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Concepts for a high resolution multi-object spectrograph for galactic archeology on the Anglo-Australian Telescope Samuel C. Bardena, Joss Bland-Hawthornb,

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts for a high resolution multi-object spectrograph for galactic archeology on the Anglo-Australian Telescope Samuel C. Bardena, Joss Bland-Hawthornb,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts for a high resolution multi-object spectrograph for galactic archeology on the Anglo-Australian Telescope Samuel C. Bardena, Joss Bland-Hawthornb, Vladimir Churilova, Simon Ellisa, Tony Farrella, Ken C. Freemanc, Roger Haynesa, Anthony Hortona, Damien J. Jonesd, Greg Knighte, Stan Miziarskia, William Rambolda, Greg Smitha, Lew Wallera aAnglo-Australian Observatory; bThe University of Sydney; cMount Stromlo Observatory; dPrime Optics; eSinclair Knight Merz * phone ; fax ; web The activities for this project are funded by the Commonwealth of Australia through an agreement between the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) and Astronomy Australia Ltd. (AAL) as an initiative of the Australian Government being conducted as part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). Table 1: HERMES Requirements Item Mode Requirement Comment Field of View Both 2 degrees FoV and simultaneous targets per exposure are good match to existing 2dF facility. Number of Objects High Res Very High Res ~400 ~40 Spectral Resolving Power 30,000 nominal 40,000 to 50,000 λ/Δλ FWHM Simultaneous λ Coverage ~400 Å ~2000 Å Preferably in two comparable swaths Operable λ Range Å Non-simultaneous Sensitivity SNR=100 in 60 minutes at V=14 SNR is per resolution element Science Objectives The High Resolution Multi-Object Echelle Spectrograph (HERMES) is an instrument for a massive survey of 1.2 million stars in the Milky Way Galaxy over 10,000 square degrees on the sky to measure chemical abundances and kinematics. Such a survey will reveal families of stars that formed together, but were then dispersed by the gravitational well of the Galaxy. Tracing the kinematic behavior of each stellar family will yield insight into the formation processes that created the present day structure of the Milky Way [1],[2],[3]. HERMES is also expected to serve as a general purpose, facility class instrument. The fundamental requirements are shown in Table 1. Design The HERMES concept is based upon: Use of existing 2dF positioner and fibers Implementation of White Pupil Echelle Utilization of existing AAOmega hardware Instrument Modes Low Resolution (Classical AAOmega) Uses existing set of gratings to achieve existing AAOmega functionality High Resolution Single order echelle spectra in four channels with R=30,000 Very High Resolution Cross-dispersed few order echelle spectra in two channels with R=~50,000 Heading is Ariel Black 100pt. Authors and acknowledgments is Ariel narrow bold 30pt. Text is Times New Roman 40pt fully justified. Captions are Ariel narrow 40pt with alignment to suit the image. Text is unchanged. I cannot suggest altering the typefaces because I don’t know which ones you have available. I have continued with the ones you are already using. The rules being used to divide the sections remain in green but have increased to 1pt weight. The colour can alter to suit the subject – a sort of colour coding. The whole page should be worked on a strict grid format with equal margins either side, top and bottom. Space organises information. NB I eliminated the captions on the pics to make formatting easier for me. Nothing else is intended. If you can get the text to wrap around the pics, please do so. I used separate boxes to achieve that effect. If there are other logos to be added, use the space at the top right, ensuring that they all “sit” on the same line. Table 2: Design parameters Number of Channels (Cameras) 4 Collimator Type Houghton derivative White Pupil Collimator Focal Ratio 9.0 Fiber Relay f/3.15 to f/9.0 Camera Types 2 Schmidt 2 Transmissive Camera Focal Ratio 1.3 CCD pixel size 15 microns CCD format spectral 2048 pixels CCD format spatial 4096 Fibre Sampling 3.8 Dispersing Element echelle Grating Frequency 110 l/mm Grating Blaze Angle 71 degrees Design Options The following design options were considered: Dual VPH Grating in AAOmega [4],[5],[6] Double pass on grating to double dispersing power Likely difficult