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IFMSA-POLAND Poznań for Beginners.

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Presentation on theme: "IFMSA-POLAND Poznań for Beginners."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFMSA-POLAND Poznań for Beginners

2 IFMSA-POLAND Who are we?
IFMSA = International Federation of Medical Student Associations Over 1 000, 000 medical students worldwide Federation: members =national medical students organisations  129 NMOs (National Member Organisations) from 121 countries

3 Who are we? Vision: all medical students unite for global health
knowledge, skills and values take on health leadership roles locally and globally.

4 Who are we? Mission: initiatives that impact positively the communities we serve, represents the opinions and ideas in the field of global health, training, project and exchanges opportunities, while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future.

5 …OK but who are WE for real? 
Full-time medical students - just like you!  We want more We have passions We care We want to be the change We take initiative

6 Standing Committee On…
Diversity in unity Public Health Human Rights and Peace Standing Committee On… Professional Exchange Research Exchange

7 Health under control

8 Teddy bear hospital

9 Suturing courses

10 Peer education

11 Think pink

12 Student Clinic

13 Amnesty international redemptoris missio christmas / easter relief

14 Clinical Polish peer-to-peer classes

15 Orphanage


17 How can you join IFMSA? 1. Fill in the membership form and submit it to Aspirynka (room 29/30). 2. Join the mailing list (by simply sending an ) and the Facebook group. 3. Acquit the membership fee of 50 PLN. 4. Register on the website: = start collecting points … 5… and make the most of your newly-acquired membership! :)

18 Membership fee* Bank account no.: 25 1050 1953 1000 0023 6789 8828
Title: "Składka członkowska 2015/2016, (full name)" Address: Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studentów Medycyny IFMSA-Poland ul. Oczki 1A Warszawa *Payment receipt should be printed out and delivered to Aspirynka (porters’ lodge, room no. 29/30)

19 Thank you! 

20 Any questions? Always happy to help! 
Julita Chapko Telephone:

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