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Homograft Replacement of the aortic valve:Ten-year results

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1 Homograft Replacement of the aortic valve:Ten-year results

2 Introduction In Aortic valve disease the use of cryopreserved homograft is a valuable advantage to mechanical or biological prosthetic for aortic valve replacement.

3 Homograft replacement of the aortic valve has theoretical and pratical advantage.
Good resistance to infection and low risk to reinfection. Excellent hemodynamic performance. No pharmacological anticoagulation

4 Homograft Aortic Valve Replacement
Homograft Aortic Valve Replacement. Division of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. La Pitie’ Paris. Patients 82 men women mean age 38,83±16,70

5 1993 - 2003 111 Patients Endocarditis ( n 52 )
Rheumatic disease ( n 32 ) Bicuspid valve disease ( n 18 ) Dystrophic disease ( n 9 ) AV regurgitation Endocarditis mean 3,63±0,48 AV regurgitation non Endocarditis mean 2,89±0,78

6 1993 - 2003 52 Endocarditis 38 men 14 women
mean age 41,32±17,94 31 patients Homo-AVR native valve 21 patients Homo-AVR non native valve. Mechanical Prostethic Valve

7 Operative Data

8 Operative Data

9 10 years results.111 Patients
Mean follow up was 61±35 months. 118 months maximum Overall hospital mortality patients ,57% Non Endocarditis % Endocarditis ,57 Late death patients Homograft failure and reoperation (30 days) 0%

10 10 years results. Causes of late complications
Reoperation Early reoperation < 3 months Late reoperation (1pt two times ) Endocarditis Ischemic or Emorragic events Calcifications without reoperation

11 10 years results. Reoperation

12 Early and Late complications




16 10 years results. 52 Endocarditis
10 years survival was 97% Patients free from cardiac death was 100% 10 years freedom for major cardiacs events was 95% 10 years freedom from recurrent endocarditis was 96%

17 Complex endocarditis involving the aortic root and interventricular septum remains a great challenge in the aortic replacement surgery Endocarditis is frequently associated with systemic embolization and neurological injury that may be conditioned early survival

18 Valve replacement in the presence of native and prosthetic endocarditis remains a great problem (bet). Homograft replacement of the aortic valve is the preferred for these patients with complex endocarditis even if concomitant mitral valve disease and regurgitation required valve replacement or repair

19 CONCLUSION The present result confirmed good long term-result for aortic valve replacement with cryopreserved homograft and risk of valve-related death or recurrent endocarditis is very low at long-term follow up.




23 Operative Data.

24 Operative Data

25 Previous Cardiac Operation (N 42)
20 patients Aortic Root and Septum involving 10 Aortic Root patch 3 Aortic Root and Septum patch 7 Only Root replacement 13 patients Mitral Valve Regurgitation mean regurgitation 2,07±0,64 13 Mitral Valve Repair 2 patients By pass 2 patients Others

26 10 years results.111 Patients Reoperations
11 patients early complication. Low cardiac output patients Pulmonary infection «  «  «  Bleeding «  «  « 

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