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BSDHT Indemnity Launched in 2016, BSDHT Indemnity is a new insurance policy developed especially for dental hygienists and dental therapists. Usually insurance.

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2 BSDHT Indemnity Launched in 2016, BSDHT Indemnity is a new insurance policy developed especially for dental hygienists and dental therapists. Usually insurance policies include dentists, who typically have a higher exposure of risk and therefore increase the chances of a higher premium. This product aims to provide value for dental hygienists and dental therapists without compromising on cover. This bespoke policy has been designed by the BSDHT and Howden, a Chartered insurance broker with a specialist Care and Medical team.

3 “I am so pleased with the BSDHT indemnity services provided by Howden
“I am so pleased with the BSDHT indemnity services provided by Howden. The team have been extremely helpful and answer all my questions quickly and efficiently. I know BSDHT indemnity has greatly reduced renewal fees for many members so I definitely encourage others to contact Howden.” Sam Davidson, Dental Hygienist

4 What is covered Professional Indemnity Full Scope of Practice
Public Liability cover as an optional add on. Breach of professional confidentiality Direct access covered as standard Inquest costs in respect of unexpected deaths which may give rise to a claim. Helpline for advice/support. General Dental Council Investigation Costs Automatic Run-off for 12 months for death, retirement, disability. Automatic Run-off for 12 months for maternity or paternity leave where the insurance is not renewed. Teeth Whitening under prescription

5 Other information BSDHT Indemnity is managed by Howden’s friendly team based in Brighton. For all enquiries please contact: or Claims can easily be made via the insurer, Beazley Solutions Limited by , phone or post. The policy is available exclusively for BSDHT members. Remember, you must stay a member for your policy to remain in force. Howden will provide you with full Terms & Conditions.

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