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Eastern Europe: market overview

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1 Eastern Europe: market overview
Region: Russia (embargo), Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia Region population: 105 million consumers Alaska salmon imports ,300 tons - $15 million -53% Salmon roe 1,000 tons - $11 million Alaska ground fish imports ,000 tons - $27 million +80% Pollock surimi - 5,300 tons - $12 million H&G - 4,700 tons - 4,800 tons - $9 million Pollock mince, frozen fillets


3 Eastern Europe: Russia update
Russian food ban extended till Dec 31, 2018 Russian fish catch – 2016 – 4,700,000 tons, up 5% yr-to-yr Russian pollock catch – 2016 – 1,740,000 tons, up 7% yr-to-yr Russian fish export ,980,000 tons, up 6% yr-to-yr Russian pollock export ,000 tons, up 1.6% yr-to-yr Pollock TAC set in 2017 is up to 1,890,000 tons Investment fish quotas - new state support measure – may result in 100 ships and 10 coastal plants built in 5-7 yrs in the Far East (Source: Russian Federal Agency for Fishery)

4 Eastern Europe: strategy
- Importers - core focus Market visits Trade show attendance Representational events Trade leads generation Multi-language educational materials Quarterly trade newsletters Blog - Retailers - limited outreach In-store demos and advertisement POS placement Present for purchase - HRI sector - limited outreach Educational events Localisation of ASMI technical information for chefs Update Alaska distributors Advertorials in professional media Days of Alaska promotions

5 Eastern Europe: highlights
Retail promotions coordinated: Salmon roe – UFC Ukraine Salmon roe, keta - Selida Lux Moldova Salmon roe – Viocris Impex Moldova Keta – Seafood Group Georgia Salmon roe – Ocean Fish Romania Trade leads generates: Salmon: 20 Pollock: Ukraine (9), Other (7) Cod: Ukraine (2), Other (6) Crab: Ukraine (1), Other (5) Halibut: Other (3) Black cod: Ukraine (1) Sole: Ukraine (2), Other (3 Shows attended: World Food Kiev, World Food Ukraine, Taste Ambassadors Romania, AgroFoodDrinkTech Georgia, SEG Belgium, World Food Kazakhstan

6 Eastern Europe: highlights
Market visits: 15 trips Representational event partners: UFC Ukraine, FAS Ukraine, FAS Kazakhstan, FAS Romania, US Embassy Lithuania, US Embassy Estonia

7 Eastern Europe: didn’t work
Lack of marketing experience, cultural differences - prolonged promotion approvals, inability to obtain promo results after activity Partner events that result in partial success due to discrepancy in goals Regional shows - small scale, questionable organisation - Parasite communication with chefs (?) - Questionable handling of fish by wholesale prevent from successful promotions

8 Eastern Europe: 2017/18 Countries in focus: Ukraine, Romania, Georgia + the Baltics (new 3 countries added to ASMI program) Products in focus: salmon roe, salmon, pollock (H&G, surimi, other) Vici (Lithuania) – surimi – initiate communication Looking for extra funds. Cochran Ukraine approved for 2018, recruitment in progress QSP of AK pollock samples to Ukraine, Romania. Initiate Diversification of Pollock promotions Canteen workshops Printed materials for HRI/final consumers ASMI technical materials localization .

9 Discussion

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