures

4 You believe in God and the Devil
Every sin, no matter how big or small, must be punished (stealing, sleeping in church) Do not intervene when someone’s sick or crops fail - it is God’s will and punishment for something

5 Your government is a theocracy
It revolves around the church Government’s job to enforce obedience to God Only church members can vote in elections “Punishable offenses: theft, breaches of the Sabbath, blasphemy, murder, gambling, drunkenness, adultery, and participation in theatrical performances.”

6 Your lifestyle is dictated by the church
Clothing is dark and somber Worship, writing, and lifestyle in general are plain and simple Church looks down on individual differences

7 Your lifestyle is dictated by the church
Eve was the first one to sin, making women weaker than men Women are not thought of as smart and do not voice their opinions Wives obey their husbands

8 Children follow the same rules
Attend long church services Do chores Don’t show emotions (anger, excitement, fear) Toys and games are hard to come by, so they don’t really play (also considered sinful distractions)

9 Children follow the same rules
Girls - help their mothers keep house (cook, wash, sew) Boys - learn a trade (carpentry) and explore outdoors (hunt, fish)

10 Not just a strict religion
Harsh winters Droughts Failed crops Invasions Sickness Salem witchcraft trials people accused; 20 hanged

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