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Presentation on theme: "Civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civilization

2 What is a civilization? “the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced.” As the population increased, villages became cities, and cities became civilizations

3 Features of Civilizations
There are 8 key features found in civilizations Cities Well-organized central government Complex religions Job specialization Social classes Arts and architecture Public works Writing

4 Cities River valleys Where did these early cities develop?
As farmers settled in one area, they began to produce a surplus of food This surplus caused the population to increase, and villages turned into cities As the population continued to grow, cities became larger Where did these early cities develop? River valleys

5 River Valley Cities Yellow (Huang He) Tigris & Euphrates Indus Nile A river valley is an area of fertile land along the length of a river Why were these areas so desirable for early people? Fertile soil (from floods) Constant supply of fresh water Animals are attracted to the area for food and water Trade and transportation

6 Organized government Governments were responsible for maintaining food supplies and overseeing large projects (defense, public works, etc) During the Paleolithic Age, tribe elders with the most experience were held as leaders In the Neolithic Age, warrior kings fought to gain and maintain power

7 Complex religion Most ancient religions were polytheistic- believed in many gods Many gods were based around animals and nature (Animism) To appease the gods and get favors (such as a good growing season), people built temples and made sacrifices Priests were specially trained in rituals, knowledge and ceremonies to stay in favor with the gods

8 Job specialization Only possible because of food surplus
As society becomes more complex, individuals can no longer do everything themselves People become interdependent New skills are developed to maintain cities Artisans- skilled craft workers- potter, tools, etc Bricklayers- build city walls and buildings Soldiers- defended cities Farmers- worked the land Only possible because of food surplus

9 Social classes People are ranked according to their jobs
Nobles- wealthy families with ties to the king Priests and nobles Wealthy merchants People sold into slavery to pay debts, or taken as prisoners of war Artisans Peasant farmers Slaves

10 Egyptian Social classes

11 Art and architecture To show the power of the government, rulers would have grand temples and palaces constructed

12 Public works Projects to benefit the city by protecting it from attack and ensuring a steady food supply Defensive walls, roads, bridges, irrigation systems Very expensive and at times costly in human lives

13 Writing Would scribes be low or high in the class structure? Why?
Early writing used pictograms- simple drawings that represent words Only a select few could read/write- scribes Would scribes be low or high in the class structure? Why?

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