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Military Teaching Hospital-Cotonou

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2 Military Teaching Hospital-Cotonou
SUSTAINING PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO CONTROL EMERGENT VIRAL INFECTION IN HEALTH CARE FACILITIES. ARE WE SO ALERT TO PREEMPT FURTHER OUTBREAKS? LESSONS LEARNT FROM LASSA/EBOLA OUTBREAKS IN BENIN T.Bognon1, C.Kassa5, E.Azagba3, H.Dokponou1, S.Sesso7, R.Boton1, M.Bodéoussè4, A.Barre6, R.Mankou8, E.Zitti2, F.Nassouhouede2, E.Linssoussi2, D.Medebaho2, T.Cheho1, A.Azondekon1 Military Teaching Hospital-Cotonou


4 INTRODUCTION 1 Benin Neighboring of Nigeria were LF is endemic
Migration : human Movement : animals 4

5 West Africa’s LF outbreaks overview Before 2014
INTRODUCTION 2 Risk of LF outbreaks ? Nov2014 2015 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 West Africa’s LF outbreaks overview Before 2014 LF has become cyclical in the past two years 5

6 INTRODUCTION 3 Community as well as health workers
2014: death of 4 Health Workers Jan 2016: unexplained fever within HW after care to Hemorrhagic fever case Strength of health system for riposte? Easy spreading !!! During last two outbreaks: many actions!!! WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, Benin Government 6

7 OBJECTIVE “I want to see your face” Evaluating state of alert in HCC
In post epidemics for LF/Ebola as pre-emptive actions and challenges To know get the perspectives of caregivers 7


9 METHODS 1 From April to Jun 2016 Investigated HC Centers
Located in the 12 departments National, regional and districts Public, private and confessional Urban and rural area North Central South 9

10 1- Specific logistic provided to control LF 2- Basics hospital hygiene
METHODS 2 Were assessed comparing to actions taken during and after the last outbreak (LSV/Ebola) 1- Specific logistic provided to control LF 2- Basics hospital hygiene 3- knowledge on EID Semi-structured interviews with caregivers Direct observation of HCC environment 10

11 METHODS 3 SPSS version 17.0: quantitative analysis
A comparison between outbreaks and post- epidemics periods by using Chi2(Fisher) Contents analysis: qualitative variables 11


13 RESULTS 1 60 HCC were concerned Levels Types National(16%)
Regional (34%) District(50%) Types Private and confessional(25%) Publics (75%) 13

14 RESULTS 2 60 caregivers investigated Professions
Doctors 40%,Nurses 60% Median Seniority: 10years(3-34) None trained on LF 14

15 Specific logistic provided to control LF
RESULTS 3 Specific logistic provided to control LF 15

16 Specific logistic provided to control LF
RESULTS 4 Specific logistic provided to control LF X-ray % P=0.000 16

17 Specific logistic provided to control LF
RESULTS 5 Specific logistic provided to control LF % P=0.000 17

18 Specific logistic provided to control LF
RESULTS 6 Specific logistic provided to control LF P=0.005 % 18

19 Basics hospital hygiene
RESULTS 7 Basics hospital hygiene 19

20 RESULTS 8 Basics hospital hygiene P=0.002 20

21 RESULTS 9 Basics hospital hygiene % P=0.005 21

22 Knowledge on Emerging Infectious Disease
RESULTS 10 Knowledge on Emerging Infectious Disease 22

23 knowledge on Emerging Infectious disease
RESULTS 11 knowledge on Emerging Infectious disease % P=0.000 23

24 knowledge on Emerging Infectious disease
RESULTS 12 knowledge on Emerging Infectious disease % P=0.000 24

25 knew How to prevent Zika suspected zika based on symptoms
RESULTS 13 Zika virus Unknown up to OG 2016 Rio 0% knew How to prevent Zika Asked once zika test suspected zika based on symptoms 25

26 RESULTS 14 Functional hand washing devices for patients at the main entrance of HCC: During outbreaks Period After outbreaks Period % Yes % No South 60% 40% Central 50% North 80% 20% No statistical difference in findings 26

27 RESULTS 15 Hand washing before/after contact with patients 69.2% 30.8%
During outbreaks Period After outbreaks Period % Yes % No Medical Doctor 69.2% 30.8% Nurse 70.4% 29.6% No statistical difference in findings 27

28 RESULTS 16 Propositions from caregivers to preempt LF spreading in HCC
Providing logistics for basic hygiene Training and supervision at levels of health system Introducing EID in basics training content of health workers and schools Motivating and evaluating impact HCC actions 28

29 CONCLUSION Pre-emptive actions of LF spreading in HCC are quiet low and inadequate Despite good knowledge of the disease Maintain appropriate and sustain good actions To pre-empt spreading of emerging infectious diseases such LVF/Ebola within HW Health authorities have to mobilize resources to reinforce the health system International as well as domestic 29

30 AKNWOLEDGEMENTS Health workers Collaborators
Military Teaching Hospital Benin Ministry of health and partners Organizers of this symposium 30

31 Thanks for your attention Merci pour votre attention “The more we are together the merrier we shall be” 31

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