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Published byToby Douglas Modified over 6 years ago
Crime Trends Update Third Quarter (July-September 09)
Good Evening. I would like to take this opportunity to discuss Fort Worth’s Crime Trends for the 3rd Quarter of 2009. Chief Jeffrey W. Halstead November 3, 2009
Year-to-Date Crime Stats
OFFENSE REPORTING MONTH Cumulative Comparison January - September Sep-09 Sep-08 % CHANGE 2009 2008 Murder 2 1 100.0% 34 40 -15.0% Rape 42 38 10.5% 280 271 3.3% Robbery 118 146 -19.2% 1,033 1,267 -18.5% Aggravated Assault 185 170 8.8% 1,855 1,954 -5.1% Sub-Total Violent Crimes 347 355 -2.3% 3,202 3,532 -9.3% Burglary 835 780 7.1% 7,443 6,448 15.4% Theft 2,012 2,000 0.6% 17,641 17,759 -0.7% Auto Theft 182 230 -20.9% 1,587 2,099 -24.4% Sub-Total Property Crimes 3,029 3,010 26,671 26,306 1.4% Total 3,376 3,365 0.3% 29,873 29,838 0.1% January to September 2009, compared to January to September 2008, Part 1 Crime is up 0.1%. Violent crime is down 9.3% and Property crime is up 1.4% While other cities are seeing increases in their violent crime such as Seattle who reported a 25% increase in Robberies, Denver who reported a 22.8% increase in Sexual Assaults, and San Antonio who reported a 7% increase in Robberies, we continue to see significant decreases overall. Again, our year-to-date Part 1 crime has increased a total of 0.1%. During the 3rd Quarter, property crime increased 3.1%, which we will look at in the next slide.
3rd Quarter Crime Stats July - September 2009
Part I crime offenses increased 2.6% Murder down 76.5% Rape up 21.6% Robbery down 6.3% Aggravated Assault up 0.8% Total Violent Crime down 1.2% Burglary up 15.5% Theft up 1.4% Auto Theft down 20.5% Total Property Crime up 3.1% Part I crime rate increased by 0.1% Violent crime rate down 3.6% Property crime rate up 0.6% Citywide crime increased approximately 2.6% during the third quarter of 2009 compared to the third quarter of 2008. Violent crime decreased 1.2% and property crime increased 3.1% in 09. Sexual Assaults showed a double-digit increase; however, there were 32 arrests made along with 549 Sex Offenders monitored by the SCRAM unit. For that three month period, there were 20 Domestic rapes, 27 Stranger rapes and 35 Acquaintance rapes. However of those 27 Stranger rapes, at this time 6 have already been unfounded. There are no known serial rapists. As you can see Burglary was up 15.5% for the 3rd Quarter. While Burglary of Residences still seem to be a challenge this quarter, the majority of these residential burglaries occurred between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when homeowners are away. The most common property stolen are electronic equipment including televisions (flat screen), gaming systems, computers/laptops, and items from open garages. The burglaries of businesses and other types of locations have increased throughout the City of Fort Worth. Commercial and office buildings have seen the largest number of burglary of business incidents, followed by construction sites and specialty stores. The main types of property stolen during these burglaries are electronic equipment, construction equipment, building supplies and cash. Special details have been run to address the increases in burglaries all over the city. The recently established Criminal Tracking Unit is working on identifying burglary rings and stolen property fencing operations. The Information Management Division, which I will discuss later, is working on identifying habitual pawn shoppers who are burglary suspects and sharing that information to the officers and detectives in the field. 3rd Quarter Report based on NIBRS Reporting
Crime Rate per 100,000 July - September 2009
OFFENSE 2009 RATE1 2008 RATE2 RATE COMPARISON3 Murder 0.56 2.42 -77.0% Rape 14.86 12.52 18.7% Robbery 51.79 56.63 -8.5% Aggravated Assault 90.39 91.91 -1.7% Sub-Total Violent Crimes 157.58 163.48 -3.6% Burglary 353.07 313.30 12.7% Larceny Theft 853.04 861.92 -1.0% Auto Theft 80.94 104.29 -22.4% Sub-Total Property Crimes 1,287.05 1,279.50 0.6% TOTAL 1,444.64 1,442.98 0.1% The overall crime rate increased 0.1% compared to 2008. This slide represents the Part I crime categories as a rate per 100,000 population. We use the North Central Texas Council of Governments estimated population. NIBRS measures the number of offenses each month, which is submitted to the State and FBI. The Crime Rate is calculated using the NIBRS figures per 100,000 population. 702,850 estimated population (NCTCOG), 6/26/2008 686,850 estimated population (NCTCOG), 3/23/2007
September 2008 – September 2009 Crime Trends
This chart represents crime tracked on a monthly basis from September 2008 to September 2009.
