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22nd Meeting of the CCU BIPM, Sèvres, France

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1 22nd Meeting of the CCU BIPM, Sèvres, France
CCQM Actions Taken Since the 20th Meeting of the CCU Relevant to the Adoption of the Revised SI 22nd Meeting of the CCU BIPM, Sèvres, France Willie E. May CCQM Chair 15-16 June 2016

2 Consultative Committee for Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM)
Established by the CIPM in 1993 40 Official member (28) and observer (12) organizations 10 Standing Working Groups and 3 ad hoc Working Groups 8 Standing Technical Working Groups, most meet twice a year Attended by ~ 230+ experts from NMI’s and other expert institutes Yearly meetings of CCQM plenary, attended by ~70 representatives from Member and Observer Institutes, stakeholder organizations and Guests Figures of Merit Over 6000 CMCs are currently published in 840 different analytes ( 3050 different analyte‐matrix combinations) Number of analyte matrix combinations increasing at a rate of about 250 per year. Over 380 comparisons (204 Key and 176 Pilot) have been conducted 2 2

3 CCQM –Terms of Reference
The CCQM is responsible for developing, improving and documenting the equivalence of national reference systems for chemical and biological measurements. It advises the CIPM on matters related to chemical and biological measurements including advice on the BIPM scientific program activities. The responsibilities of the CCQM are: to establish global comparability of measurements through promoting traceability to the SI, and where traceability to the SI is not yet feasible, to other internationally agreed references; to contribute to the establishment of a globally recognized system of national measurement standards, methods and facilities for chemical and biological measurements; to contribute to the implementation and maintenance of the CIPM MRA with respect to chemical and biological measurements; to review and advise the CIPM on the uncertainties of the BIPM's calibration and measurements services as published on the BIPM website; to act as a forum for the exchange of information about the research and measurement service delivery programs and other technical activities of the CC members and observers, thereby creating new opportunities for collaboration.

4 CCQM Organizational Structure
President: W. May, CIPM, NIST Executive Secretary: R. Wielgosz, BIPM 10 permanent working groups and chairs Organic Analysis (OAWG) L. Mackay NMIA Gas Analysis (GAWG) J.S. Kim KRISS Inorganic Analysis (IAWG) M. Sargent LGC Electrochemical Analysis (EAWG) M. Mariassy SMU Cells (CWG) A. Plant NIST Nucleic Acids (NAWG) H. Parkes LGC Protein Analysis (PAWG) S-R. Park KRISS Surface Analysis (SAWG) W. Unger BAM Key Comparison and CMC Quality (KCWG) W.M.(Della) Sin GLHK Strategic Planning (SPWG) W. May NIST 3 current ad hoc groups: ad hoc working group on the mole B. Güttler PTB ad hoc steering group on microbial measurements (MBSG) J. Morrow NIST ad hoc working group on improvement of CMC formulation and review R. Kaarls CCQM Immed.Past Pres.

5 CCQM ad hoc WG on Mole Responsibilities
draft a "mise‐en‐pratique" for the realization of the mole; create awareness with respect to a possible redefinition of the mole .

6 More on this later in CCU Meeting

7 “Chemistry and the International System of Weights and Measures”
Symposium at American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting Boston, MA, August 19, 2015 Introduction to symposium: Introduction to the International System of Weights and Measures W.E. May (NIST) Session I: The Consultative Committee on Metrology in Chemistry and Biology: Who We are, What We Do, and Why You Should Care The CCQM, What It Does, What It Has Achieved and Why It is Important to You R. Kaarls, CCQM Pres. Emeritus CCQM Activities and Impact in Healthcare W. May, NIST CCQM Activities and Impact in Environment and Climate R. Wielgosz, BIPM CCQM Activities and Impact in Food Safety and Nutrition S. Wise, NIST Session II: Redefinition of the International System of Units Linking the International System of Units to Fundamental Constants J. Ullrich, PTB Units and Accurate Measurements in Chemistry R. Wielgosz, BIPM Progress in the redefinition of the Mole B. Guttler, PTB Redefinition of the Kilogram R. Davis, BIPM In Addition, The CCQM

8 Mise en pratique of the (new) definition of the mole
Richard Davis member, CCQM AHWG on the mole CCU June 2016

9 Mission statement CCU June 2016

10 mise en pratique (quick review)
no of X entities Si XRCD (unique) gravimetry (most widely used) gas analysis electrolyis amount of X Avogadro constant CCU June 2016

11 n equals volume, VS , divided by molar volume, NAa(28Si)3/8.
2. Realization of the definition of the mole with the smallest uncertainty Silicon XRCD determine a determine VS n equals volume, VS , divided by molar volume, NAa(28Si)3/8. ur  2  10-8 CCU June 2016

12 3. Common methods for the realization and dissemination of the mole
Gravimetric preparation n equals total mass of X, w(X)m, divided by molar mass of X, Ar(X)Mu. ur > 10-6 is usual CCU June 2016

13 3. Common methods for the realization and dissemination of the mole
Use of the gas law NOAA. relative mole fraction of CO2 in air; 1997-present R (=NAk) has a fixed value CCU June 2016

14 3. Common methods for the realization and dissemination of the mole
Electrolysis Bower&Davis 1980; last electro-chemical measurement of F F (=NAe) has a fixed value CCU June 2016

15 5. Continuity with previous definition
The molar mass constant Mu no longer has a fixed value Recall slide 5: The mise en pratique shows the quantity relation and states that Mu = 10-3 kg mol-1 with ur  10-9 (based on CODATA 2010; to be updated). CCU June 2016

16 Next meeting of AHWG on the mole: TBD when needed.
(Next meeting of CCQM & WGs: April 2017.) CCU June 2016

17 Thank you for your interest

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