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Understanding Food Animal Harvest

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1 Understanding Food Animal Harvest
Dr. Kathy Whitman GPVEC

2 Planning with endpoint in mind…
Decisions made before a calf is conceived are determined by the desired outcome for that calf: 1. Replacement/Breeding stock Grown for consumption Other

3 Market Opportunities Traditional Targeted
Paid by live or carcass weight Depends upon commodity pricing Grid pricing Specific labeling Specific rearing requirements Religious requirements

4 Age at harvest Typically based on previous goals mentioned
Usually weight and visual appraisal of subcutaneous fat disposition, young cattle from mos. Weights from pounds for young beef cattle; more for cull cows and bulls Packing plants vary on what types of cattle are received Discuss maturity

5 Determining carcass quality
Yield Grade Quality Grade Measure of boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts Calculated based on: Fat thickness Rib eye size KPH Fat Hot carcass weight Scores range from 1-5 Degree of intramuscular fat Degree of maturity A maturity cattle range from Standard to Prime INVERSE RELATIONSHIP!

6 Measuring USDA Quality
Low Select (High Select) Low Choice Choice

7 Measuring USDA Quality
High Choice Low Prime Prime

8 Measuring USDA Quality
Carcass maturity Approximate live age A 9 – 30 mos. B 30 – 42 mos. C 42 – 72 mos. D 72 – 96 mos. E > 96 mos. *Cattle > Carcass maturity C can never achieve quality grades of A and B maturity cattle, regardless of marbling

9 What Do We Eat? BEEF LAMB PORK

10 Veterinarian’s Role Pre-harvest Appropriate animal handling
Appropriate medicine administration Health certificates

11 Veterinarian’s Role At harvest Ante-mortem inspection
Food safety inspections/audits Carcass lesion/organ examination

12 Questions?

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