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Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields C. Teyssier1,3, J. Bouchami1, F. Dallaire1, J. Idarraga1,

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Presentation on theme: "Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields C. Teyssier1,3, J. Bouchami1, F. Dallaire1, J. Idarraga1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance of the Medipix and Timepix devices for the recognition of electron-gamma radiation fields C. Teyssier1,3, J. Bouchami1, F. Dallaire1, J. Idarraga1, C. Leroy1, S. Pospisil 2, J. Solc2, O. Scallon1, Z. Vykydal 2 1Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7, Canada 2Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the CTU in Prague, Horská 3a/22, CZ Praha 2 – Albertov, Czech Republic 3Universite de Lyon, F-69003, Lyon, France ; Universite Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France ; CNRS/IN2P3, UMR5822, Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon, F Villeurbanne, France Carried out within the CERN MediPix Collaboration Cécile Teyssier September 2010

2 Silicon pixelated detectors designed for imaging
Also used in fundamental physics research Characterisation of a radiation field Nature of radiation? → study of electron and photon fields Intensity of radiation? → study of photon detector efficiency Cécile Teyssier September 2010

3 I/ Presentation of the detectors
Structure Charge sharing effect Pattern recognition II/ Mistagging: photon or electron? Experimental setup and method Results for Ru source III/ Photon detector efficiency Experimental setup Results Geant4 simulation Cécile Teyssier September 2010

4 I/ Presentation of the detectors
Structure Charge sharing effect Pattern recognition II/ Mistagging: photon or electron? Experimental setup and method Results for Ru source III/ Photon detector efficiency Experimental setup Results Geant4 simulation Cécile Teyssier September 2010

5 MPX or Medipix2-USB Device :
- bump-bonded to Medipix2 readout chip containing in each pixel cell : preamplifier, comparator and counter. - 300 µm thick silicon pixel detector - 256 x 256 pixels each of 55 x 55 μm2 area Cécile Teyssier September 2010

6 Charge sharing effect Energy Particle Threshold Cluster size 001
preamplifier comparator Cluster size counter 001 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

7 Medipix2 response to different ionizing particles
Alpha particles 137Cs (t = 0.2 sec) Photon, Electron 241Am (t = 2 sec) Electron 106Ru (t = 0.15 sec) Cécile Teyssier September 2010

8 Valid under certain experimental conditions
Pattern recognition Valid under certain experimental conditions Cécile Teyssier September 2010

9 Timepix device Same structure as Medipix but equipped with a clock
Measurement of the time over threshold in each pixel (TOT) Evaluation of energy deposit after calibration Cécile Teyssier September 2010

10 I/ Presentation of the detectors
Structure Charge sharing effect Pattern recognition II/ Mistagging: photon or electron? Experimental setup and method Results for Ru source III/ Photon detector efficiency Experimental setup Results Geant4 simulation Photons detected by 3 interactions: Photoelectric, Compton and pair creation → indirect detection via produced electrons Cécile Teyssier September 2010

11 Why? Photons detected via 3 interactions
Photoelectric effect Compton effect Pair creation Hard to differentiate electrons produced by photons from electrons of the field. Aim → To evaluate a mistagging rate Cécile Teyssier September 2010

12 Experimental setup 12 Medipix2-USB 106Ru source 137Cs source
θ rotation angle of the detector with respect to the vertical axis Vacuum 12 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

13 Activity reconstruction
First case: all the tracks are considered Second case : tracks associated to electrons Third case : tracks associated to photons Fraction of solid angle Cécile Teyssier September 2010

14 Results for the 106Ru source
Simplified spectrum: Gamma: 512 keV 20.4% ; 622 keV 9.9%. Electron: 2 beta decays Mean beta- energy: 1410 keV and keV Known activity ±5% Configuration legend Photon: S: Single hits, D: Double hits, T: Triple hits, Q: Quad hits, L: Long gamma Electron: C: Curly Cécile Teyssier September 2010

15 Evolution of the configuration
Cécile Teyssier September 2010

16 Summary on mistagging Mis-association stongly depends on:
Energy of the particles (other experiment) Incidence of the particles Configuration setup → mistagging rate can be evaluated but is hard to extrapolate to another mixed field Cécile Teyssier September 2010

17 I/ Presentation of the detectors
Structure Charge sharing effect Pattern recognition II/ Mistagging: photon or electron? Experimental setup and method Results for Ru source III/ Photon detector efficiency Experimental setup Results Geant4 simulation Electrons produced by photons in surrounding materials can be detected. Aim of this study: quantify this phenomenon Cécile Teyssier September 2010

18 Why? Until now, detection efficiency calculated by considering the interaction probability in the silicon layer But photons interact with surrounding materials and produced electrons can be detected, increasing the detector efficiency. Aim → to quantify these changes Cécile Teyssier September 2010

19 Experimental setup 19 Simplified gamma spectrum: 32 keV 5.8% ;
Timepix-USB Simplified gamma spectrum: 32 keV 5.8% ; 36 keV 1.3% ; 662 keV 85.1%. Air or vacuum 137Cs source Threshold 7.8keV 3mm thick Al layer (to get rid of e-) 19 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

20 Rate of particles interacting with the detector
Theoretical rate For air and vacuum: Experimental rates: Cécile Teyssier September 2010

21 Experimental spectrum with timepix
33keV Compton electron from 662keV photons: Mean energy: 253keV Maximal energy: 478 keV → compatible Cécile Teyssier September 2010

22 Simulation Geant4 environment
Programmation of the experimental elements Reproduction of Medipix behaviour → same type of files generated. Silicon layer source Green rays: photon Red rays: electron Cécile Teyssier September 2010

23 Comparison of the rates
experimental simulated Cécile Teyssier September 2010

24 Simulation results and comparison
Cécile Teyssier September 2010

25 Origine of detected particles - Air
Cécile Teyssier September 2010

26 Origine of detected particles - Vacuum
residual air Cécile Teyssier September 2010

27 Summary on photon detection
indirect detection → correction factor to theoretical detector efficiency. Other experimental setups and other photon energies → other correction factors Promising results of the simulation Improvements to do: Better definition of the experimental elements in the simulation (first results) More precise spectrum Cécile Teyssier September 2010

28 Conclusion Photons or electrons?
Mistagging rate depends on several parameters that makes extrapolation difficult. Photon detection efficiency greatly improved by surrounding materials. Correction factors can be evaluated. Geant4 simulation for Medipix gives promising results Cécile Teyssier September 2010

29 Thank you! Cécile Teyssier September 2010

30 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

31 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

32 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

33 Evaluation of mistagging rate
Negative mistagging if Positive mistagging if i is for photon or electron Cécile Teyssier September 2010

34 Mistagging rate for Ru Cécile Teyssier September 2010

35 results for the 137Cs source
Simplified spectrum: Gamma: 32 keV 5.8% ; 36 keV 1.3% ; 662 keV 85.1%. Electron: Mean beta- energy: keV 625 keV 7.8%; 656 keV 1.4% Cécile Teyssier September 2010

36 Evolution of the configuration
Cécile Teyssier September 2010

37 If we considere all the tracks as electrons…
Cécile Teyssier September 2010

38 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

39 Prague results Cécile Teyssier September 2010

40 Cécile Teyssier September 2010

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