Violent Crime and Property Crime September 2008 – September 2009
This chart tracks monthly Violent and Property Crime from September 2008 to September 2009.
Significant Efforts in Crime Prevention and Intervention
Fencing Operation Shut Down 4 individuals arrested for possession of a stolen welding machine Search warrants were issued SWAT officers found $50,000 worth of stolen property Burglars Arrested Central Division arrested a burglary suspect driving a stolen vehicle 4 felony warrants (3 credit card abuse and 1 forgery warrants) were issued Situational Awareness Training 4 classes 162 attendees Cobra Vehicle 110 Deployments of Cobra Vehicles 52 arrests I would like to highlight some of our successes this past quarter. Fencing Operation shut down Four individuals were arrested after being stopped in front of a residence in possession of a stolen welding machine. Search warrants were issued for the residence. SWAT officers made entry and discovered stolen property worth approximately $50,000. Burglars arrested Central Division investigators and officers identified and arrested a burglary suspect driving a stolen vehicle. Four felony warrants, three for credit card abuse and one for forgery, were issued after the suspect used the stolen credit cards and the victims’ information from burglarized residences, buildings, and vehicles. Situational Awareness Training This quarter four classes were taught with 162 attendees. (All four classes were held in Central Division) Cobra Vehicles Cobra vehicles are deployed in locations where auto thefts have been an issue or increases have been seen. From July to September there were 110 deployments and 52 arrests. The arrests are primarily for auto theft charges, and several have been for burglary of a vehicle.
Significant Efforts Pertaining to Crime Trends Specific to South Division
NPD 7 Burglary Detail (J17/J18) September 18th – 24th Arrests : 2 Traffic Stops: 3 Citations: 2 Reports: 1 Total calls: 14 FI / Gang Cards: 2 Citizen Contacts: 74 School Contacts: 12 NPD 8 BMV Detail (K11/K15) October 11th – 17th (Between 0100 – 0500 hours) Traffic Stops: 32 Traffic Citations: 13 Calls Answered: 78 Citizen Contacts: 11 Arrests: 2 FI Cards: 3 Staff action requested information regarding the “Crime Trends, specifically in SE Fort Worth.” From September 18th through September 24th, South Division (NPD 7) ran a detail involving J17 / J18 beat area. This effort utilized a combination of marked patrol units and NPO’s on bicycles to provide visibility and deterrence in the Wedgewood neighborhood to address daytime residential burglaries. Numerous citizen and school contacts were made, and field identification submissions were made, but the only arrests made during this effort were two students who were fighting as part of a larger altercation. After this detail began, there were two residential burglaries in the J17 and J18 beats over the next week. NPD 8 identified a challenge with Burglary of Vehicles from October 2nd through October 9th; there have been 60 reported vehicle burglaries. The majority of these offenses occurred during the overnight hours. Several neighborhoods were targeted across the district, and the tactics used by the actors indicate that there are different groups operating in this area. The offenses are spread out among the different days of the week with at least 8 reported each of the past six days. There were three marked units working this detail each weeknight. The on-duty D-Shift Sergeant directed the officers to the areas where they concentrated their patrols. Emphasis was placed on K11 & K15. Officers working the detail checked out a unit from NPD8 sector and began patrol of the target area. Officers provided a visible presence in the target area throughout their shift. They conducted traffic and pedestrian stops, completed FI cards and documented all activity. South Division COP groups were requested to assist by patrolling with their signs to further increase the amount of presence in the area. COPs were provided maps and were asked to patrol neighborhoods within the target area. These are some examples of details that took place in South Division to address different types of crime issues that emerge.
Significant Efforts Pertaining to Crime Trends Specific to East Division
NPD 5 BMV Detail (G16,18,19,22) Felony Arrests : 2 Misdemeanor Arrest: 2 Traffic Stops: 96 Citations: 69 FI Cards: 23 NPD 6 Details Burglary Detail Metal Theft Detail Public Disorder Detail Results of all three: Felony Arrests: Misdemeanor Arrests: 176 Traffic Stops: 409 Citations: Staff action requested information regarding the “Crime Trends, specifically in SE Fort Worth.” A Burglary of Vehicles trend was identified and addressed in NPD 5, with the most active beats being G16, 17, 19 and 22. The offenses tended to occur primarily from late evening through late night. Analysis of the offenses showed a significant number of vehicles burglarized were unlocked. Stereo systems, GPS, laptops, purses and radar detectors are common items stolen. The GPS and radar detectors are often left in plain view. Action taken during this detail included: An NPD 5 NPO’s meeting with neighborhood associations and Code Blue members. Information was exchanged during these meetings and through . In addition the NPO’s followed-up with crime victims to gather any additional information and offer crime prevention tips. NPD 6 has been experiencing crime increases in the areas of burglaries and metal thefts. Burglary of habitations and vacant homes are occurring during the day time hours while burglary of storage sheds and closed businesses are occurring late at night. A Metal theft detail was run at night to address these types of incidents occurring at vacant homes and businesses. All three details ran from September 26th to October 9th. These are some examples of details that took place in East Division to address different types of crime issues that emerge.
