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Welcome to Curriculum Night!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night!!
Ms. Robinette’s 4th Grade Class

2 Flow of the Day Arrival and Morning Message Morning Meeting
Reader’s Workshop and Guided Reading Writer’s Workshop Interactive Read Aloud Specials- Drama, Music, Spanish, STEAM, PE, Art, Chess Social Studies

3 Reader’s Workshop 5- 7 minute Mini-lesson each day with active student involvement Read Aloud for about 10 minutes Students are expected to know the routine of Daily 5 and follow it independently. I will work with guided reading groups during this time. Students are to read books according to the genre we are currently studying. At home: you should have authentic conversations about what you read with your child.

4 The Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Word Work Work on Writing
Listen to Reading Guided Reading Group with Ms. Robinette I-Ready/No red ink using technology

5 4th Grade Reading Units Launching the reader’s workshop & its’ expectations Deepening Understanding of characters through historical fiction Summarizing & thinking critically with the use of supporting details Becoming an expert on a topic using non-fiction reading skills Exploring Historical Fiction Developing reading strategies to read critically and think deeply Alternating class research and and test taking strategies to maintain student interest

6 5th Grade Reading Units The Reader in You, Developing Characters
Character-A-Palooza: Deepening Understanding of Character Just the Facts Man: Reading and Identifying Information He Said, She Said: Different Perspectives Exploring Fantasy Investigating Multiple Texts and Interpreting Themes Gathering Facts Extra! Extra! Tell All About It: Working On Key Ideas and Details, Range of Reading, and Structure

7 Forty Book Challenge Track what you read at home by exploring the different genres Every time you finish a book, mark off the appropriate square Once you get all forty crossed off, a parent should sign it and then bring it in for a special surprise! The purpose of this is to broaden the types of books you read if you are used to reading only one type of book

8 Writer’s Workshop 5- 7 minute Mini-lesson each day with active student involvement Conferencing will be used to help individual students develop stronger writing skills Students will be introduced to and compose a variety of writing with a beginning focus on .narratives Other units of study include informative writing, research writing, and opinion writing

9 4th Grade Writing Units Taking Charge as a Writer
Diving Into Narrative Writing Research Writing (as a group and independently) Opinion Writing Revisiting of Writing Genres

10 5th Grade Writing Units Establishing a Writer’s Workshop
Personal Narrative to Memoir Using Opinions to Persuade Others Fantasy Writing Interpretative Writing Informational Writing: Research Reports

11 4th Grade Social Studies
Story of North Carolina North Carolina Regions Starting a Colony Creating a State North Carolina Government People and Culture of North Carolina Important People of the Past WILLIAMSBURG, VA!

12 5th Grade Social Studies
Exploring the United States The American People Early Life in the East and West Connections Across Continents The American Revolution A Growing Nation War Expansion and Change

13 Homework Language Arts Read for 15-20 minutes (chart in reading log)
See assigned homework sheet on what to write about in reading journal Spelling and Vocabulary (lists will be passed out every Monday, with a quiz on Friday) There will also be a brief writing assignment each night to reinforce what we are working on in class

14 Assessments Teacher made assessments after skills are taught/ unit is completed Observations Spelling and vocabulary tests on Fridays I-Ready

15 Field Trip Information
We will visit the local library once a month (usually the third Friday of every month) to pick out books that match up with what we are learning in Reader’s Workshop We will also have one additional monthly field trip! September- Stagville October- State Capital/Governor’s Mansion November- Theater in Durham December- Art Museum January- Planetarium February- Theater in Durham March- History Museum April- Williamsburg (3 day trip)! May- Meredith College

16 Hope Reigns Community Project
Takes place in March Provides comfort to hurting children and their families by providing one-on-one sessions between caring leaders and rescued horses See for more information

17 ???Questions??? Time for answering questions…
If we don’t get to your question, write on index card and I will answer in the next newsletter or via . me anytime!

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