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Lecture 2 Ms. Earl Health 1.

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1 Lecture 2 Ms. Earl Health 1

2 Carbohydrates = CHO C Carbohydrates H Hydrogen O Oxygen

3 Functions of CHO Provide energy 4Kcal/g Spare Protein
-Allows protein to build structure 3. Participate in fat metabolism -Fat burns in the flame of CHO -Fat is used more efficiently if CHO is present -If not enough CHO, excess fat is metabolized, form ketones: is bad, could turn into diabetes 4. Provide bulk -Fiber does this

4 Types of CHO Sugars (Simple CHO) Starches (Complex CHO)

5 Sugars Monosaccharides
1 unit of sugar. Cannot be broken down by digestion a) glucose (dextrose) – “blood sugar” b) fructose – from fruit c) galactose – part of lactose B. Disaccharides 2 units of sugar a) sucrose = glucose + fructose (table sugar) b) lactose = glucose + galactose (milk sugar) c) maltose = glucose + glucose (in grains of beer)

6 Sugars Continued C. Sugar Alcohol D. Oligosaccharides 3-10 units of sugar found in beans, onions, and cabbage E. Pollysaccharides many sugar units (more than 10) mostly glucose

7 Starches many glucose units Plant Starch grains and vegetables
B. Animal Starch glycogen found in liver muscles, humans make this C. Fiber plant food components

8 Types of Fiber Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water
2. Soluble fiver dissolves in water or swells in water No RDA for CHO

9 Protein Function of Protein Build Structure Regulate Processes Energy
RDA for Protein 0.8 pro/kg Amino Acids the building blocks of proteins 20 Amino Acids in a diet. 9 are essentials we need 11 nonessential, our bodies make them

10 Protein Deficiency Marasmus – starvation muscle loss
Kwashiorkor – body becomes swollen. Poor growth

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