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LSST : Follow-up des SN proches

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1 LSST : Follow-up des SN proches
LSST : Follow-up des  SN proches ? Pierre Antilogus LPNHE-IN2P3, Paris LSST-France March 20th 2017

2 LSST concept : 1 telescope + 1 instrument + 1 observation plan
6-band Survey: ugrizy 320–1070 nm Survey(s) Area (with 0.2 arcsec / pixel)  Main : at least 18,000 square degrees to an uniform depth Other : ~10% of time ~1h/night (Very Deep + fast time domain + special regions : ecliptic, galactic plane , Magellanic clouds) Total Visits per unit area and Visits per filter (Main survey) Image Quality Mean seeing at the site is ~ 0.7 arcsec PSF FWHM < 0.4 arcsec (no atmospheric seeing). PSF Ellipticity < 0.04 (referenced to 0.6 arcsec FWHM circular Gaussian) Photometric precision: 0.01 mag absolute; mag repeatability & color u g r i z y Nb Visit 56 80 184 160 1 visit mag 23.9 25.0 24.7 24.0 23.3 22.1 10 year 26.1 27.4 27.5 26.8 24.9 More than visits & 5.5 x106 exposures following the sequence: 15 s pose + 1 s shutter + 2 s read + 15 s pose + 1s shutter + 5s new pointing as reading  Points to new positions in sky every 39 seconds Number of visits per night : ~ 1000 Universal Cadence Strategy for Main Survey Revisit after minutes Visit pairs every 3-4 nights

3 LSST: Stage IV Dark Energy Experiment
LSST complementary techniques to constrain Dark Energy : Weak gravitational lensing Baryon acoustic oscillations Type 1a supernovae Statistics of clusters of galaxies Remark : LSST Key properties to remove instrumental/atmospheric signature : > 800 exposures of each field Stage IV criterion defined in terms of the inverse of the error ellipse in the wa-w plane.

4 SN Ia redshift domain & LSST
LSST deep fields + IR from space (Euclid or WFIRST) Included in LSST Cosmology Baseline LSST deep fields HST LSST Shallow : will request to run part of LSST Main survey in a accelerated way SNLS Detection in LSST Main Follow-up TBD SDSS Ultra-Low-z LSST can also changes what can be done in these redshift domains but it will requests other instruments for the light curves measurement

5 SN Ia Z>1 : LSST + Space (Euclid or WFIRST )
“low-z” (LSST Shallow) “low-z” (LSST Shallow)

6 SN Ia Z< .1 : Level arm From the ground , more than increasing “for ever” the size of the default sample (LSST Deep + LSST Shallow) the best thing to do : Increase the sample size in the low redshift domain ( z <.1 ) . P.Astier 2016)

7 SN Ia Z< .1 : what other cannot probe !
J.Guy (Moriond 2016) Beyond “FOM”, SN <0.1 are unique probes : BAO & weak lensing limited by cosmic variance Can bring unique information on the most resent (last 10% ) universe expansion Velocity correlation at z<0.1σ8+γ constraints

8 SN Ia Z< .1 : Players … The one that will make progress on the subject for z<0.2 ZTF, PanStarrs, DES, SNFactory But even ZTF will not close the low redshift subject before LSST . Large ( >> 100 ) sample of Low redshift light curve of “cosmo quality” request time ( yearsss for z <0.05) , lots of work (photometry is hard ) and dedicated/efficient instrument for what ever follow-up (spectro ? Photo ? ) LSST will discover them all but will follow “none” .  This follow-up is a big effort , no good plan today

9 How many SN Ia per year ?

10 LSST detection , follow-up with ? (1/2)
The “rolling cadence” discussion in LSST today , aims to measure SN Ia for z ~ 0.4, above 0.5,0.6 , the deep field will do the job , below 0.x ( 0.2 ? 0.1 ? 0.05 ? ) , there is a need for a dedicated follow-up : LSST will detect them early ( but not in a given filter , as a same filter on a given field is used at a frequency of ~10-15 days , but a same field is visited each 3 days ) Follow-up : Photometry : goal ? Light curve (10 ? 15 points ? Precision per points ) in 3 colors ( gri ? ugr ? BVR ?) ( + a few points from LSST in “other colors” ) example : To follow ~ 1200 SNIa / year ( all to z <0.1 ) : 1 night ~ 8 h , 1 year 300 nights : 2400 h  2 h per SN Ia (overhead & calibration included ) With 0:30 -1:30 min / filter on a 2m , does the job for 1 point question : mirror size vs overhead vs 3 filters at once 1 m with 3 filters at once is confortable but 3 x 50 cm may be ok too if we stay at z<0.1 Remark : large unknown on the expected stat at low z .

11 LSST detection , follow-up with ? (2/2)
Follow-up Spectro : goal ? ID ? Spectra at max for like like classification ? Telescope : Z ~  2m at least …up to z~0.1 with a MUSE like spectro ? Z < .2  4 m Should we consider to do SN II for z<0.05 (with Expanding Photosphere method ) ? How to select the object to follow ? Should we take early spectra ( heavy / time expensive ) Accept to take a few early colors to trig the light curve follow-up Near max , take the decision to take a spectra / proceed with the follow-up

12 White book “ LSST nearby SN Ia “
Covering all science aspect / interest for different z domain ( < 0.05 , 0.1 , 0.2 ) Evaluation of what is needed to optimize the distance measurement : Spectro ? (like to like , ID , type II ..) Calibration Filters / light curve (nb point / nb photon ) Cost of the identification / versus time lost doing it Considering the different setup possible : Spectro : where ? With which type of instrument Photo : 1 m ? 50s cm ? Dychroic / 1-3 camera ? Who will read it ? Agency ( funds ) , ESO (in kind ? ) .. Who will write it ? : LSST-France could/should start / do a first version … but at some LSST-collaborators ( we should see big or we will fail again ) When ?  Now : needed to build something / have access to the facilit(ies)…

13 LSST & Optical transient
LSST will identify a large sample of variable objects , dominated by variable stars : 10k / visit (in average ) , 40k /visit (at max) , it will provide (10 7 in the galactic plane ) alerts per night . LSST will publish these alerts within 60 seconds. But the LSST database (object surrounding , history of the object / field, multi-color light curve ) will be the key to classify these alerts and trigger spectroscopic follow-up. Example: classifications obtained by COVET-CFHT, on a test run close to LSST conditions

14 LSST & Transients PTF (~Today) & LSST (~2022) supernovae rate (Rau et al. (2009))

15 LSST & Optical Transients : an unique way to probe/survey the universe
Hubble diagram for # directions : LSST will be able to probe the isotropy of the Dark Energy properties . For example the large SNIa statistic will allow to build SNIa hubble diagram for different directions in the sky.

16 End of Presentation

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