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Basic Needs of Living Things

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Needs of Living Things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Needs of Living Things

2 Identifying Basic Needs
Living Things Identifying Basic Needs of all Living Things

3 What do all these livings things need?

4 Let’s play the “Mystery Animal” game!
Let’s find out! Let’s play the “Mystery Animal” game! Rules: 1. Listen to the clues about the living thing. 2. We will do one animal at a time. 3. The clues will tell the needs of a specific living thing. 4. Write each clue & guess the living thing.

5 What kind of living thing am I?
I live in a den. I like to eat berries and fish. I breathe fresh mountain air. I drink fresh mountain river water. I have a thick fur coat to keep me warm. What kind of living thing am I? Click here for answer Do you need a hint? > Hint

6 What kind of living thing am I?
I live in a large body of water. I eat fish for dinner every night. I sometimes breathe fresh ocean air. I never run out of water to drink. I have very shiny, slippery skin over fat that keeps me warm. Click here for answer What kind of living thing am I? Hint Do you need a hint? >

7 What kind of living thing am I? Hint I live in the trees.
I eat a lot of vegetation. I breathe warm, humid air. I drink from rivers near waterfalls. I fur to keep me warm in the cool rain. What kind of living thing am I? Click here for answer Hint Do you need a hint? >

8 JOURNAL: Think about all these living things.
Think about the clues you saw for each living thing. Write about the 4 basic needs that all living things require to live. What was the fifth need that was identified in the game?

9 I sometimes climb trees and eat honey!
Animal 1 Hint: I sometimes climb trees and eat honey! Go back to find out.

10 Animal Hint #2: I can spout water from an air hole.
Go back to find out.

11 Animal Hint #3 I can swing from trees. Go back to find out.

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