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“We have met the enemy and he is ours”

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2 “We have met the enemy and he is ours”
War of 1812 Battle of Lake Erie Commodore Oliver Perry “We have met the enemy and he is ours”

3 Control Lake Erie and Ohio westward
Great Britain's Goals Control Lake Erie and Ohio westward King George IV Leisure Selfish Unreliable Irresponsible

4 College Exams and Scripture
James 1:5 “If any of you need wisdom you should ask of God and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking.”

5 I Samuel 31:4 “Saul took his sword, put the blade into his stomach and fell upon it.”

6 Jesus to Judas John 13:27 “What you are about to do, do quickly.”

7 James 1:2 “Trouble” James1:3 “Endure by having your faith tested” James 1:4 “Learn to endure” “Become mature” “Not Lacking in anything”

8 Trials versus Temptations
James 1:12 “Don’t give up when your faith is tested” James 1:13 “Don’t blame God when you are tempted!”

9 James 1:13 God can not be tempted by evil He doesn’t use evil to tempt others

10 James 1:14-15 Our desires Tempt us Drag us off
Trap us Make us sin Leave us DEAD



13 James 4 Wants Wishes Wanderings

14 James 4:1-2 “Why do you fight and argue with each other? Isn’t it because you are full of selfish desires that fight to control your body. Your want something you don’t have and you will do anything to get it.”

15 James 4:2-4 Fighting and arguing won’t get what you want. You should pray for it! Even when you pray – not answered because your prayers are for selfish reasons you people aren’t faithful to God.

16 Love the World – Enemy of God
Friend of the World System – Enemy of God God doesn’t need Friends, just Faithful

17 James 4:5 Do you doubt the Scriptures that say, “God truly cares about the spirit He has put in us”

18 Ephesians 5:14 Light shows us every thing just as the Scriptures say, “Wake up from your sleep and rise from death, there Christ will shine on you.”

19 James 4:6 In fact God treats us with greater kindness just as the Scripture say. “God opposes everyone who is proud but He is kind to everyone who is humble”

20 I Peter 5:5 (CEV) Proverbs 3:34
5 All of you young people should obey your elders. In fact, everyone should be humble toward everyone else. The Scriptures say, “God opposes proud people, but he helps everyone who is humble.” Proverbs 3:34 The Lord sneers at those     who sneer at him,     but he is kind to everyone     who is humble.

21 James 4:7-8 to Christians Surrender to God Resist the devil
Come Near to God Clean up your Lives Purify your hearts – you people who can’t make up your minds


23 James 4:9-10 Actions to take
Be sad Be sorry Weep Stop laughing about yours sins Humble yourself

24 Saying cruel things about others
James 4:11 Don’t do it!


26 Slander – “to Diss” “Oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another where the untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed.”

27 Libel To write or print slander

28 Libel – written – Latin “Liber” (Book) Think Library
Slander – Spoken – Latin “Scandalum” “offense”

29 Although both of these words
can be spoken, Adherence to truth has been broken. Remember this dictum, Should you find yourself victim, Libel is written, while Slander is spoken

30 James 4:13-16 Don’t brag about your future!
What do you know about tomorrow? “Y2K” Don’t brag about how much money you will make.

31 James 4:15 You should say, “If the Lord lets us live, we will do these things.”

32 James 4:17 If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned.


34 Film Clip “Don’t send me to Africa”

35 B L E S S Intentional Evangelism Begin with prayer Listen with care
Eat together Serve with love Share your story about Jesus B L E S S

36 Table Talk Share some times when someone told you about Christianity but you didn’t have time to listen. When tempted to say or do something when mad, what do you do?

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