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CP Environmental Science

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1 CP Environmental Science
Syllabus Miss S. Kraemer

2 First a little bit about me!
Graduated from Delaware Valley College With a degree in Education in Biology I have taught at 3 different districts Played soccer and basketball in college Originally was majoring in zoo keeping at Del Val! I have a dog named Tommy

3 Supplies Needed 1. 3-ring binder 2. Loose-leaf paper 3. Dividers
4. Pen and pencil everyday 5. Composition Book

4 What should I expect from Enviro Sci?
Laboratory-based science course It will challenge students to develop an understanding of biological, physical, and earth systems that shape our environment Scientific: concepts, principles and modern science practices allow students to analyze environmental issues, both natural and human induced, and engage in evidence- based decision making in real world contexts.

5 What topics will we be covering?
Ecology Earth Resources/Energy Atmosphere Water Issues Toxicity, Pesticides, and Agriculture Biodiversity Population Dynamics

6 Policies Headings (click on the link):
Example of standard heading for all classes

7 Code of Conduct Expectations Safety First (read lab safety contract)
Bring a notebook and pencil/pen everyday Students must be in their seats when the bell rings No Cell Phones in Class- cell phones will be confiscated and sent to the disciplinarian. Students will be on time. Being late will result in a detention. Be respectful of others Save all assignments once they are graded and returned. Learn to problem solve and think for yourself. If you work with a partner, your work MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS If this rule is not followed, a point deduction will occur

8 Honesty Cheating comes in many forms:
Ex. : Copy answers from someone’s homework or test Use a “cheat sheet” on a quiz or test Plagiarize from the internet Using cell phones to copy or send information to others Cheating is a way to deceive yourself and others by not completing your work. If you are caught cheating, I will not hesitate to confront you on this issue. Your parents and the administration will be notified and a point deduction will take place

9 Passes and Lateness to Class
Will NOT be given to students to make phone calls or to retrieve forgotten supplies. Lateness to class: Passes are accepted from the administration, the nurse, and guidance office. Excessive lateness will result in an administrative detention.

10 Late Assignments Late assignments are accepted.
1 day after the due date with 50% point deduction Excluding HW that we go over in class on the due date You are allowed 2 days for every day you are absent to turn in assignments. However most major assignments are given 3-5 days in advance and therefore is expected to be handed in on time. Labs are made-up on the first available lab make-up day.

11 Grades Point System: Homework/Classwork5-10 pts Quizzes/Labs30-50 pts Tests/Projects pts Points may vary depending on the difficulty of the assignment How is my grade calculated? The Total Number of Points You Earned x 100= Your grade % The Total Number of Points Available

12 Any Questions? If you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to me at:

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