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Science 6 Jeopardy Phases of the Moon Reflectors and Emitters

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Presentation on theme: "Science 6 Jeopardy Phases of the Moon Reflectors and Emitters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science 6 Jeopardy Phases of the Moon Reflectors and Emitters Names & Order of the Planets Sky Science! 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

2 Phases of the Moon-100 QUESTION: How many phases of the moon are there? ANSWER: 8

3 Phases of the Moon-200 QUESTION: What is another name for the first-quarter phase? Answer: Half Moon

4 Phases of the Moon-300 QUESTION: When the Moon is between the sun and the earth, what phase is the moon at? ANSWER: New Moon

5 Phases of the Moon-400 QUESTION: Does the moon rotate as it orbits earth, or do we always see the same side? ANSWER: See the Same Side

6 Phases of the Moon-500 QUESTION: What does waxing refer to? What does Waning refer to? (Need Both) ANSWER: Growing and Shrinking

7 Reflectors and Emitters-100
QUESTION: What is a Reflector? ANSWER: Something that bounces light off of it (Reflects light)

8 Reflectors and Emitters-200
QUESTION: What is an emitter? ANSWER: Something that produces light

9 Reflectors and Emitters-300
QUESTION: What is the moon an example of? ANSWER: A reflector

10 Reflectors and Emitters-400
QUESTION: What is the sun an example of? ANSWER: An Emitter

11 Reflectors and Emitters-500
QUESTION: When humans see an asteroid/ a comet, are we seeing a reflector or an emitter? ANSWER: A Reflector

12 Name & Order of the Planets-100
QUESTION: How many planets are there (including Pluto)? ANSWER: 9

13 Name & Order of the Planets-200
QUESTION: What planet is considered to be a dwarf planet? ANSWER: Pluto

14 Name & Order of the Planets-300
QUESTION: How many planets away is the earth from the sun? ANSWER: 3

15 Name & Order of the Planets-400
QUESTION: Which four planets are considered to be the ‘rocky’ planets? ANSWER: The first four – M, V, E, M

16 Name & Order of the Planets-500
QUESTION: What planets are considered to be Gas Giants? ANSWER: Back 4 – J, S, U, N

17 Sky Science-100 QUESTION: How long does it take for the earth to make a complete rotation on its axis? ANSWER: 24 Hours

18 Sky Science -200 QUESTION: How many days does it take for planet earth to revolve around the sun? ANSWER: 365 Days

19 Sky Science-300 QUESTION: When the stars and constellations move, are the stars actually moving? ANSWER: No, Planet earth is rotating

20 Sky Science-400 QUESTION: What do all of the planets orbit?

21 Sky Science-500 QUESTION: What is the name of our Galaxy?
ANSWER: Milky Way

22 FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: What is another name for ‘moon’?
ANSWER: Natural Satellite’s

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