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Common Core and PACC State Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core and PACC State Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core and PACC State Standards
Parent Presentation Changes in State Standards January 31, 2013 MS Auditorium – 7:00 PM February 1, 2013 MS Auditorium – 12:00 PM

2 A Major Change at the State Level
The Keystone Exams will begin to count for Graduation starting withh the class of 2017 – our current 8th grade students

3 Graduation Requirements
Beginning with the class of 2017 (current 8th grade) students must pass the Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature tests in order to graduate Passing scores are banked and used for: AYP at the end of their 11th grade year Graduation in 12th grade Students take the test at the end of the year in which they take the course Currently Algebra 1 is 7th-9th grade Currently Biology is 9th grade Literature is 10th grade This is a state law and is intended to become part of the new Pennsylvania Graduation Requirements

4 Some changes ( ) PSSA 2013 – 11th grade PSSA test eliminated – Keystones reinstated PSSA-M is eliminated 2013 – Writing Field Test 3rd-5th grades – (1- 1 ½ hours) LM and JPLIS – 2/5 HW and LB – 2/6 2014 – Writing Field Test 6th-8th grades 2015 – Writing test for 5th grade eliminated 2015 – New Reading/Writing (ELA) test for 3rd-5th grades These dates are new from PDE as of 1/31/13 Writing Test for 8th grade eliminated New Reading/Writing (ELA) test for 6th-8th grades

5 Current PSSA Test Questions 3rd – 8th Grades
2013 and 2014 tests continue to be aligned to current state standards Not the PA Common Core Standards – yet Embedded Field Test items aligned to PACC Standards Field Test Items are not scored – don’t count Students do not know which questions are Field Test (don’t count) and which are Operational (do count)

6 Spring 2015 Reading, Writing and Math for 3rd to 8th grades
Spring rd - 8th Grade PSSA All 3rd - 8th grade students will now take the new ELA Common Core aligned PSSA which includes reading and writing for all 6 grades Writing no longer a separate test for 5th and 8th grade only All 3rd – 8th grade students will now take the new Math Common Core aligned PSSA Grades 3-8 Math and ELA Tests based on new PA Common Core State Standards State will continue to embed Field Test items aligned to PACC Standards

7 Science PSSA At this time, the current plan remains for Science
Science PSSA is given in only 4th and 8th grades We will update you in the future on any changes to the Science PSSA test

8 History of the Common Core State Standards
Each of the 50 states created their own sets of standards Realization that there is a disconnect and a need for continuity Feedback from the College and Career Community that our graduates are not prepared for the type of math, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills expected in the “real world” 2010 – ELA and Math Common Core Standards Each state could add to the original document by as much as 15% PA made some changes Ex. Added a Pre-K component Slight structural change Original ELA Common Core vs. PA ELA Common Core Original Math Common Core vs. PA Math Common Core

9 ELA Common Core Standards
ELA – English and Language Arts Original 10 Standards for Reading and Writing Progression Pre-K - 12 Focus is on: Reading Literature and Informational text Growth of Comprehension and Text Complexity Writing Informational, Argumentative and Narrative Engage in evidence-based analysis of what they’ve read and researched Speaking and Listening Language Conventions of Standard English and Vocabulary

10 How is the demand of this standard rising across the grades?
7th – 8th Progression 7th Grade 8th Grade 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. In grade 7, students are asked to provide an objective summary, and in grade 8, students are required to consider the relationship between theme and characters, setting, and plot. How is the demand of this standard rising across the grades?

11 How is the demand of this standard rising across the grades?
9th – 12 Progression 9th -10th Grade 11th -12th Grade 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. 2. Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text. In grades 9 and 10, students are asked to provide a detailed analysis of the development of theme across the course of the text. In grades 11 and 12, students are asked to determine multiple themes and how they interact and build to provide complex analysis. How is the demand of this standard rising across the grades?

12 CCSS Reading Standards Informational

13 What are the ELA expectations?
Be prepared in PA to take higher rigor 3rd-8th grade tests in 2015 Close gap between level of reading and writing expected in HS vs College and Career - VIDEO Exposure at all grades to more complex text More writing in response to the reading Citing of textual evidence More application of their knowledge Greater emphasis on non-fiction reading and writing 50% by 4th grade 70% in HS – this includes content areas not just English

14 Text Complexity Text complexity is defined by: Quantitative
Qualitative Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. Quantitative Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. Reader and Task Reader and Task considerations – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment. Quantitative Measures are factors of the text that can be counted (number of words in a sentence, length of passage, word repetition and comparison of words versus a word list separated by grade level) and typically are measured electronically. Qualitative Measures are the factors that have to be determined by educators. While a book may be at the ‘reading level’ of a student based on Quantitative Measures, the content may not be age appropriate and other factors (such as knowledge and language demands and levels of meaning/purpose) should come into play. The Reader and Task are incredibly important factors of this determination. While a text may be appropriate for a certain grade level overall, a teacher may know that a certain group of students have more/less background knowledge on the subject, for example.

15 What are the Math Expectations
Focus and Coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level Reduction in number of topics Greater depth of understanding for each topic Possible delay in topic introduction. Ex. mult/div at 3rd grade - VIDEO Coherent progressions across grade levels Balance of Concepts and Skills Standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency

16 Math Common Core Standards Mathematical Practices
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

17 For example:

18 Math problem comparison
Martha’s Carpeting Fencing Ms. Brown’s class will raise rabbits for their spring science fair. They have 24 feet of fencing with which to build a rectangular rabbit pen to keep the rabbits. If Ms. Brown’s students want their rabbits to have as much room as possible, how long would each of the sides of the pen be? How long would each of the sides of the pen be if they had only 16 feet of fencing? How would you go about determining the pen with the most room for any amount of fencing? Organize your work so that someone else who reads it will understand it. Martha was recarpeting her bedroom which was 15 feet long and 10 feet wide. How many square feet of carpeting will she need to purchase? Both tasks: Stein, Smith, Hennigsen, and Silver, 2000

19 Thank You! Questions????

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