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Risk Assessment Maps for Seaside OR

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Assessment Maps for Seaside OR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Assessment Maps for Seaside OR
G 148 Fall 2016

2 Seaside Oregon Base Map

3 Historic Seismicity & Faults

4 Hazard: Cascadia Subduction Zone Shaking

5 Hazard: Expected Earthquake Shaking

6 Hazard: Tsunami

7 Hazard: Liquefaction

8 Hazard: Landslide

9 Overall Hazard Very High High Medium

10 Hazard Level Reasoning
VERY HIGH Area subject to infrequent violent earthquake shaking, along with accompanying tsunami HIGH Area subject to infrequent severe earthquake shaking along with more frequent landslides MEDIUM Area subject to infrequent violent earthquake shaking

11 Vulnerability: Buildings

12 Overall Vulnerability
High Medium

13 Vulerability Reasoning
HIGH Area of high population density and buildings including hospitals and schools, seasonal/weekly/holiday fluctuations in population due to tourism MEDIUM Areas with roads NO VULNERABILITY Area with low population density, no buildings, roads or other infrastructure

14 Overall Risk High Medium Low

15 Risk Reasoning HIGH Very high hazard due to earthquake shaking and tsunami, high vulnerability due to high population and building density however population fluctuates with tourism MEDIUM Access roads subject to landslides triggered by earthquakes or storms LOW Access roads subject to liquefaction due to earthquakes NONE No vulnerability due to no population, buildings or infrastructure

16 Information Sources Oregon Department of Geology and MIneral Industries (DOGAMI) Hazard Viewer Accessed 11/23/2016

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