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PEMAC Care (Safety IT System) – Risk Assessments for Users #2 Creating/Completing the RA NUI Galway Health and Safety Office.

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Presentation on theme: "PEMAC Care (Safety IT System) – Risk Assessments for Users #2 Creating/Completing the RA NUI Galway Health and Safety Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEMAC Care (Safety IT System) – Risk Assessments for Users #2 Creating/Completing the RA
NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

2 Contents Creating a new risk assessment 3-10 adding a file/link
Viewing additional files, SOPs (link) 11 12 Completing a Risk Assessment Assigning Routine Tasks to Hazards Control Measures Remedial Measures Entering additional Hazards/Controls 13-17 / 20 – 23 24 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

3 Creating a new Risk Assessment
On the home page select “Risk assessments” On the dashboard view click risk assessment NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

4 Creating a new Risk Assessment
To create a new risk assessment click on “NEW” To create a new risk assessment click on new NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

5 Do steps accurately as most cannot be edited afterwards.
Creating a new Risk Assessment Complete the form as follows: Select the location - the building (can leave blank) Select the plant item – the specific room (location and plant item given in “Plant Item” drop down menu and “More” option) Select the plant item/Routine – should be only 1 option Risk assessment type – relevant type (see table below) Risk assessment ID number – auto generates after saving. Assess. Date – date of assessment Expiry Date – must be 12 months or earlier Review Date – must be before expiry date Owner – Unit Head/Other agreed staff member who is responsible for the Risk Assessment - receives that RA is to expire. 10. Primary assessor – can be the owner or other assistance 11.SOP Document path – Safe Op Proc. Use for one link to other SOP’s, documents, RAs., etc. (a local file share or URL for website). 12. Click SAVE ONCE and wait for the system to respond Click only once as otherwise you’ll get an unwanted 2nd+ copy of the RA. Do steps accurately as most cannot be edited afterwards. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

6 Creating a new Risk Assessment
Select the location - the building (can leave blank) Select the plant item – the specific room (location and plant item given in “Plant Item” drop down menu and “More” option) Select the plant item/Routine – should be only 1 option Risk assessment type – relevant type (see table below) Risk assessment ID number – auto generates after saving. Do not create own ID number - prevents you renewing the RA later. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

7 Creating a new Risk Assessment
Assess. Date – date of assessment Expiry Date – must be 12 months or earlier Review Date – must be before expiry date Owner – Unit Head/Other agreed staff member who is responsible for the Risk Assessment - receives that RA is to expire. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

8 Owner defines the person responsible for that Risk Assessment
Preferably all risk assessments for that Department will have the ONE owner (Head Of Unit) More straightforward for the system to recognise “My Department” (i.e. Unit risk assessments) For the system to recognise “My Department” each Unit should only have ONE owner (Head Of Unit) Preferably all risk assessments for that Department will have the same owner. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

9 Do steps accurately as most cannot be edited afterwards.
Creating a new Risk Assessment Primary assessor – can be the owner or other assistance SOP Document path – Safe Op Proc. Use for one link to other SOP’s, documents, RAs., etc. (a local file share or URL for website). Click SAVE ONCE and wait for the system to respond Click only once as otherwise you’ll get an unwanted 2nd+ copy of the RA. Do steps accurately as most cannot be edited afterwards. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

10 Cannot be edited once you’ve saved it.
HEA Category Risk Assessment Type 04-Academic Office Spaces 10-Central Admin Office Spaces 4.1 Faculty Offices Office 02-Lab/Workshops-Undergraduate 03-Lab - Graduate & Faculty 2.1 Scheduled Class Lab/Worksh Laboratory/Workshop 01-Classroom Facilities Classrooms 05-Library & Study Facilities 06-Recreational/Athletic Space Recreational/Athletic Spaces 09-Plant Maintenance Plant Maintenance 11-Audio Visual/TV Facilities Audio-Visual TV facilities 14-Common Use/Student Space 15-Assembly/Exhibition space Common spaces # 4 It is important to know what Risk Assessment Type your room/area falls under. Cannot be edited once you’ve saved it. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

11 # 11To add a file, copy the address of the link/file needed and paste it into the SOP Document Path, click save. Only one link/file can be entered. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

12 On SOP Document Path, click to open the link.
To view the SOP file click the “show record” button of your Risk Assessment. On SOP Document Path, click to open the link. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

13 Completing your Risk Assessment
Click Risk Assessments Choose My Risk Assessments or My Departments Click Risk Assessments Choose My Risk Assessments or My Departments 3. Use the radio button to select the RA required based on date, plant item (room). 4. To see details click Hazards NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

14 Completing your Risk Assessment
3. Use the radio button to select the RA required based on date, plant item (room). 4. To see details click Hazards. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

15 Completing your Risk Assessment
Verify that this is the risk assessment required Click on Quick Edit Verify that this is the risk assessment required Click on Quick Edit Throughout PEMAC Care where the page content is more than one page You can toggle between the pages using < or > or you can have all the content on one page by increasing the page size. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

16 Note on page size and content
Where the page content is more than one page You can toggle between the pages using < or > or you can have all the content on one page by increasing the page size. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

