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Building Resiliency with Mindfulness

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1 Building Resiliency with Mindfulness
Susan Jones San Juan Unified School District

2 “We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that something deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” E.E. Cummings

3 ACES Communication Cycles Behavior Function Mindfulness Us This is about to get a little rough.. hang in there with me.

4 I’ve heard… What have YOU heard?
“When I told my teacher I was upset because my Grandmother had been put into the hospital, she said ‘No one cares’.” “….black and brown and Latino families come from such low social and broken families and community they live is traumatic and they are bringing this trauma to school…” “If you cannot recognize the root causes of trauma, there is nothing we can do about it” “Isn’t there another place that’s better suited for them?” “They can’t learn” “When they….” Who are THEY?!? What have YOU heard?

5 Mindful of Words Chosen
1. I, We, Them, …...Us.

6 What’s Restorative?

7 Mindful of Feelings 2. To assess, not to assess, WHEN to assess.

8 Human (Function of) Behavior
Attention (Positive and Negative) Gain/Access (To obtain something) Avoidance/Escape (To get away from something) Sensory Control …. This one is a BIGGIE!

9 Communicative Exchanges and Behavior Function
Antecedent What happens before the Behavior occurs Behavior The undesired (or desired) Behavior which is observable and measurable Consequence What happens after the Behavior occurs which may be increasing (or decreasing) the undesired (or desired) Behavior

10 Communication Cycles Impact Vs. Intent

11 3. How many have…

12 Communication

13 Negative

14 Communicate Mindfully
mind·ful·ness ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs/ noun noun: mindfulness 1. 
the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something."their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"

a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

15 What Is Unconscious Bias?
Also known as implicit social cognition, implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. ... Rather, implicit biases are not accessible through introspection. Harvard Unconscious Bias Test

16 Sometimes what is unconscious to some is, in fact, quite conscious to others.

17 A few of the known unconscious biases that directly impact our work might include:
 Affinity bias: The tendency to warm up to people like ourselves. Halo effect: The tendency to think everything about a person is good because you like that person.

18  Perception bias: The tendency to form stereotypes and assumptions about certain groups that make it impossible to make an objective judgment about members of those groups.

19   Confirmation bias: The tendency for people to seek information that confirms pre-existing beliefs or assumptions. “If you look hard enough for something, you will find it.”

20   Group think: This bias occurs when people try too hard to fit into a particular group by mimicking others or holding back thoughts and opinions. This causes them to lose part of their identities and causes organizations to lose out on creativity and innovation (Price, n.d).

21 What Can We Do? Suggestions to start creating structures to eliminate bias might include:   Conduct employee/group surveys to understand what specific issues of hidden bias and unfairness might exist at the organization.   Survey former employee/members to learn what issues they faced during their attendance and what steps could be taken that would entice them to return.

22   Talk with current employees/groups, particularly women and minorities, to ask them what unconscious biases they have witnessed in the organization and the effects these have had.   Conduct an organizational diversity audit to root out unconscious biases (Ross, 2008).

23 The structures—or processes—put in place to address biases will be unique to each workplace. But by doing so, organizations/groups will reap the rewards through the increased innovation and creativity that rich, diverse workforces bring to them. Ask people how they feel.

24 Intentional, Compassionate, Aware We teach value of emotionally safe and trusted relationships, we must model the same.

25 Resources Vozza, S. (16 April 2015). 5 common unconscious biases that lead to bad decisions. Fast Company. Retrieved from unconscious-biases-that-lead-to-bad-decisions. Wilkie, D. (01 December 2014). Rooting out hidden bias. SHRM. Retrieved from hidden-bias.aspx. Giang, V. (05 May 2015). The growing business of detecting unconscious bias. Fast Company. Retrieved from growing-business-of-detecting-unconscious-bias. Henneman, T. (09 February 2014). You, biased? No, it’s your brain. Workforce. Retrieved from Susan Jones,

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