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Undergraduate Programs

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1 Undergraduate Programs
Crop & Soil Sciences March 2016


3 Credit Hour Generation

4 40 30 16 4

5 Degrees Conferred (FY2010-2015)
Major FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 3 Yr Avg FY2015 AES 11 15 12 6 8 7 E Chem 3 2 1 ERS 4 5 WSR - BSES WSR - BSFR Turf 10

6 Issues I have learned from meetings with the Provost, VPI and Curriculum Systems that UGA lags other System institutions in the percentage of majors that meet the Regents’ requirements as “Performing”.   On a positive note, restructuring our majors, should not impact our student numbers, course offerings or instructional resources.  In addition, we are expecting another increase in student credit hour funds for FY17.  However, the persistence of low producing majors exposes the College and University to budget audits and budget reductions.

7 Underperforming Majors
Degrees Conferred – Three Yr Avg ( ) Action Recommended (OVPI) Appeal Agriscience 8 Terminate Accepted Environmental Chemistry 3 Add as an AoE under Chemistry (BS) Merge with ERS and offer ERS on Athens campus Environmental Resource Science Merge with EC and offer on Athens campus Water & Soil Resources 4 Merge with ERS and offer on Athens campus Turfgrass Management 6

8 Bottom Line Any major with less than 50 students is going to have trouble producing 10 graduates per year For Water & Soil Resources, we cannot count the numbers in the BSES and BSFR together since they have two different degree codes

9 Combining Programs There is a bit of flexibility in creating Areas of Emphasis We are allowed to combine Major Required and Major Elective to form an AoE Only requirement is that 21 hrs required classes be in the program

10 Environmental Majors Short Term Long Term
Environmental Resource Science offered at Griffin and Athens Fold Environmental Chemistry into Environmental Resource Science Long Term Fold Turfgrass into Agriscience Fold Water & Soil Resources into Environmental Resource Science???



13 Thank you for your attention!

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