to produce gratings Classical non-white pupil echelle Similar to Hectochelle [8],[9],[10],[11] Likely cumbersome instrument for required wavelength coverage Anamorphic collimator with VPH Grating Stretch of beam to allow lower dispersion grating [12] White pupil echelle Implementation of white pupil collimator [13],[14] that allows possible utilization of existing AAOmega hardware Preferred option – allows relatively easy multi-channel implementation for wavelength coverage The background image is the Milky Way in Sagittarius taken from the AAT © , Anglo-Australian Observatory, photograph by David Malin. Table 3: Primary grating orders for High Resolution mode. Spectral Order: m (λc) 30 (5730 Å) 28 (6140 Å) 26 (6612 Å) 20 (8596 Å) Total Detector Coverage 118 Å 127 Å 137 Å 178 Å 560 Å HERMES configured for high dispersion mode. Slit Curvature The HERMES slit must be curved to counter second order dispersion along the slit length [15]. Slit to be curved as shown here. Detected λ coverage non-uniform with straight slit. Detected λ coverage uniform with curved slit. HERMES configured for low dispersion mode (classical AAOmega mode). Timeline HERMES is a funded project and is expected to be commissioned in early 2012. [9] Fabricant, D. G., Szentgyorgyi, A. H., and Epps, H. W., “Segmented Zero-Deviation Cross-Dispersion Prisms for the Hectochelle Multiobject Spectrograph”, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 115 (804), (2003). [10] Cheimets, P., Szentgyorgyi, A. H., and Pieri, M. R., “Mosaicked echelle grating support for the Hectochelle fibre-fed spectrograph”, Proc. SPIE, 3355, (1998). [11] Szentgyorgyi, A. H., Cheimets, P., Eng, R., Fabricant, D. G., Geary, J. C., Hartmann, L., Pieri, M. R., and Roll, J. B., “Hectochelle: a multiobject echelle spectrograph for the converted MMT”, Proc. SPIE, 3355, (1998). [12] Spano, P., Zerbi, F. M., Norrie, C. J., Cunningham, C. R., Strassmeier, K. G., Bianco, A., Blanche, P. A., Bougoin, M., Ghigo, M., Hartmann, P., Zago, L., Atad-Ettedgui, E., Delabre, B., Dekker, H., Melozzi, M., Snyders, B., and Takke, R., “Challenges in optics for Extremely Large Telescope instrumentation”, Astron. Nachr., 327 (7), (2006). [13] Baranne, A. and Duchesne, M., “Le spectrographe coudé "Echel.E.C.152" (Montage à pupille blanche pour caméra électronique)”, Proc. ESO/CERN Conf. on Auxiliary Instrum. for Large Telescopes, (1972). [14] Baranne, A., “White Pupil Story or Evolution of a Spectrographic Mounting”, Proc. ESO Conf. on Very Large Telescopes and their Instrumentation, ed. Ulrich, 1195 (1988). [15] Loewen, E. G., and Popov, E., [Diffraction Gratings and Applications], Marcel Dekker, New York (1997). REFERENCES [1] Bland-Hawthorn, J. and Freeman, K. C., “Galactic history: formation & evolution”, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, (2006). [2] Bland-Hawthorn, J. and Freeman, K. C., “Galaxy Genesis – Unravelling the Epoch of Dissipation in the Early Disk”, Pub. Astron. Soc. Australia, 21(2), (2004). [3] Freeman, K. and Bland-Hawthorn, J., “The New Galaxy: Signatures of Its Formation”, Ann. Rev. Astron. and Astrophys., 40, (2002). [4] Sharp, R., Saunders, W., Smith, G., Churilov, V., Correll, D., Dawson, J., Farrell, T., Frost, G., Haynes, R., Heald, R., Lankshear, Al, Mayfield, D., Waller, L., and Whittard, D., “Performance of AAOmega: the AAT multi-purpose fibre-fed spectrograph”, Proc. SPIE, 6269, 62690G-1-13 (2006). [5] Smith, G. A., Saunders, W., Bridges, T., Churilov, V., Lankshear, A., Dawson, J., Correll, D., Waller, L., Haynes, R., and Frost, G., “AAOmega: a multipurpose fibre-fed spectrograph for the AAT”, Proc. SPIE, 5492, (2004). [6] Saunders, W., Bridges, T., Gillingham, P., Haynes, R., Smith, G. A., Whittard, J. D., Churilov, V., Lankshear, A., Croom, S., Jones, D., and Boshuizen, C., “AAOmega: a scientific and optical overview”, Proc. SPIE, 5492, (2004). [7] Szentgyorgyi, A., “Hectochelle: High resolution multiobject spectroscopy at the MMT”, New Astron. Rev., 50 (4-5), (2006). [8] Szentgyorgyi, A. H., Fabricant, D. G., Brown, W. R., and Epps, H. W., “Cross dispersion and an integral field unit for Hectochelle”, Proc. SPIE, 4841, (2003). Wavelength Coverage Wavelength vs diffraction angle for 110 l/mm 71 degree echelle. Detector boundaries indicated for nominal grating tilt. The top priority spectral orders are indicated in the colored boxes.

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