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Water Reclamation Plant Feasibility Study Update May 28, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Water Reclamation Plant Feasibility Study Update May 28, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Reclamation Plant Feasibility Study Update May 28, 2014
Self introduction Introduce any board members in the audience Thank them for the opportunity to provide an update Water Reclamation Plant Feasibility Study Update May 28, 2014

2 Initial Project Considerations
Permits/ Institutional Agreements Permits/ Institutional Agreements Plant Location Plant Location Environmental Impacts/ Benefits Technical Feasibility Technical Feasibility Community Concerns & Input Project Feasibility?

3 Evaluated Three Potential
Plant Locations Near Golden Triangle Near District Headquarters Sterling Road 210

4 Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Plant Locations
Near Headquarters Near Golden Triangle Area Sterling Between 3rd and 5th Available Flow Land Uses Impacts to Community Energy Impacts Site Availability Proximity to Reuse Sites Proximity to Recharge Sites

5 Potential Plant Flow Varies by Area of Wastewater Contribution
Near Headquarters ADWF Projection: 2017: 0 MGD 2022: 1.3 MGD 2035: 1.35 MGD 210

6 Potential Plant Flow Varies by Area of Wastewater Contribution
ADWF Projection: 2017: 2.65 MGD 2022: 5.13 MGD 2035: 6.09 MGD ADWF Projection: 2017: 1.30 MGD 2022: 3.53 MGD 2035: 3.85 MGD ADWF Projection: 2017: 0 MGD 2022: 1.3 MGD 2035: 1.35 MGD Near Golden Triangle ADWF Projection: 2017: 1.30 MGD 2022: 3.53 MGD 2035: 3.85 MGD 210 210

7 Potential Plant Flow Varies by Area of Wastewater Contribution
Sterling Road ADWF Projection: 2017: 2.65 MGD 2022: 5.13 MGD 2035: 6.09 MGD 210

8 Energy Required for Pumping
Near Golden Triangle Near District Headquarters Sterling Road 210

9 Impacts to Surrounding Community
Land Use and Impacts to Surrounding Community Residential and Retail Industrial Residential 210

10 Adjacent to Headquarters
Site Availability District Property Adjacent to Headquarters District Property at Sterling Limited Availability 210

11 Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Plant Locations
Near Headquarters Near Golden Triangle Area Sterling Between 3rd and 5th Available Flow Land Uses Impacts to Community Energy Impacts Site Availability Proximity to Reuse Sites Proximity to Recharge Sites Relative Lower Ranking Relative Higher Ranking

12 Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Plant Locations
Near Headquarters Near Golden Triangle Area Sterling Between 3rd and 5th Available Flow Land Uses Impacts to Community Energy Impacts Site Availability Proximity to Reuse Sites Proximity to Recharge Sites Relative Lower Ranking Relative Higher Ranking

13 Most Suitable Site - District’s Property at
Sterling between 3rd and 5th

14 Questions

15 Next Steps Required Infrastructure Potential Recycled Water Uses
Treatment Requirements Potential Partnerships Complimentary/Secondary Use Facilities Identification of Cost and Financing Options

16 Required Infrastructure
Minimize Pumping/ Energy Costs Coordinate with Other System Improvement Needs Reducing other System Capacity/Infrastructure Investments

17 Potential Recycled Water Uses
Landscape Irrigation Groundwater Recharge Industrial Use

18 Potential Recycled Water Uses
Landscape and Urban Irrigation Areas 210

19 Potential Recycled Water Uses
Commercial and Industrial use Areas 210

20 Potential Recycled Water Uses
Groundwater Recharge Areas 210

21 Treatment Requirements
Minimum of Title 22 Tertiary Treatment Evaluate need for added levels of treatment

22 Treatment Requirements
Sequencing Batch Reactor Proven Technology Larger Footprint Potentially less costly in smaller sizes - <2 mgd

23 Treatment Requirements
Membrane Biological Reactor Proven Technology Smaller Footprint Modular – allows for ease of expansion Excellent preliminary step for advanced treatment processes MBR Plant being designed for City of Malibu adjacent to award winning Legacy Park.

24 Potential Partnerships

25 Project Permitting/Approvals
State Level Permits Regional Water Quality Board State Water Resources Control Board (was CDPH) Local Permits/Approvals CEQA Compliance - EVWD County Flood Control – if any facilities in flood plain

26 Project Decision Timeline
Feasibility Study Kick-off April 16, 2014 Technical Evaluation Outreach Board Action October 2014

27 Project Decision Timeline
May June July August September October Site Selection Required Infrastructure Potential Uses Treatment Requirements Potential Partnerships Complimentary/Secondary Uses Costs and Financing Draft Report/Summary Final Report Continuous Outreach

28 Project Implementation Timeline -
Recycling Plant or System Enlargements 2014 2015 2016 2017 Outreach Technical Evaluation CEQA Review Permitting Engineer’s Report Design Development Construction Start-up

29 Questions

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