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Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Hudson ISD

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1 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2014-15 Hudson ISD
This PowerPoint presentation has been designed for both campus and district use. The notes in italics are instructions for the user. The notes in regular font are speaker’s notes for the presenter. Insert your own campus/district name into the title.

2 TAPR Overview Due to changes in legislation, the performance report formerly known as the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report is now the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) AEIS was published from to Archived AEIS reports may be found on the AEIS Archives page through TEA The TAPR provides information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics. A hearing for public discussion of the annual report must be held within 90 calendar days, excluding winter holidays, from November 21, 2013.

3 Accessing the TAPR Report
1 HISD Administration Office or Specific Campus Office 2 3 Insert appropriate district/campus website links.

4 2015 TAPR Contents District/Campus Performance
STAAR Performance at Phase-in Level II or above Disaggregated by grade level, subject, and student group Aggregated by passing standard and progress measure Progress of Prior Year Failures TAKS Exit-Level cumulative Student Success Initiative Current year ELL Students disaggregated by subject and Bilingual/ESL service delivery model Explain district’s Bil/ESL service delivery model. Campus reports will not include data disaggregated by ELL student group.

5 2015 TAPR Content District/Campus Performance (continued)
Participation Rate Attendance Rate Annual Dropout Rates Graduation Rates

6 2015 TAPR Content District/Campus Performance (continued)
College Readiness Indicators RHSP and DAP Graduates Advanced Courses/Dual Enrollment Texas Success Initiative (TSI) College-Ready Graduates AP/IB Results, SAT/ACT Results Graduates Enrolled in a Texas Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Gradates in a Texas IHE Completing One Year Without Remediation

7 2015 TAPR Report Overview District/Campus Profile
Student Information Demographics, Graduates, Retention Rates, Class Size Staff Information Demographics, Experience, Salary Information Programs Student Enrollment, Teachers by Program Budget Link to Actual Financial Data report

8 Student Data

9 2015 STAAR 3-8 Performance Reading
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Reading/ELA Percent at Phase-in Level II or above for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically. African American 7%

10 2015 STAAR 3-8 Performance Science
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Science Percent at Phase-in Level II or above for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically. African American 7%

11 2015 STAAR 3-8 Performance Social Studies
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Social Studies Percent at Phase-in Level II or above for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.

12 2015 STAAR 3-8 Performance Writing
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Writing Percent at Phase-in Level II or above for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.

13 2015 STAAR Performance End-of-Course
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Social Studies Percent at Phase-in Level II or above for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically. Special Ed 8%

14 STAAR Percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or Above All Grades, All Subjects
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or above data for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

15 STAAR Percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or Above
All Grades, Reading To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or above data for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

16 STAAR Percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or Above All Grades, Mathematics
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or above data for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

17 STAAR Percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or Above
All Grades, Science To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or above data for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

18 STAAR Percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or Above
All Grades, Social Studies To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent at Phase-in 1 Level II or above data for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

19 STAAR Percent Met or Exceeded Progress
All Grades, Reading To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent Met or Exceeded Progress for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

20 STAAR Percent Met or Exceeded Progress All Grades, Mathematics
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent Met or Exceeded Progress for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

21 STAAR Percent Exceeded Progress
All Grades, Reading To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent Exceeded Progress for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

22 STAAR Percent Exceeded Progress All Grades, Mathematics
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter the STAAR percent Exceeded Progress for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

23 2015 Attendance 2013-2014 School Year
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Attendance for each group into the columns for each campus. The chart will adjust automatically.

24 2015 Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) 2013-2014 School Year
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Annual Dropout Rate for Grades 7-8 for each group into columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

25 2015 Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 9-12) 2013-2014 School Year
To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Annual Dropout Rate for each group into columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

26 Report of Violent or Criminal Incidents
Texas Education Code (§39.053) requires each district to include a Report of Violent or Criminal Incidents with the Texas Academic Performance Report. (School Safety Choice Option-for schools that are Persistently Dangerous) PEIMS Action Codes: 11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19, 29,30,31,32,36,37,46,47,48

27 What are Violent Criminal Incidents
Used, exhibited, or possessed a firearm, illegal knife, club, or weapon Sexual assault Felony controlled substance or alcohol violation Arson Aggravated robbery Murder or attempted murder Manslaughter Criminally negligent homicide Indecency with a child Aggravated kidnapping Aggravated assault

28 2014 Violent and Criminal Incidents
None Reported To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2013 Violent and Criminal Incidents for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.

29 For more information, please contact:
Donny Webb Asst. Supt. (936) Insert the main point of contact district/campus

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