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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos!Bienvenue!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos!Bienvenue!
What does my child study? How is the course set up? How can I help?

2 What does my child study?
Theme 1 Theme 2 Topic 1: Me, my family and friends Relationships with family and friends Marriage/partnership Topic 2: Technology in everyday life Social media Mobile technology Topic 3: Free-time activities Music Cinema and TV Food and eating out Sport Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region Topic 2: Social issues Charity/voluntary work Healthy/unhealthy living Topic 3: Global issues The environment Poverty/homelessness Topic 4: Travel and tourism Quick re-cap and over view of what students will study – meant to be relevant to young people. It is NOT holiday languages MFL

3 What does my child study?
Theme 3 Topic 1: My studies Topic 2: Life at school/college Topic 3: Education post-16 Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions MFL

4 MFL How is the course set up? Reading 25% Writing 25% Listening 25%
Speaking 25% Assessed in final exam at the end of year 11 – all assessed externally Folders Sections General information & help sheets Writing homework Translation Grammar Vocabulary Overview of the importance of the exams at the end of the 2 year course. Good notes and organisation of folders will certainl MFL

5 MFL How is the course set up?
Students will be set homework every week – generally Vocab learning Written homework Translation MFL

6 MFL How can I help? Vocabulary There is a lot
The exam is set from only the vocabulary from the specification Learning Little & often Small chunks Look, say, cover, write, check flashcards Quizlet Go through the different ways people can learn vocabulary with the hand-outs. Give people time to use all of the different methods to learn the 22 bodyparts terms and then do a Quizlet test. MFL

7 MFL How can I help? Translation Ask your child to check
Their verb endings – use the grammar section Their adjectival endings – does the adjective have the correct ending for the noun Go through the grammar support one can find online – & MFL

8 MFL How can I help? Written Homework Can be set in chunks
Ask your child to show you this work Ask them to show you their opinions, conjunctions, verbs in different tenses – colour code with highlighters You do not need to know if it is correct but making the child think about these aspects and discuss with you will re-enforce their importance They will be asked to respond to our marking – ask to see it and discuss, get your child to explain to/teach you MFL

9 How can I help? – Independent Learning
Listening & Reading Songs with lyrics - Films with French/Spanish dubbing and French/Spanish subtitles – short bursts BBC Bitesize Exercises on & Past GCSE papers – AQA / OCR / Edxcel(Pearson) Students should do more than just what is set – the more they do the more they will develop! MFL

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