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What is a circuit? Patricia Grant June 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a circuit? Patricia Grant June 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a circuit? Patricia Grant June 20, 2012

2 Objectives Model the flow of electrons in a circuit
Build an actual electric circuit Draw diagrams of electric circuits Explain how to tell when the path of an electric circuit is complete Test the conductivity of a variety of materials

3 Standards Organize data to support judgments about the advantages of series and parallel circuits (S4.A.2.1.4) Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations by observation, communication, comparing and organizing (S4.A.2.1.4)

4 Electricity needs these to flow
A power supply (battery) A closed circuit

5 Diagram of complete circuit

6 The circuit has: Battery Wires Light bulb Switch

7 Open vs. Closed Circuit

8 Key facts A light bulb that is part of a complete circuit will light up. Examples of circuits: lamp, fan, toaster, flashlight Parallel circuits are circuits in which electrical current from the battery flows with equal voltage into two or more bulbs. Series circuits are circuits in which electrical current from the battery flows through one bulb and then through another bulb. Conductors conduct electrical current very easily because of their free electrons. Examples: copper, aluminum, gold, and silver. Insulators oppose electrical current and make poor conductors. Examples: glass, air, plastic, rubber, and wood.

9 Quiz time Click forward to proceed
Click previous to go back to the key facts Record your answers on the sheet of paper provided

10 Will a light blub that is part of a circuit light up?
Yes No

11 Name two types of circuit

12 Name examples of conductors

13 Name two example of poor conductors

14 What is a parallel circuit?

15 What is series circuit?

16 Check your answers!

17 Interactive Demo Click to try to complete your own circuit
Students can practice using the interactive circuit and try different ways to put a circuit together.

18 Media Section 508 I will be using audio for the interactive lesson. I will provide caption as needed. Larger material Larger font Power point as well as paper form for student to follow Headphones for hearing impaired

19 Resources jpg /Vp_Sf91ff_k/s1600/closed+switch.JPG

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