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Games and Simulations in Assessment

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1 Games and Simulations in Assessment
Dr Helen Benton

2 Background Student Informal Assessment (no mark)
Formal Assessment (mark) Simulations and games are part of experiential learning pedagogy, which is viewed as an active learning strategy which is more effective than the traditional approach (Ulrich, 2005) and preferred by students (Wurdinger and Carlson, 2010).

3 Physical In-Class Games

4 Online Simulations © 2013 Links Simulations
© 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies © 2013 Cesim

5 Benefits of Games and Simulations
Can make mistakes and take risks in a safe environment Demonstrates the knock-on effects and trade-offs Frequent decision-making Motivation and student engagement

6 How do you link this to Assessment?
Essential that work involved is reflected in the mark allocation. Reward learning gain – not game performance. Reflection-based. Team and individual contribution taken into account.

7 Student Feedback ‘I liked the Links game because it gave us more opportunity to practice what we learned.’ (PG MEQ ) ‘The supply chain game made us think about different strategies, we were even discussing after class how we should do it to improve production. It was interesting and also, we had fun at the same time…. For me its one of the most interactive modules I have had.’ (UG MEQ ) Links helped us work together in new ways. PG I liked the links games because it gave us more opportunit to pratice what we learned. PG 2013 I liked the games to see the effects of some theoretical improements. UG 2012 I do like the exercises in the class, they are a lot of fun and interesting. 2013 I also enjoyed the supply chain game, it really helped us to understand the concept of lean and agile.2013 We do the supply chain game, it is real experience for the supply chain and makes me feel it. 2014 We played games which makes us uderstand about the subject more clearly and fun. 2014 I ike that the modoule is very interactive, thta something changes every week which is really interesting. And it make learning more interesting than doing a case study from a book. 2014 ‘I also enjoyed the supply chain game, it really helped us to understand the concept of lean and agile.’ (UG MEQ )


9 References Sterman, J "Modeling Managerial Behavior: Misperceptions of Feedback in a Dynamic Decision Making Experiment", Management Science, 35(3), pp Ulrich, T.A The Relationship of Business Major to Pedagogical Strategies, Journal of Education for Business, 80(5), pp

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