17 Completing your Risk Assessment
For each HAZARD assign the appropriate ROUTINE TASK as per table below: Edit only the “Routine Task” column. Leave the “Hazard” column as is. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

18 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office
For each HAZARD assign the appropriate ROUTINE TASK as per table below: Edit only the “Routine Task” column. Leave the “Hazard” column as is. To assess the risks of the hazards: Select values for: Likelihood Possible degree of harm Mandatory values for: 3. Possible number of people affected – Person 1 (1.00) 4. Rate of occurrence – N/A (1.00) The risk assessment is done by someone in the Unit who has completed separate risk assessment training. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

19 Recommended Order (Office Example) “Routine Task” Re-assign
“Hazard identified” Leave as is Access Slip, trip or fall (internal) Storage Manual handling Emergency procedures Combustion/Fire Working at height Computer work Computer work – repetitive movements General office activity Hazards to 3rd parties e.g...... Storage at high level Computer work – eye discomfort Danger of electrocution NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

20 Completing your Risk Assessment To assess the risks of the hazards:
Select values for: Likelihood Possible degree of harm Mandatory values for: 3. Possible number of people affected – Person 1 (1.00) 4. Rate of occurrence – N/A (1.00) The risk assessment is done by someone in the Unit who has completed separate risk assessment training. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

21 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

22 Possible degree of harm
Risk Assessment Criteria Likelihood Possible degree of harm These are as set out in BS 18004:2008 And The NUI Galway Safety Statement (Part 3) NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

23 Note: You should not delete Tasks/Hazards set up in the “template” (error). So disregard the delete button for these. Note: You should not delete Tasks/Hazards set up in the “template” (error). So disregard the delete button for these. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

24 Completing your Risk Assessment Verifying/editing Control Measures
For each ROUTINE TASK/HAZARD : 1. Select the radio button 2. Click on Control Measures For each ROUTINE TASK/HAZARD : 1. Select the radio button 2. Click on Control Measures This gives a list of the control measures that should be in place for this particular ROUTINE TASK/HAZARD: If any are not in place they should be deleted 1. Mark the “missing control measure” and then 2. Click the Quick Edit 3. Mark the missing measure(s). 4. Delete it. But as a necessary control measure – it should be put in place i.e. a remedial measure is needed. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

25 Completing your Risk Assessment Verifying/editing Control Measures
This gives a list of the control measures that should be in place for this particular ROUTINE TASK/HAZARD: If any are not in place they should be deleted 1. Mark the “missing control measure” and then 2. Click the Quick Edit NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

26 3. Mark the missing measure(s). 4. Delete it.
Completing your Risk Assessment 3. Mark the missing measure(s). 4. Delete it. But as a necessary control measure – it should be put in place i.e. a remedial measure is needed. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

27 Click on hazard radio button, then control measures.
At least one valid control measure must be in place for each hazard entry. Click on hazard radio button, then control measures. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

28 Click on new to enter the “new” Control Measure.
Select all suitable control measure from the drop down menu. Save your selected item ONCE and wait for the system to respond Click on new to enter the “new” Control Measure Select all suitable control measure from the drop down menu. Save your selected item ONCE and wait for the system to respond NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

29 The Control Measures refers to existing control measures.
There is n’t a column to assign these to a particular responsible person. But where this needs to be clarified users can enter this detail in the comment box in the “Edit Hazard Control Measure” And this is seen the “Control Report in the “Detail Existing Control Measures” column. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

30 Entering Remedial Measures
To enter a remedial measures for a particular HAZARD: 1. Select the radio button for the particular Hazard. 2. Click on Remedial Actions. 3. Click New. This would be done where the control measure was not in place or a “new” remedial action is needed. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

31 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

32 Entering Remedial Measures To enter the remedial measures:
1. Type in the “Action Title” 2. Type in the “Action Description” 3. Assign it the appropriate “Action Personnel” 4. Assign the appropriate “Target Completion Date” The 2 next boxes to be used only when measure completed. 5. Click SAVE ONCE and wait for the system to respond NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

33 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

34 When the remedial measure is completed it should be marked as completed on the same screen.
The risk assessment will also need to be reviewed to include this completed “remedial action” as an “existing control measure” now. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

35 Entering Additional Hazards In the Quick Edit screen 1. Click on Add
2. Enter the “Routine Task” – drop down menu 3. Enter the “Hazard” – drop down menu or “more” As before to complete the risk assessment enter: 4. Likelihood 5. Possible degree of harm [ 6. Possible number of people affected – Person 1]* [ 7. Rate of occurrence – N/A (1.00)]* 8. Click Save ONCE and wait for the system to respond NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

36 NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

37 9. Saving brings you back to the “Risk Assessment” Screen
To add further control measures click on the relevant Routine Task and assoc. Hazard Click on Control Measures 2. Click on Control Measures NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

38 13. Add the control measure from the drop down menu
12. Click ‘new’ 13. Add the control measure from the drop down menu *Required Controls that are listed, if valid for your risk assessment, should be entered. If they are not in place but required, then a remedial measure is needed. And the risk assessment will be RED NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

39 Entering Controls for Additional Hazards
If the control measure you require is not there it will need to be entered by those with ADMIN rights. Contact the Safety Office if this arises. NUI Galway Health and Safety Office NUI Galway Health and Safety Office

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