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Bellringer Grab a worksheet over Hotel Rwanda at the front of the room

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1 Bellringer Grab a worksheet over Hotel Rwanda at the front of the room
Find a seat. Only 5 in the back row for 1st and 8 for 2nd and 7th period. It will be your seat until we are done with the movie. Choose wisely because you will be getting a grade on participation Be prepared to discuss the political cartoons after attendance is taken






7 Hotel Rwanda: An Introduction
World Geography Common Lesson


9 Typical Rwandan Homes

10 History Rwanda started as a Belgian colony.
The Belgians believed the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu. They used the Tutsi minority to enforce Belgian labor policies and taxes against the Hutu majority. In 1959, the Hutu majority gained power and killed 150,000 Tutsi.

11 A stack of clothing of Genocide victims in Rwanda

12 Typical Weapon used in Genocide

13 The weapon of choice for these killings: the machete
History Continued 1961- Rwandans gain their independence from Belgium. 1990 – A Tutsi rebel group (comprised of the children of those killed and exiled in 1951) invades the country. At the same time, the Hutu regime was training men for genocide. What does genocide mean? Mass extermination of a certain ethnicity. The weapon of choice for these killings: the machete


15 History Continued 1990 The Hutu regime spread anti-Tutsi propaganda over the radio What is propaganda? Messages aimed at influencing people’s opinions. It may or may not be completely true information.

16 History Continued 1994 Nearly 1 million Tutsi’s are killed by the Hutu regime. (GENOCIDE). The killings were sparked by the assassination of the Hutu president. They believed the President was killed by a Tutsi. This was never proven. The Tutsi rebel group took control of the capital city and ended the war.

17 1996 Tutsi returning to Rwanda after the Hutus were defeated.

18 History Continued As a result of the Tutsi gaining control of the capital city the Hutus were forced to flee the country. How does the minority of the population having all the power cause problems in a country?

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