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Exhibition 2014 By: Amanda Bloome and Patrick Nguyen

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1 Exhibition 2014 By: Amanda Bloome and Patrick Nguyen
Book Banning Exhibition 2014 By: Amanda Bloome and Patrick Nguyen

2 What is Book Banning And Censorship?
Book banning is the complete removal of a book or series in a school, library, or community Censorship Book censorship is the removal or changing of part of a book. Often removing bad language, images, or sections.

3 History 399 BC- The bible is burned and becomes the first ever banned book 1650- a pamphlet in London is confiscated and begins modern book banning. 1735- The first trial is held against censorship 1872-Anthony Comstock founds the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and brings modern book banning to America. 1957- The Supreme Court limits book banning

4 Why are books banned? Books are banned for many reasons, including:
Ideas Religion/ race Bad language Gay/lesbian Against government or leaders Witchcraft Unsuitable for age group

5 Who bans books? Many people ban books including: Parents
School boards/ districts Governments Libraries Religious groups Patrons Elected Officials Teachers

6 How many books are banned? (and when?)
Between 1990 and 2000, over 6,000 books were banned in American public schools. From , the most books were banned in 2004. In 2013, 307 books were officially banned from American public libraries. Book banning increased by 53% in 2013

7 How are schools effected?
Banned books are often removed from school curriculums. Some teachers are fired for assigning or reading banned books Some text books are banned. Many teachers and staff prepare for challenges or banning. Some school libraries wont accept donations of some books.

8 Here, volunteers prepare for a Banned Books Week event.
People take action by… . Founding organizations such as The Kids Right To Read Project, Office for Intellectual Freedom, and The Banned Books Week Committee. . Taking banning to court . Separating banned books from non-banned books to make them more available. . Protesting or petitioning . Spreading awareness Here, volunteers prepare for a Banned Books Week event.

9 Quotes to think on “ To eliminate anything objectionable will leave public schools in shreds” -US supreme court,1948 “More and more teachers are looking over their shoulders during read aloud time, worrying someone will take offense at some book” -Jim Trelease : Author of “The Read Aloud Handbook” “Our first business will be to supervise the making of legends and fables, rejecting all that are unsatisfactory” -Plato

10 Fun Facts 6301 parents challenged books from 1990-2010
Banning a book does not encourage literacy Most people think book banning is wrong Some people believe the government should ban books instead of people Before someone bans a book they must first challenge it

11 Book Banning Thanks for watching!!!!

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