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BTEC Applied science The applied science btec qualification is an excellent choice for those who need 2 science qualifications without the exam stress.

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Presentation on theme: "BTEC Applied science The applied science btec qualification is an excellent choice for those who need 2 science qualifications without the exam stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 BTEC Applied science The applied science btec qualification is an excellent choice for those who need 2 science qualifications without the exam stress of 2 a levels. From last year’s cohort students secured places at university studying sport and education and computer sciences. This year’s cohort are applying for chemistry, forensic sciences and nursing qualifications. On top of the standard college entry requirements, students need a C grade in core and additional science.

2 BTEC Diploma in applied science
It consists of 8 units of varying weightings toward the final grade 2 Externally marked classic style exams (unit 1 and 5) 1 externally marked practical assessment (Unit 3) 1 internally marked project (unit 6) 2 mandatory internally marked assignments (unit 2 and 4) 2 internally marked optional modules The assignments are graded as either pass, merit or distinction. Each assignment contributes a point score depending on the achieved grade, whether it is internally or externally assessed and the recommended guided learning hours.

3 How the final grade is calculated
The tables below show the different points awarded for both internal and externally marked units. Each assignment score is added together to give a final grade ranging from U to D*D*. Internal external UCAS points are the same as for the equivalent grades at a-level. D*D* = 112 DD = 96 Mm = 64

4 The units *GLH = Guided learning hours
Unit 1- Principles and Applications of science 1 june content includes Chemical properties, cells and waves unit 2 – practical scientific procedures and techniques coursework assignments. Students learn how to carry out a range of scientific techniques such as calorimetry and titrations. unit 3 – science investigation skills January students could be tested on any experiment related to electrical devices, fuels, energy, diffusion and sampling techniques Unit 4 – laboratory techniques coursework assignments. Students learn about safety in a science lab and how chemicals are manufactured. Unit 5 - principles and applications of science 2 January content includes organs and systems, chemical reactions and thermal physics Unit 6 - Investigative project 90 GLH, internally marked coursework assignment. Students will research and conduct and experiment on a topic of their choosing. Unit 11 – Genetics and genetic engineering Unit 16 – astronomy and space science 60 GLH, INTERNALLY ASSESSED COURSEWORK STYLE ASSIGNMENTS

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