Gang Crime Third Quarter Gang-Related Offenses: 0 Murders
0 Sexual Assaults 18 Robberies 54 Aggravated Assaults 3 Burglaries (Habitation & Buildings) 3 Theft and Burglary of Vehicles 3 Auto Thefts 19 Assaults 8 Deadly Conducts 20 Criminal Mischief 59 Gang Graffiti 27 UCW 42 Possession of Controlled Substance 139 Others Enforcement Focus Areas: North Division – NPD 3 South Division – NPD 7 Gang Graffiti: 46% reduction from same quarter last year Deadly Conduct: 54% reduction over same quarter last year Although gang enforcement is addressed citywide, throughout the third quarter, we concentrated our efforts in NPD 3 and NPD7 to address some of our more active gang activity areas. As you can see, most of the arrests came from North and South Division and several were the result of an initial traffic stop. One notable arrest occurred as a result of a murder and kidnapping warrant for a Sur 13 gang member on J12’s beat. Several of the other felony arrests were a result of both surveillance and strategic targeting of known violent offenders. Arrests: North Division – 164 South Division – 81 East Division - 45 West Division – 7 Central Division - 42
New Crime Lab & Property Room
Acquisition and Renovations 100% funded by CCPD Crime Lab Firearms Chemistry Latent Fingerprints Evidence Screening New design and shelving units for storage of evidence Cold Case DNA Evidence Ground Breaking Ceremony The acquisition and renovation of the new Crime Lab was 100% funded by the Crime Control and Prevention District. Located at 3616 E. Lancaster Avenue, this facility will house Firearms, Chemistry, Latent Fingerprints and Evidence Screening units. It will also house the Department’s Property Room, and will allow for considerably more evidence storage space. On October 13, 2009, the Crime Control and Prevention District Board, the Fort Worth Police Department, and several elected officials took part in a Crime Lab and Property Room groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate this great project. We are currently working on signage that will inform the public of its existence and that it is CCPD funded through the ½ cent sales tax. 11
Crime Control and Prevention District Council District Informational Meetings
Date Council District Location Time October 1, 2009 District 5 TCC Opportunity Center, Building A, Rm 1330, 5901 Fitzhugh Ave. 6pm October 8, 2009 District 6 Christ Church, Student Ministry Center 5301 Alta Mesa Blvd. 6:30pm October 19, 2009 District 7 Arlington Heights United Methodist Church, 4200 Camp Bowie Blvd. October 21, 2009 District 8 & 9 JPS Skills Lab, 3rd Floor, Outpatient Building, 1500 S Main Street October 22, 2009 District 4 Pantego Bible Church 8001 Anderson Blvd 7pm October 29, 2009 District 2 North Fort Worth Women’s Club 1522 Rockwood Lane During the 3rd Quarter, staff prepared for and scheduled 6 Crime Control and Prevention District informational meetings. The purpose of these meetings were to provide citizens information about the Crime Control and Prevention District. City Council Members and CCPD Board Members have also made several presentations at Neighborhood Association meetings throughout the last several months. The District has to be renewed every 5 years by the voters of Fort Worth. The election is being held today, November 3, 2009. Election Day: Today, November 3, 2009
Additional Initiatives Update
Re-alignment of Organizational Structure - Information Management Division - Public Relations Office - Special Investigative Unit - Special Victims Section - Major Crime Section - New OSB Deputy Chief - New ASB Assistant Director 1) Several organizational structure changes took place in the 3rd Quarter - We have created an Information Management Division, headed by Captain Hoeppner, which includes the centralization of the Crime Analysts, Data Management and the Research & Planning Unit. - The Public Information Officers and Community Liaison Officers have been consolidated into a Public Relations Office - A Special Investigative Unit has been created to assist with and investigate criminal allegations regarding Police personnel - A Special Victims Section has been created that will include a new Family Violence Unit, SCRAM, Crimes Against Children and a Missing Persons Unit - The Major Crime Section has been re-aligned to include a Financial Crimes Unit, a Commercial Auto Theft Unit, the Major Case Unit and the Fugitive Unit - Deputy Chief Abdul Pridgen was recently promoted as the new Deputy Chief of the Operational Support Bureau - Monique Lee was also recently promoted as the new Assistant Director of the Administrative Service Bureau
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