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Presentation on theme: "JONATHAN DELIVERS DAVID FROM DEATH"— Presentation transcript:

Youth Search The Scriptures-Lesson 745

2 To start with… Memory Verse 1 Samuel 20: 9 Main Text 1 Samuel 20: 1-24

3 Study Overview Complaints of David Before Jonathan 1 Samuel 20: 1-8
Comfort and Covenant of True Love From Jonathan 1 Samuel 20: 9-17 Concrete Proof of Assurance By Jonathan 1 Samuel 20: 18-24 Study Overview

4 Applicable lessons from the conversation between David and Jonathan?
He was sincere by expressing his concern Thy father wants to kill me (v1) He was confident that what he was going through was not as a result of any sin that he has committed Christian youths must be sure that they are not suffering persecution because of the evil they have done (v1) He foresaw danger and hid himself Proverbs 22: 3 Applicable lessons from the conversation between David and Jonathan?

5 Are you a friend of Jesus?
John 15: 14 How obedient are you to the commandments of Jesus? John 15: 15 Does Jesus know you? Are you sure your name is in the Book of life in heaven? Are you a friend of Jesus?

6 He was ready to meet the need of his friend
Are you meeting the need of your unsaved friends? We must learn to encourage and comfort those who are discouraged Galatians 6: 10 Lessons from Jonathan

7 Looking at David and Jonathan, how should we love Jesus?
Our love must: Be concrete and accompanied with sacrificial commitment Be constant and unaffected by public or filial influence Compel us to reach out to sinners and love our neighbours as Christ loves us (v 16, 17; Mark 12: 31) Looking at David and Jonathan, how should we love Jesus?

8 Jonathan Judas Romans 12: 9, 10 Compare
Are you a friend like Judas or Jonathan Who is your friend? Jonathan or Judas? Romans 12: 9, 10

9 Virtues worthy of emulation in David
Integrity Clear Conscience Virtues worthy of emulation in David 1 Samuel 20: 8; Acts 24: 16 Years later, David did not forget to pay Jonathan back with good 1 Samuel 9: 1-13; 21: 7; 2 Samuel 10: 2

10 Questions What was David’s complain to Jonathan?
Who is the best friend that youths should take their burdens to? From Jonathan’s love for David, what should characterize our love for Christ? How should we love our neighbours? How did David later reciprocate Jonathan’s kind gesture towards him? Questions

11 References for image used on the cover slide
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